Есть сведения, что Лама реинкарнировался в трех детей в разных частях света (большой шутник), и Норбу отправляется на поиски, чтобы собрать детей вместе и выяснить, кто же из них настоящая реинкарнация его учителя.
There is evidence that the three children reinkarnirovalsâ Lama in different parts of the world (the big prankster) and Norbu is sent on a quest to gather the children together and figure out who of them true reincarnation of his teacher.
There is evidence that the reincarnated Lama in three children in different parts of the world (a great joker) and Norbu goes on a quest to gather children together and find out who among them is the real reincarnation of his teacher.
there were indications that the lama реинкарнировался in three children in different parts of the world (the joker), and goes in search of norbu to gather the children together and find out which one is the reincarnation of his teacher.