Привет дорогой Jon.
Мне очень жаль, что ты потратил столько денег. Я прекрасно понимаю что эти деньги тяжело зарабатываются. И очень быстро тратятся. Но что мы можем сделать? Если наше общение нравится нам обоим. А как мы можем быть без общения? Как мы узнаем друг друга? Мне очень понравилось с тобой общаться. Ты очень умный и хороший человек. У меня сложилось такое впечатление, что мы знакомы давно)) Мне очень легко и комфортно с тобой общаться. Я также очень хочу встретиться с тобой, и не знаю как это сделать в ближайшее время. Я же тебе говорила какая у меня ситуация в стране и в моем городе. Просто сейчас, я не могу выехать с города. Надеюсь, что скоро все наладится и мы встретимся)) Конечно, не вкоем случае не бросайте свою работу. Чтобы не произошло ничего плохого. Ооо, вы садите помидоры и перец))Это очень прекрасные растения. И я очень люблю есть помидоры)) Мы также садим помидоры, но мы садем не много. Садим так, чтобы хватило поесть и законсервировать на зиму. Я думаю что у тебя все получиться и ты все успеешь посадить.
У тебя очень интересная и разнообразная жизнь. Мне это очень нравится в тебе. Я бы тоже хотела такой жизни. Но у меня она не такая разнообразная как у тебя. Я никогда не летала на самолете. Но очень хочу этого.... Моя мечта посетить многие страны. Узнать их культуру, менталитет, мировоззрение. И конечно жеж увидеть всю красоту их природы. Когда я училась то у меня не было времени на другие занятия. Так как медецина это очень тяжелое обучение. Мне нужно было учить систему научных знаний и практических мер, объединяемых целью распознавания, лечения и предупреждения болезней, сохранения и укрепления здоровья и трудоспособности людей, продления жизни. А это не так уж и просто. Все свободное время я облаживала себя книгами. И училась, училась, училась..... Это большая ответственность отвечать за здоровье людей в любом направлении. И я отношусь к этому очень серьезно. Когда было хоть какое то свободное время я помогала родителям. Мы ездили в село на ферму. Там мы делали много работы по огороду. Мне это очень нравится, хоть нужно много работать. Но я там отдыхала духовно и сливалась с природой)) У меня в деревне очень хорошо, чистий воздух, красивая природа, вся еда натуральная без добавок. Есть небольшая речушка, я часто с папой ловлю там рыбу. Это занятие мне очень нравится))
Как прекрасно что ты был на Гавайях)))Я тоже хочу на Гавайские острова. Там очень красиво и прекрасно. Я знаю что Гавайские острова открыл для европейцев английский мореплаватель Джеймс Кук во время своего 3-го кругосветного путешествия. Кук дал им название Сэндвичевы острова (это название использовали в XVIII и XIX веках) в честь Первого лорда Адмиралтейства Джона Монтегю, 4-го графа Сэндвича, чьё имя тем не менее всё равно осталось в истории человечества: Джон Монтегю является изобретателем сэндвича — бутерброда с начинкой между двумя кусками хлеба. Остров Гавайи — самый большой и молодой остров в цепочке, состоящий из семи различных вулканов. Щитовидный вулкан Мауна-Лоа занимает площадь около 5200 км², что составляет более половины острова; это крупнейший по площади активный вулкан и второй среди всех вулканов на Земле (первым является подводный массив Таму). Высота вулкана от морского дна (Гавайская впадина) до пика составляет более 10 километров. Большинство извержений на Гавайях относятся к гавайскому типу, из-за высокой температуры и текучести базальтовой магмы они образуют плоские щитовые формы вулканов. Самый активный вулкан на Гавайских островах — Килауэа, он непрерывно извергается с 1983 года.
