По совершенствованию системы развития и поддержки молодых преподавателей в учебно-методической и научной деятельности в АУ им. С. Баишева проводится целенаправленная работа по повышению молодых научно-педагогических кадров высшей квалификации через подготовку PhD, магистратуру, соискательство, предоставление творческих отпусков, научных командировок, участие в международных и республиканских конференциях.
Молодые преподаватели университета в целях повышения квалификации обучались в магистратуре. Так, в 2012-2013 уч.г. – 14, в 2013-2014 уч.г. – 6 магистерских диссертаций, 2014-2015 – 11 магистерских работ, 1 кандидатская. В связи с совершенствованием системы развития и поддержки молодых преподавателей в учебно-методической и научной деятельности, в университете организован курс «Школа молодого преподавателя» (36 часов). в 2014-2015 уч.г. – 15 молодых преподавателей (приказ №109-п от 13.10.2014г.). прошли данный курс.
Молодые преподаватели кафедры «Дизайн» Мухина В. и Кадырова С. участвовали в Международном фестиваль-конкурсе народного творчества и заняли призовое 3 место. Молодые преподаватели Казманов Н., Исина Ж., Аймаханова К., Жарасбаев Е., Вахитова Т., Султанова С., Ертазина С., Комарова Д., Карлабаева А. проходили научно-исследовательскую стажировку в Башкирском государственном педагогическом университете имени М.Акмуллы (Уфа, Россия).
Руководство вуза уделяет большое внимание мотивации молодых преподавателей - это служебные поощрения, меры морального и материального стимулирования: благодарности, премии победителям в номинациях «Лучший молодой преподаватель», «Лучший молодой ученый», персональные надбавки к заработной плате, работающим в вузе от 3 и выше лет, а также лицам, внесшим вклад в научно-педагогическую деятельность университета и активно участвовавшим в жизни коллектива ( изучен приказ № 109/1 от 13.10.2014).
Основные направления по поддержке молодых преподавателей: проведение курса «Школа молодого преподавателя», проведение общеуниверситетских семинаров по актуальным инновационным технологиям и методикам обучения силами ППС, проведение тренингов, формирующих профессиональные компетенции ППС и руководящего состава, посещение республиканских и межгосударственных семинаров по содержанию инновационных технологий обучения и обсуждение изученных материалов на межкафедральных семинарах университета, проведение ежегодного общеуниверситетского научно-методического семинара на фундаментальные методические темы, организация конкурсов лучших методических материалов.
Для рассмотрения возможности дополнительной профессиональной сертификации студентов в процессе обучения университет использует возможности дополнительной профессиональной сертификации студентов в процессе обучения. Общее количество студентов, прошедших профессиональную сертификацию составляет 75 человек, на выше чем в прошлом учебном году. Студенты проходят сертификацию в таких организациях как институт професионального повышения квалификации г. Актобе, Учебный центр «Жетісу», Консалтинговый центр PHP Company Юлдашева З.К, ТОО Научно – исследовательский центр «BioEcoSystem» и др. Были изучены договора с организациями по дополнительной профессиональной сертификации студентов.
Для реализации рекомендации по разработке и внедрению комплекса мер по совершенствованию научно-образовательной деятельности вуза именно:
- продолжить работу по расширению инновационной составляющей деятельности вуза;
- активизировать деятельность ППС и научных структур по участию в республиканских конкурсах на получение финансируемых научных грантов и проектов, по коммерциализации научных разработок и их внедрению в учебный процесс;
-создать условия для увеличения количества публикаций в изданиях, индексируемых в международных базах данных.
В университете приказом № 99 от 02 сентября 2014 года создана Международная лаборатория с распределенным участием “Интернационализация образовательного пространства”. Сотрудники лаборатории подключились к работе в международном проекте «Тестирование детей-билингвов с национально-русским двуязычием на уровень сформированности коммуникативной компетенции (уровень сбалансированности естественного билингвизма) на двух языках».
Разработан Международный проект Министерства иностранных дел Республики Польша «Деятельность польских дипломатических представительств в СССР в 1941-1943 годах на территории нынешнего Казахстан» под руководством к.и.н., доцента Степаненко Н.В.
