- слабая интегрированность национальных логистических систем в общеевр перевод - - слабая интегрированность национальных логистических систем в общеевр английский как сказать

- слабая интегрированность национал

- слабая интегрированность национальных логистических систем в общеевразийскую и европейскую;
- достаточно большой бумажный документооборот логистических провайдеров;
- недостаточное использование информационных технологий провайдерами логистических услуг [22, с. 42-45];
- многие предприятия опасаются доверять информацию посторонним, боятся потерять контроль над ситуацией;
- существующие фирмы, предлагающие услуги в сфере логистики и поддерживающие качество сервиса на мировом уровне, устанавливают относительно высокие цены на свои услуги.
- переход на аутсорсинг требует чрезвычайно высокого уровня организации управления;
- проблема таможни (простои транспорта, потеря времени и денег);
увольнение части работников компании-заказчика в результате применения аутсорсинга;
- «серые схемы» работы многих отечественных предприятий [9, с. 7];
Таким образом, основными мотивы выбора аутсорсинга на предприятиях является – снижение затрат компании, концентрация ее на профильном бизнесе, повышение качества услуг или товаров, передача некоторых рисков компании-аутсорсеру, повышение конкурентоспособности. Однако предприятие сталкивается с рядом проблем, основные из которых – невысокий уровень логистического аутсорсинга, неоправданно высокие цены услуг, риски внешнего снабжения (потеря контроля, задержки), неполная информация о поставщиках логистических услуг на белорусском рынке. Кроме того, белорусский рынок аутсорсинга тормозится реалиями белорусской экономики и несовершенной нормативно-правовой базой.
Ещё хотелось бы отметить, что не стоит гнаться за количеством, сейчас Беларуси требуются современные логистические центры с полным циклом логистических услуг и качественным логистическим сервисом, что позволит экспортерам и импортерам при передаче логистики на аутсорсинг минимизировать логистические затраты в конечной цене товара, а качественная переработка транзитного грузопотока логистическими центрами – увеличить доходы от транзита и повысить транзитную привлекательность Республики Беларусь [25, с. 28-33].
2.2.3 Пути и перспективы развития рынка логистического аутсорсинга в Республике Беларусь
Среди сценариев развития рынка логистических услуг можно увидеть несколько четких тенденций. Одним из первых изменений в сторону развития рынка аутсорсинга логистических услуг в Республике Беларусь явилось массовое появление западных логистических операторов (Schеnkеr, DHL, др.), имеющих значительные финансовые возможности и наработанные связи с транснациональными клиентами. Именно в западных странах впервые были оценены широкие возможности аутсорсинга как эффективного способа снижения затрат (финансовых, временных, кадровых, управленческих) на логистические операции.
Другая тенденция наблюдается в том, что по мере развития платежеспособного спроса будет расти предложение качественных услуг со стороны международных компаний, хорошо оснащенных в техническом и технологическом отношении. Пожалуй, международные логистические провайдеры будут заинтересованы в создании альянсов, так называемых местных партнеров. Местный партнер будет обеспечивать операционную часть (транспорт, складирование, др.), а зарубежный – информационную и управляющую плюс связь с зарубежными рынками. Это имеет смысл уже только для того, чтобы отечественные компании могли получить ценный опыт и рост мастерства.
Весьма прогрессивным следует считать введение процедуры добровольной сертификации логистических услуг (СТБ 2306-2013 «Услуги логистические. Общие требования и процедура сертификации», вводится в действие с 1.11.2013 г.). Добровольная сертификации логистических услуг, позволит определить логистических операторов, которые оказывают логистические услуги, как на собственных объектах, так и на арендуемых складских помещениях и других объектах инфраструктуры логистического центра. Насколько удастся повысить качество, оказываемых услуг логистическими центрами путем введения добровольной сертификации покажет время.
