1) Преподаватель выписал все ощибки, сделанные студентами в последней контрольной работе и составил (написал) несколько упражнении для тренировки забытых студентами грамматических правил.
2) Гуляя на днях по парку, я очутился в совершенно незнакомом месте.
3) Сдавая тетрадь, студент сказал, что он не закончил последнее упражнение, и обещал сделать его к следующему уроку.
4) Увидев, что собирается дождь, мать велела детям идти домой.
10. Женщина бы ла очень благодарна офицеру, спасшему жизнь ее ребенку.
11. Приехав на вокзал, Петр купил билет и, вндя, что у него достаточно времени, пошел посмотреть на новый театр, построенный недалеко от вокзала. 12. Вы видите высокого человека, стоящего у окна? Это известный актер. Вы хоти те, чтобы я познакомил вас с ним? 13. Сыграв две партии в шахматы, он собрался уходить (поднялся, чтобы уйти), сказав, что чувствует себя усталым. 14. Студентов, сде лавших интересные доклады на уроке, пригласили принять участие в этой конференции.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1) Teacher wrote all the oshhibki made by students in the latest tests and made several exercise (wrote) for training of forgotten students grammatical rules. 2) Walking in the Park the other day, I found myself in a completely strange place. 3) handing over the notebook, the student said that he had not finished the last exercise, and promised to make it on to the next lesson. 4) to see what is going to rain, the mother told her children to go home.10. a woman would be la so thankful to the officer who saved the life of her child.11. Arriving at the station, Peter vndja, bought a ticket and that he has enough time, went to look at the new theatre, which was built near the station. 12. you see the high man standing by the window? It's a famous actor. You mean the ones that I introduced you to him? 13. Having played two games of chess, he wanted to leave (up to leave), saying that he feels tired. 14. Students, SDE lavshih interesting reports on the lesson, was invited to participate in this Conference.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1) the teacher gave all ощибки made by students in the last reference work and was (wrote) a few exercise workout neglected students grammatical rules.2) walking on the other day in the park, i found myself in a strange place.3) to pick up the book, the student said that he didn't finish the last exercise, and promised to make it to the next lesson.4) to see that it's going to rain, mother told the children to go home.10. the woman was very grateful to la officer who saved the life of her child.11. arriving at the station, peter bought the ticket and, вндя that he had enough time to go look at the new theatre was built near the station. 12. you can see a tall man standing by the window? this is a famous actor. you wa those that i introduce you to him? 13. by playing a chess game, he's going to get (got up to leave, saying that she feels tired. 14. students, do лавших interesting reports on the class, was invited to take part in this conference.
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