К.п., доцент Б.З. Туребаева стала обладателем гранта фонда «Русский мир» (г. Москва) «К диалогу культур через русский язык».
Результаты (
английский) 1:
To improve the system for the development and support of young teachers in the educational-methodical and scientific activity in AU IM. C. Baiševa purposeful work to raise young scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification through training of PhD, master's degree, application, provide creative holidays, scientific visits, participation in international and Republican conferences. Young University teachers in order to enhance the skills taught in the Magistracy. So, in the 2012-2013 academic year. -14, 2013-2014 academic year. -6 master's theses, 2014-2015-11 master works, Ph.d. 1. In connection with the improvement of the system for the development and support of young teachers in the educational-methodical and scientific activity, the University organized the course "School of young teacher" (36 hours). in 2014-2015 academic year. -15 young teachers (order No. 109-p from 13.10.2014). completed the course.Young teachers of Department «design» Mukhina and Kadyrov. participated in the International Festival-contest of folk art and occupied Prize-winning 3 place. Young teachers Kazmanov n., j., Isin Ajmahanova k., Žarasbaev e., Vakhitova t., Sultanova n., Ertazina p., Komárková j., Karlabaeva a. held research internships at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after m. Akmully (UFA, Russia).Guide the University pays great attention to the motivation of young teachers is the official promotion measures for the moral and material stimulation: thanks, award winners in the nominations "the best young teacher", "the best young scientist", personal allowances to salary, working at the University from 3 and higher, as well as those which have contributed to the scientific and teaching activities of the University and been actively involved in the life of the Group (reviewed by order No. 109/1 from 13.10.2014).The main directions to support young teachers: course "young School teacher, University seminars on emerging innovative technologies and methods for teaching forces of PPP, trainings, shaping professional competence and leadership of the PPP, visiting national and international seminars on the content of innovational technologies of training and discussion materials studied at the interdepartmental seminars, an annual University-wide scientific-methodical seminar on fundamental methodological themes, organization of competitions the best teaching materials.To examine the possibility of additional professional certification of students in the learning process University leverages additional professional certification of students in the learning process. The total number of students who passed the certification is 75 people, higher than in the previous academic year. Students are certified in such organizations as the Institute of professional refresher courses in Aktobe, training center "Zhetysu" Consulting Centre PHP Company Yuldasheva z., too scientific and Research Center "BioEcoSystem", etc. The Treaty were examined with additional professional certification students.For implementation of the recommendation on the development and implementation of a set of measures to improve scientific and educational activities of the University:-continue work to expand the innovation component of the University activity;-revitalize the PPP and academia to participate in national competitions for funded research grants and projects for commercialization of scientific developments and their introduction into the educational process;-create conditions for increasing the number of publications in journals indexed in the international databases.Order # 99 University from September 2, 2014 year international laboratory was established with the participation of the "internationalization of educational space". Laboratory staff joined the international project "Testing children bilinguals with national-Russian bilingualism at level of communicative competence (level balance natural bilingualism) in two languages.An international project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland "work of Polish diplomatic missions in the Soviet Union in 1941-1943, on the territory of Kazakhstan led by candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer N. Stepanenko K.p., Associate Professor B.z. Turebayev won the Russkiy Mir Foundation grant (Moscow) "to the dialogue of cultures through the Russian language.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
To improve the development and support of young teachers in the educational-methodological and scientific activities in the AU them. S. Baisheva purposeful work to improve young scientific and pedagogical personnel training through a PhD, Masters, soiskatelstvo, granting sabbaticals, scientific visits, participation in international and national conferences.
The young university teachers to enhance the skills trained in the magistracy. Thus, in the 2012-2013 academic year - 14, in the academic year 2013-2014 - 6 master's theses, 2014-2015 - 11 Master's theses, 1 PhD. In connection with the improvement of the system development and support of young teachers in the educational-methodological and scientific activities at the university organized the course "School of the young teacher" (36 hours). in the 2014-2015 academic year - 15 young teachers (order №109-p of 13.10.2014g.). passed this course.