Пристав себе Гавайские острова являются родиной множества эндемичных видов. Растительная и животная жизнь островов развивалась практически в полной изоляции в течение 70 миллионов лет. Приход людей принёс с собой новые растения и животных. Рост населения привёл к уменьшению площади лесов, увеличению количества степей и общему ухудшению состояния окружающей среды. В результате этого значительное количество видов животных, живших в лесах и находивших в них пищу, вымерло. Сельское хозяйство монокультурного типа заменило многовидовые системы. Приход европейцев уже в новое и новейшее время привёл к развитию крупномасштабного сельскохозяйственного монокультурного производства и животноводства с целью экспорта продукции. В свою очередь, это повлекло ещё более интенсивное сведение лесов, что, в совокупности со стремительным ростом городов, привело к очередному витку экологических проблем. В настоящее время большое количество эндемичных видов флоры и фауны находятся на грани вымирания. А ты знал, что президент США Барак Обама родился на Гавайских островах, в городе Гонолулу)))Я когда узнала была очень удивлена. Ой, я что то увлеклась Гавайями) Извини, просто моя мечта там побывать. Ах, да еще я писала доклад о Гавайях, на первом курсе)))
Это очень ужасно, что ты пережил из за той девушки(( Она поступила низко и подло по отношению к тебе. Я щитаю, если ты человека не любишь, то скажи это ему прямо в глаза. Как бы ему не было больно, но лучше горькая правда, чем сладкая ложь. Но это мое мнение.... Зачем человека водить за нос... Лучше будет для обеих сторон, если они будут честными друг с другом. То ты был женат на ней? И она так с тобой поступила? У меня нету слов, а только одни эмоции. У вас с ней есть совместные дети? Эта женщина не достойна тебя. Ты поступил с ней как настоящий мужчина. Позаботился о ней, помог в трудной жизненной ситуации (когда умер ее отец). А она поступила так с тобой. Она тебя не достойна. Она хоть раз связалась с тобой, и объяснила тебе, почему она так поступила? Я просто напросто не могу понять этого.
Меня также предавали в этой жизни. Но боюсь что мне не хватит сил и времени все рассказать. Очень тяжело все это вспоминать. Как то в другой раз я тебе все расскажу. Просто сейчас мне тяжело об этом писать. Ты только не обижайся, хорошо? Я ничего от тебя не скрываю. Но еще не время такое рассказывать. И нужно где то два дня, чтобы все написать))
Для меня очень важно то, что ты сказал мне правду. Я это ценю в людях.... Для меня тоже очень тяжело поверить заново мужчине. Открыться и говорить о разном безо всяких трудностей. С тобой, незнаю почему я могу говорить обо всем)) Конечно, я бы хотела чтобы ты только со мной общался. Знаешь, женская гордость и ревность и так дальше.... Но я прекрасно понимаю то, что мы только познакомились. И никто, некому, не давал никаких обещаний. Это твое право общаться с кем ты захочешь. Мне конечно бы хотелось чтобы ты общался только со мной. Я скажу тебе честно, я общаюсь здесь только с тобой. Потому что я недавно здесь зарегистрировалась. И мне еще не попадались нормальние мужчини. Конечно, кроме тебя))
Хочу узнать о тебе все и чем по больше)) Буду рада твоему письму опять.