В дополнение к добровольной сертификации логистических услуг, необходимо создать реестр объектов логистической инфраструктуры, что позволит четко разделить объекты логистической инфраструктуры по категориям (склад, складской комплекс, терминал, логистический центр, транспортно-логистичсекий центр, торгово-логистический центр и т.д.), а значит и выделить возможности центра по аутсорсингу и, следовательно, приблизить уровень отечественной инфраструктуры к европейским стандартам, исключить несоответствие тех или иных объектов национальным стандартам. Функцию ведения реестра объектов логистической инфраструктуры необходимо возложить на Министерство торговли Республики Беларусь, так как именно этот орган является координатором работы по развитию логистической системы Республики Беларусь, формированию инфраструктуры логистического обслуживания, строительству и вводу в эксплуатацию логистических центров согласно Программе развития логистической системы Республики Беларусь на период до 2015 года [25, с.28-33].
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
-weak integrated national logistic systems in obŝeevrazijskuû and European;-large enough Scrip logistics providers;-insufficient use of information technologies by providers of logistics services [22, s. 42-45];-many businesses fear trust information to outsiders, afraid of losing control of the situation;-existing companies offering services in the field of logistics and supporting quality of service at world level, establish a relatively high prices for their services.-transition to outsourcing requires an extremely high level of organization management;-the problem of Customs (downtime, loss of transport time and money);the dismissal of employees of the company-customer as a result of the use of outsourcing;-"grey schemes" of many domestic enterprises [9, p. 7];Thus, the main motifs select outsourcing in enterprises is cost reduction company, its concentration on your core business by increasing the quality of services or goods, the transfer of some of the risks the company-Outsourcer, competitiveness. However, the company faces a number of challenges, the main of which is the low level of logistics outsourcing, exorbitant prices for services, external supply risks (loss of control, delay), incomplete information on suppliers of logistics services on the Belarusian market. Moreover, the Belarusian market of outsourcing has been hampered by the realities of the Belarusian economy and flawed legal framework.Still, I would like to note that it is not worth the number of businesswomen, now Belarus requires modern logistical centres with full logistic services and quality logistics service that allows exporters and importers upon transfer of logistics outsourcing to minimize logistics costs in the final price of the goods, and high-quality processing of transit cargo logistics centers-increase revenues from transit and improve transit attractiveness of the Republic of Belarus [25, p. 28-33].2.2.3 ways and prospects of development of the market of logistics outsourcing in the Republic of BelarusAmong the scenarios for the development of the market of logistical services, you can see some clear trends. One of the first changes in the direction of outsourcing logistics services market development in the Republic of Belarus was the massive appearance of the Western logistic operators (Schenker, DHL, etc.), with significant financial resources and established relationship with multinational customers. It is in Western countries were first evaluated by the ample opportunities of outsourcing as an effective way to reduce costs (financial, time, human resources, managerial) for logistics operations.Another trend that evolves, demand will grow offer quality services from international companies, well equipped technically and technologically. Perhaps, international logistics service providers will be interested in creating alliances of the so-called local partners. A local partner will provide the operating part (transport, storage, etc.), and foreign-information and control plus liaison with overseas markets. It makes sense only to domestic companies can gain valuable experience and skill growth. Very progressive should be considered the introduction of a voluntary certification procedure of logistics services (STB 2306-2013 logistics services. General requirements and the certification procedure will enter into force on 1.11.2013). Voluntary certification of logistics services, will identify logistic operators who provide transportation services, both on its own and leased warehousing facilities and other infrastructure and Logistics Center. How will be able to improve the quality of services by introducing the logistics centres of voluntary certification.In addition to voluntary certification for logistics services, it is necessary to establish a register of objects of logistics infrastructure, that will clearly separate the objects of logistics infrastructure (warehouse, warehouse facility, Terminal, transport-logistic center, logističsekij Center, trade and Logistics Center, etc.), and thus highlight the capability of the Centre for outsourcing and, hence, bring the level of domestic infrastructure to European standards, eliminate the inconsistency of those or other objects of national standards. The function of the register of objects of logistic infrastructure should be entrusted to the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Belarus, because this body is the Coordinator of the work on the development of logistics system of the Republic of Belarus, the formation of logistics infrastructure, construction and commissioning of logistic centres in accordance with the programme for the development of logistics system of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2015 [25, p. 28-33].
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- Poor integration of the national logistics system in pan-Eurasian and European;
- big enough paper document logistics providers;
- insufficient use of information technology logistics service providers [22, p. 42-45];
- many businesses are afraid to trust the information to outsiders, afraid of losing control of the situation;
- the existing companies offering logistics services and maintain the quality of service on a global scale, set relatively high prices for their services.