The young teachers of the department "Design" Kadyrov and Vladimir Mukhin SA participated in the International Festival of Folk Art and took the 3rd place prize. Young teachers Kazmanov N. Isin J., K. Aymahanova, Zharasbayev E., Vakhitova T., S. Sultanov, Ertazina S., D. Komarova, A. Karlabaeva passed research internship at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (Ufa, Russia).
Leaders of the university pays great attention to the motivation of young teachers - a service promotion measures of moral and material incentives: thanks, awards to the winners in the categories "Best Young Teacher", "Best Young Scientist" personal wage supplements, working in high school from 3 years and above, as well as those who contributed to the research and teaching activities of the University and actively participate in community life (understood the order № 109/1 from 10.13.2014).
Guidelines for the support of young teachers: a course " School of the young teacher, "holding a university-wide seminars on current innovative technologies and teaching methods by the teaching staff, training forming professional competence of the teaching staff and management team, visit national and inter-state seminars on the content of innovative learning technologies and a discussion of the studied materials in inter-chair seminars University, the annual a University scientific-methodological seminar on basic methodological topics, organizing competitions of the best teaching materials.
In order to examine the possibility of further professional certification of students in the learning process University leverages additional professional certification of students in the learning process. The total number of students who have professional certification is 75, higher than in the last academic year. Students are certified in organizations such as the Institute for Professional Training in Aktobe, Training Center "Zhetysu" Consulting Center PHP Company Yuldashev ZK, TOO Scientific - Research Center «BioEcoSystem» et al. Were examined contracts with organizations more professional certification students.
In order to implement the recommendations on the development and implementation of complex measures to improve the scientific and educational activities of the university is:
- to continue expanding the innovation component of the university;
- revitalize the teaching staff and academic institutions to participate in national competitions for funded research grants and projects for the commercialization of scientific developments and their introduction into the educational process;
-Create conditions for increasing the number of publications in journals indexed in international databases.
The university by the order number 99 on September 2, 2014 established the International Laboratory Distributed participation "Internationalization of educational space." Laboratory staff involved in the work in the international project "Testing of bilingual children to national-Russian bilingualism at the level of formation of the communicative competence (level of balance of natural bilingualism) in two languages."
Developed by the International Project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland "The activities of Polish diplomatic missions in the USSR 1941-1943 years on the territory of Kazakhstan "under the direction of Ph.D., associate Stepanenko NV
KP, assistant professor BZ Turebaeva won the grant of the "Russian World" (Moscow) "To the dialogue of cultures through the Russian language."
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
to improve the system of development and support of young teachers in educational and scientific activities in the ow. with the.баишева specific efforts are being made to improve the young teaching staff in the preparation of highly qualified phd, master's degree, соискательство, providing creative leavesscientific missions, participation in international and national conferences.
the university young teachers in order to upgrade the skills of trained in grad school. so, in the 2012 - 2013 уч.г. 14, 2013 - 2014 уч.г.- 6 магистерских theses, 2014 2015 - 11 магистерских works 1, ph.d.. in connection with the improvement of the system development and support of young teachers in educational and scientific activities.the university is organized in the course "school young educators' (36 hours). in 2014 - 2015 уч.г. 15 young teachers (order n109 - p from 13.10.2014г.). through this course. "the young teachers of the" design "sergey. and kadyrov.participated in the international festival, the folk art and occupied the third place prize. young teachers казманов исина n. j., аймаханова k. жарасбаев вахитова t., s. e., sultanov, ертазина s. komarov etc.,карлабаева as well. through a research internship at bashkir state pedagogical university named м.акмуллы (ufa, russia).the university pays great attention to the motivation of young teachers is the official promotion, measures of the moral and material incentives: gratitudeprize winners in the categories "best young преподаватель»," best young ученый» personal supplements to wages, working in the university of 3 and above years, as well as individuals.contributed to the scientific and pedagogical activities and actively participated in the life of the university (by order no. 109 / 1 of 13.10.2014).
the main directions for young teachers.
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