Канада - государство в Северной Америке, занимает северную часть матер перевод - Канада - государство в Северной Америке, занимает северную часть матер английский как сказать

Канада - государство в Северной Аме

Канада - государство в Северной Америке, занимает северную часть материка и примыкающие к ней острова. Омывается с востока Атлантическим, с запада Тихим, с севера Северным Ледовитым океанами. На юге Канада имеет протяженную границу с Соединенными Штатами Америки, так же Канада граничит с Россией на севере. Крупнейшие города Канады: Торонто, Монреаль, Ванкувер, Оттава, Эдмонтон, Калгари, Квебек, Виннипег, Гамильтон. Столица Канады - город Оттава. Канада занимает второе место по площади в мире после России и первое в Северной Америке. Общая площадь территории страны равна 9976140 км2. Численность населения Канады на данный момент составляет приблизительно 34 миллиона человек. TIPO S WIKIPEDII
Всемирный банк ставит Канаду на второе место после Австралии в списке самых богатых стран мира, а ООН считает, что уровень жизни в Канаде является самым высоким в мире. Такого высокого темпа развития Канада добилась в годы Второй мировой войны и удерживает его до сих пор.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Canada is a country in North America, occupies the northern part of the Mainland and adjacent to the island. To the East is washed by the Atlantic, West Pacific, North of the Arctic Ocean. In southern Canada has a long border with the United States, Canada also shares borders with Russia in the North. Canada's largest cities: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Hamilton. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Canada is the second largest in the world after Russia and the first in North America. The total area of the country is 9976140 km2. Canada's population currently stands at approximately 34 million people. TIPO S WIKIPEDIIThe World Bank puts Canada in second place after Australia's richest countries of the world, and the UN believes that the standard of living in Canada is the highest in the world. Such a high rate of Development Canada has made in World War II and kept it until now.Economy
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Canada - a country in North America, occupies the northern part of the continent and the adjacent islands. Washed from the east Atlantic, west Pacific, north Arctic Ocean. In the south, Canada has a long border with the United States, as well Canada is bordered by Russia to the north. Canada's largest cities: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Hamilton. The capital of Canada - Ottawa. Canada is the second largest in the world after Russia and the first in North America. The total area of the country is 9976140 km2. Canada's population currently stands at approximately 34 million people. TIPO S WIKIPEDII
World Bank puts Canada in second place after Australia's richest countries in the world, and the UN believes that the standard of living in Canada is the highest in the world. Such high growth rates achieved in Canada during the Second World War and holds it until now.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Canada is a state in North America, took a northern part of mainland and adjacent to the islands. Superbly from the east Atlantic, the West Pacific, north Bering Sea.In southern Canada has a long border with the United States of America, in the same Canada is bordered by Russia to the north. The largest city of Canada: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Quebec, Winnipeg,Hamilton. Canada's capital city Ottawa. Canada is the second largest area in the world after Russia and the first in North America. The total area of the country is equal 9976140 km2.The population of Canada at this time is approximately 34 million people. Tipo S WIKIPEDII
the World Bank puts Canada on the second place after Australia in the list the richest countries of the world, and considers,That the level of living in Canada is the highest in the world. Such a high pace development Canada had made in the years of the Second World War and holds it so far.
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