- Switching to outsourcing requires extremely High-level management organization;
- the problem of Customs (vehicle downtime, loss of time and money),
the dismissal of the employees of the client company as a result of outsourcing;
- "gray schemes" of many domestic enterprises [9, p. 7]
Thus, the main theme of choice is outsourcing enterprises - cost reduction of the company, its concentration on the core business, improving the quality of goods or services, the transfer of some of the risks the company-outsourcer and competitiveness. However, the company faces a number of problems, the main of which - the low level of logistics outsourcing services unreasonably high prices, the risks of an external supply (loss of control, delay), incomplete information about suppliers of logistic services in the Belarusian market. In addition, the Belarusian outsourcing market hampered the realities of the Belarusian economy and imperfect legal framework.
I would also like to note that we should not join as many now in Belarus requires modern logistics centers with a complete cycle of logistics services and quality logistics services, which will allow exporters and importers the transfer of logistics outsourcing to minimize logistics costs in the final price of goods, and high-quality processing of transit cargo logistics centers - to increase revenues from the transit and increase transit attractiveness of Belarus [25, p. 28-33].
2.2.3 Ways and prospects of development of the market of logistics outsourcing in the Republic of Belarus
among the scenarios of the logistics market can see some clear trends. One of the first changes in the direction of development of the market of outsourcing of logistics services in the Republic of Belarus was the massive appearance of Western logistics operators (Schenker, DHL, etc.), With significant financial resources and established contacts with multinational clients. It is in the western countries were first evaluated opportunities of outsourcing as an effective way to reduce the costs (financial, time, personnel, management) on the logistical operations.
The other trend is that with the development of effective demand will increase the supply of quality services by international companies, well equipped technically and technologically. Perhaps the international logistics providers will be interested in establishing alliances, the so-called local partners. The local partner will provide the operating part of the (transport, warehousing, etc.), And foreign - and a control information plus links to foreign markets. It makes sense to have only to domestic companies to gain valuable experience and skills increase.
Very progressive introduction of the procedure should be considered as voluntary certification of logistics services (STB 2306-2013 "logistics services. General requirements and certification procedure", is effective from 1.11 .2013 g). Voluntary certification of logistics services, will determine the logistics operators who provide logistics services on their own sites and on leased warehouses and other infrastructure of the logistics center. How it will be able to improve the quality of services provided by logistics centers through the introduction of voluntary certification of time will tell.
In addition to the voluntary certification of logistics services, it is necessary to establish a register of objects logistics infrastructure, which will clearly separate facilities and logistics infrastructure by category (storage, warehouse, terminal, a logistics center , freight logistichseky center, trade and logistics center, etc.), and thus provide an opportunity to center outsourcing and, therefore, bring the level of domestic infrastructure to the European standards, eliminate the disparity of those or other objects by national standards. The function of conducting the register of the logistics infrastructure necessary to assign to the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Belarus, since this organ is the coordinator of the work on the development of the logistics system of the Republic of Belarus, the formation of infrastructure of logistics services, construction and commissioning of the logistics centers under the Program of development of the logistics system of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2015 [25, s.28-33].
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
- lack of integrated national logistics общеевразийскую and european;
- big enough paper documents logistics providers;.- the lack of use of information technologies, providers of logistics services (22). 42 - 45];
- many businesses fear the trust information to outsiders, fear of losing control of the situation. "existing firms offering services in the field of logistics and support the quality of service at the global level, establish the relatively high prices for their services.- the shift to outsourcing requires an extremely high level of the management;
- the problem of customs delays transport, waste of time and money).dismissal of employees of the customer as a result of the use of outsourcing;
- the "schema" of the many domestic enterprises [9,. 7);
thusthe rationale behind the choice of outsourcing enterprises is reducing the costs of the company, its concentration in the relevant business, improve the quality of services or goods, the transfer of some of the risks the company is аутсорсеру,improving competitiveness. however, the company faced a number of challenges, the core of which is the low level of logistics outsourcing, unreasonably high prices of servicesthe risks of external logistics loss control, delay), incomplete information about suppliers of logistics services to the market. in addition, the
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