Мои поцелуи тебе.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Hi dear Jon.I'm sorry that you have spent so much money. I understand that this money is hard to earn. And very quickly spent. But what can we do? If our communication like the both of us. And how can we be without communication? As we get to know each other? I really enjoyed talking with you. You're very intelligent and nice man. I have the impression that we are familiar with long)) I really easy and comfortable communicating with you. I also really want to meet you, and I do not know how to do this in the near future. I told you what my situation in the country and in my city. Just now, I cannot leave the town. I hope that soon everything will be solved and we will meet)) certainly not vkoem not throw their work. Nothing to bad. OOo, you sadite the tomatoes and peppers)) is a very beautiful plant. And I really love eating tomatoes)) we also plant a tomato, but not a lot of sadem. Sadim, to have enough to eat and preserve for the winter. I think you all get and you all have time to plant. You have a very interesting and varied life. I like it a lot in you. I too would like this kind of life. But I do it not as varied as you have. I've never flown on a plane. But really want this .... My dream is to visit many countries. Learn their culture, mentality, Outlook. And of course žež see all the beauty of nature. When I learned that I didn't have time for other activities. Since medicine is a very heavy training. I had to learn the system of scientific knowledge and practical measures, which are combined to recognize, treat and prevent disease, preserve and enhance the health and work capacity of people, prolong life. And it's not so easy. All the free time I have oblaživala themselves with books. And she, she, she is ... It is a big responsibility for the health of people in any direction. And I take it very seriously. When it was some what spare time I helped her parents. We went to a village to farm. There we did a lot of work on the vegetable garden. I like it a lot, though it needs a lot of work. But I had a rest mentally and well blended with nature)) in my village is very good, fresh air, beautiful nature, all natural food without additives. There is a small rivulet, I often catch fish there with dad. This lesson I really like))How wonderful that you were in Hawaii))) I also want to Hawaii. There's a very nice and beautiful. I know that the Hawaiian Islands discovered for Europeans English Navigator James Cook during his 3-day round-the-world trip. Cook, gave them the name of the Sandwich Islands (this is the name used in the 18th and 19th centuries) in honor of the first Lord of the Admiralty John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich 4, whose name however is still left in the history of mankind: John Montague is the inventor of the sandwich is a sandwich with filling between two slices of bread. Island of Hawaii is the largest and youngest island in the chain, consisting of seven different volcanoes. Mauna Loa shield volcano covers an area of approximately 5200 km ², representing more than half of the island; It is the largest active volcano and second among all volcanoes on the Earth (the first was underwater array Tamu). The height of the volcano from the Seabed (Hawaiian trough) to peak at more than 10 kilometers. Most eruptions in Hawaii are Hawaiian type, due to the high temperature and flow of basaltic magma form a flat shield volcanoes form. The most active volcano in Hawaii-Kilauea, it continuously erupting from 1983 onwards. Bailiff a Hawaiian Islands are home to many endemic species. Plant and animal life of the Islands developed in almost complete isolation for 70 million years. The arrival of people brought with them new plants and animals. Population growth has led to a decrease in forest area, increase the number of the steppes and the general deterioration of the environment. As a result, a significant number of species of animals living in the forests and the berth observing food become extinct. Agriculture crop type has replaced multi-species systems. The arrival of Europeans in the new and latest time has led to the development of large-scale agricultural crop production and livestock for export products. In turn, this has led to even more intensive deforestation, which, combined with the rapid growth of cities has led to another round of environmental problems. Currently, a large number of endemic species of flora and fauna in danger of extinction. Did you know that the President of the United States Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, Honolulu))) I've learned was very surprised. Oh, I got interested in Hawaii) is that I'm sorry, just my dream to go there. Ah, Yes, I wrote a report on Hawaii, freshman year)))This is a very awful that you have experienced due to the girls ((she went low and mean towards you. I ŝitaû if you don't like a person, then tell it to him straight in the eye as he was not hurt, but the bitter truth is better than sweet lie. But that's my opinion .... Why do people drive over the nose ... It would be better for both parties if they are honest with each other. Then you were married to her? And she did with you? I have no words, only emotions. You have to have children together? This woman is not worthy of you. You did it like a real man. Took care of her, helped in difficult situations (when her father died). And she did so with you. She does not deserve. She once contacted Tobo
