1 часто обедаю в этом ресторане. Здесь подают морепродукты. Я без ума  перевод - 1 часто обедаю в этом ресторане. Здесь подают морепродукты. Я без ума  английский как сказать

1 часто обедаю в этом ресторане. Зд

1 часто обедаю в этом ресторане. Здесь подают морепродукты. Я без ума от креветок и крабов. 2- Давай закажем цыпленка по-киевски. (Chicken Kiev"). -Звучит соблазнительно, но боюсь, Это дорого. Не волнуйся, у меня с собой достаточно денег. Сегодня я угощаю. 3. Что вы будете заказывать на первое? Мы еще не выбрали. А что бы вы посоветовали? я рекомендую взять грибной суп, это наше фирменное блюдо. 4. Этот столик у окна свободен?- Простите, он заказан. я могу вам предложить столик у камина, там вам будет удобно. 5.Мой бифштекс очень жесткий. Его невозможно разжевать.
7. Давай выпьем по чашке капучино. Этот бар славится своим кофе. 8. Можно мне взглянуть на карту вин? Да, вот, пожалуйста что-нибудь выбрали? Да, мы остановились на бутылочке белоrо калифорнийского винан. 9. Мне абсолютно не понравился этот ресто- ран. кухня отвратительная, обслуживание ужасное, официант груб Официант груб Поэтому не получит чаевые. 10-Что вы хотели бы заказать? Мы хотели бы начать с овощного салата. Какую приправу вы желаете?-Майонез и уксус д нас обоих. Ана второе? Два бифштекса, пожалуйста-С кровью, средне или хорошо прожаренные? средне прожаренные, пожалуйста. 11- я возьму жареную треску или камбалу. Извините, этого нет в меню. Могу предложить фаршированную щуку или карпа. Тогда я закажу карпа.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1 often have dinner at this restaurant. It serves seafood. I love the shrimp and crabs. 2-Let's order a chicken Kiev. (Chicken Kiev "). Sounds tempting, but I'm afraid it is expensive. Don't worry, I have enough money. Today, I treat. 3. What will you order for the first? We have not yet chosen. And what would you recommend? I recommend getting the mushroom soup, this is our specialty. 4. This table by the window free?-sorry, he ordered. I can offer you a table by the fireplace, where you will be comfortable. 5. my steak very hard. It is impossible to chew.23:49:59 7. Let's have a cup of Cappuccino. This bar is famous for its coffee. 8. Can I take a look at the wine list? Yes, here you are something? Yes, we stopped at the beloro bottle of Californian vinent. 9. I absolutely do not like this Resto-wounds. the kitchen is disgusting, terrible service, rude waiter Waiter rude so don't receive tips. 10-what would you like to order? We would start with a vegetable salad. What kind of dressing would you like?-mayonnaise and vinegar d both of us. Ana the second? Two steak, please-with blood, medium or well-done? medium fried, please. 11-I'll take fried cod or flounder. Sorry, this is not on the menu. Can offer stuffed Pike or carp. Then I'll order a carp.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1 often dine at this restaurant. It serves seafood. I'm crazy about shrimp and crab. 2- Let'll order chicken in Kiev. (Chicken Kiev "). -Zvuchit Tempting, but I'm afraid it's expensive. Do not worry, I have enough money with them. Today, I treat you. 3. What will you order the first? We have not chosen. And what would you suggest? I recommend to take the mushroom soup, this is our signature dish. 4. This window table free? - I'm sorry, he ordered. I can offer you a table near the fireplace, where you will be comfortable. 5.Moy steak very tough. It's impossible to chew.
23 : 49: 59
7. Let's have a cup of cappuccino. This bar is famous for its coffee. 8. Can I take a look at the wine list? Yes, here you have chosen something? Yes, we settled on a bottle of California wine beloro. 9. I absolutely loved this resto- wounds. kitchen is disgusting, horrible service, the waiter is rude rude waiter why not get a tip. 10 What would you like to order? We would like to start with a vegetable salad. What kind of dressing do you want? -Mayonez and vinegar etc. us both. Ana second? Two steaks, please, with blood, medium or well-done? medium roasted, please. 11 I will take the fried cod or flounder. Sorry, this is not on the menu. I can offer stuffed pike or carp. Then I order a carp.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1 often have lunch in that restaurant. there are seafood. i'm crazy about shrimp and crabs. 2 - let's get some chicken kiev. (chicken kiev "). - it sounds tempting, but i'm afraid it's too expensive. don't worry,i have enough money. today i treat. 3. what will you order first? we have not yet chosen. what would you recommend? i recommend you to take the cream of mushroom soup, it's our specialty. 4. this is a table by the window?- i'm sorry, he ordered. i can offer you a table next to the fireplace, where you will be comfortable. 5.мой steak very hard. it is impossible to chew.
23: 49, 59
7. let's drink a cup of cappuccino. this bar is famous for its coffee. 8.may i see the wine list? yes, there you find anything? yeah, we're staying on the bottle белоrо california винан. 9. i don't like that resto's wounds. the kitchen amaintenance of a waiter rude waiter rude so not getting a tip. 10 - what would you like to order? we would like to start with vegetable salad. what kind of food would you like? - mayonnaise, vinegar of both of us. ana second?two steak, please - rare, medium, or you want fries with that? medium want fries with that, please. 11 - i'll take the fried cod and plaice. i'm sorry, that's not on the menu. can offer a stuffed pike, or carp.then i'll have a carp.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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