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Hello dear Jon. I'm sorry that you spent so much money. I am well aware that this money is hard earned. And very quickly spent. But what can we do? If our communication like both of us. And how can we be alone? How do we know each other? I really enjoyed talking to you. You are very smart and a good person. I was under the impression that we are familiar with for a long time)) I am very easy and comfortable to communicate with you. I also really want to meet you, and I do not know how to do it soon. I told you what my situation in the country and in my town. Just now, I can not leave the city. I hope that soon things will get better and we will meet)) Of course, vkoem not throw their work. Lest there be anything wrong. Ooh, you sadite tomatoes and peppers)) This is a very beautiful plant. And I love to eat tomatoes)) We also sadim tomatoes, but we sadem not much. Sadim so as to have enough to eat and to preserve for the winter. I think that you will do it, and you all have time to plant. You have a very interesting and varied life. I love that about you. I would also like this kind of life. But I have it is not as diverse as yours. I've never flown on an airplane. But really want it .... My dream is to visit many countries. Learn their culture, mentality and outlook. And of course zhezh see the beauty of nature. When I learned that I did not have time for other activities. Since it is very difficult medetsina training. I had to teach the system of scientific knowledge and practices, united purpose of recognition, treatment and prevention of diseases, health promotion and disability people, prolonging life. And it's not so easy. All my free time I oblazhivala yourself books. I went to school, studied, learned ..... That's a big responsibility to respond to the health of people in any direction. And I take it very seriously. When it was at least some free time I helped parents. We went to the village to the farm. There we did a lot of work on the garden. I love it, though you have to work. But I rested there spiritually and merge with nature)) I have a very good village, clean air, beautiful nature, all natural foods without additives. There is a small river, I often with my dad catch fish there. This lesson I really like)) How wonderful that you were in Hawaii))) I also want to Hawaii. It is very beautiful and lovely. I know that Hawaii has opened for Europeans English navigator James Cook during his third voyage around the world. Cook named them the Sandwich Islands (the name used in the XVIII and XIX centuries) in honor of the First Lord of the Admiralty John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, whose name nevertheless still remained in the history of mankind: John Montague is the inventor of the sandwich - sandwich filling between two slices of bread. Island of Hawaii - the largest and youngest island in the chain, which consists of seven different volcanoes. Shield volcano Mauna Loa covers an area of about 5200 square kilometers, accounting for more than half of the island; it is the largest active volcano in area and second among all volcanoes in the world (the first is an array of underwater Tamu). The height of the volcano from the seabed (Hawaiian depression) to a peak of more than 10 kilometers. Most eruptions in Hawaii are Hawaiian type, due to the high temperature and the flow of basaltic magma, they form a flat shield volcanoes form. The most active volcano in Hawaii - Kilauea, he continuously erupting since 1983. The bailiff himself Hawaiian Islands are home to a variety of endemic species. Plant and animal life of the island was developed in almost complete isolation for 70 million years. The arrival of people brought with them new plants and animals. Population growth has led to a decrease in forest area, increasing the number of the steppes and the general deterioration of the environment. As a result, a significant number of species of animals living in the woods and find them food, died. Monoculture agriculture is replaced with multi-species system. The arrival of Europeans in the new and modern times has led to the development of large-scale monoculture farming and livestock production in order to export products. In turn, this led to an even more intensive deforestation, which, in conjunction with the rapid growth of cities has led to another round of environmental problems. Currently, a large number of endemic species of flora and fauna in danger of extinction. Did you know that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in Honolulu))) When I learned was very surprised. Oh, I was fascinated by what is Hawaii) Sorry, just my dream to go there. Oh yes I also wrote a report on Hawaii, in the first year))) This is terrible that you have experienced because of the girl ((She went low and despicable in relation to you. I am the shield, if you do not love a person, say it to him straight in the eye. As much as he was not hurt, but the bitter truth is better than a sweet lie. But this is my opinion .... What man led by the nose ... It will be better for both sides if they are honest with each other. That you were married to her? And she to you? I have no words, but only one emotion. You have to have her children together? This woman is not worthy of you. You did it like a man. Take care of It helped in difficult situations (when her father died.) And it did so with you. She does not deserve you. She once got in touch with Tobo
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Hello dear Jon.
I am sorry that you spent so much money. I understand full well that the money seriously how important modernisation. And very quickly spent. But what can we do? If our communication like both of us.As well as we can be without communication? As we know each other? I am very happy to communicate with you. You are a very smart and a good person. I have the impression,That we are familiar with long)) me very easily and comfortably with you to communicate. I am also very i would like to meet with you, and I don't know how to do this in the near future. I told you what I have said the situation in the country, and in my city.Just now, I would not want to leave the city. I hope that soon everything is in place and we will meet again)) of course, not вкоем case does not throw its work. It has nothing to bad. The Company,You bear fruit upward tomatoes and pepper))this is a very beautiful of plants. And I really love there are tomatoes)) we also садим tomatoes, but we садем is not much. Садим so that enough eat and preserve for winter.I think that you are able and you're all planting as many times as you can.
You a very interesting and varied life. I really like it in you. I would like such a life. But I it is not such a wide range as well as you do.I never flew on a plane. But I am this .... My dream to visit many countries. Learn about their culture, mentality and outlook. And, of course жеж to see all the beauty of nature.When I suddenly realize that I didn't have time for other activities. As медецина this is a very heavy training. I need to it was to teach the scientific knowledge and practical measures that are collected to recognition,Treatment and prevention disease, maintain and enhance the health and disability benefits people, the extension of life. And this is not so and simply. All free time i облаживала the books. And she, she, she .....This is a large responsibility responsible for the health of the people in any direction. And I think that this is very serious. When it was what the free time I have helped parents. We went to the village on the farm.There, we have done a lot of work on огороду. I really like it, but you need to work. But I was there spiritually and enchanting city drains with nature)) i have in the village very well, us to cleanse our hearts air, the beautiful nature,All food natural without additives. There is also a small only sands, i often with Pope fishing fish there. This is an activity i like))
as well that you were in Hawaii)))I, too, wish to the Hawaiian islands.There is very nice and very beautiful. I know that Hawaiian Islands opened for Europeans English seafarer James Cook during his 3-th a sailor travel.Cook gave them the name South Sandwich islands (this is the name used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries) in honor First Lord John Montague Admiralty, 4-th graph sandwich, whose name nevertheless still remains in the history of mankind.John Montague is touting sandwich - sandwich with stuffing between two pieces of bread. Hawaii Island is the largest and a young island in the chain, consisting of seven different volcanoes.Щитовидныи volcano Mauna-loa occupies an area of more than 5200 km², that is more than half the island.This is the largest area of an active volcano and the second among all volcanoes on the Earth (the first was underwater array and). The height of the eruption of the seabed (Hawaiian tooth) to peak at more than 10 kilometers.Most volcanic eruptions in Hawaii include the Hawaiian type, because of the high temperature and high turnover basalt magma they form a flat panel meters form volcanoes.The most active volcano in the Hawaiian islands - Килауэа, defile it continuously since 1983. Lord Sergeant itself Hawaiian islands are homeland of many endemic species.Crop material and an islands has developed almost in complete isolation for 70 million years. The Parish people have brought with them the new plants and animals. Population growth has led to reduced the area of forests,An increase in the number of grassland and the overall deterioration of the environment. As a result, a large number of species of animals that lived in the forest and as they eat, вымерло.Agriculture, ecosystem-wide multiple-species monoculture type system has been replaced.The Parish Europeans are already in the new and the latest time has resulted in the development large-scale agricultural monoculture production and livestock production with a view to export their products. In turn,This would have resulted in an even more intense deforestation, that, in conjunction with the rapid urban growth, has led to spiralling environmental problems.Currently, a large number of endemic species of flora and fauna are on the brink of extinction. As well you know, that the US President Barak Obama was born in Hawaii,In the city Honolulu)))I when she learned was very surprised. Oops, I that the undergraduate know Hawaii) I'm sorry, but my dream is to visit. Oh, yes I wrote report on Hawaii, the first course)))lord this is a very terrible,What do you experienced from the girls(( it citation low and assassinated in relation to you. I щитаю, if you're human rights do not love me, then say it to him directly in the eyes. As it had not been hurt, but bitter truth is better than sweet lie.But this is my opinion .... Why rights driving the nose ... Better it will be for both sides, if they will be honest with each other. You are married to it? And it did so with you citation? I don't words, but only one emotion.You have to have joint children? The woman was not worthy thee. You joined with it, as the present man. Popper on it, helped in difficult situations (when he died her father). And it has been so with you.It was not the voice of the Lord is worthy. It once again contacted the тобо
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