Вторая по величине река в регионе Сары-Джаз относится к системе Тарима перевод - Вторая по величине река в регионе Сары-Джаз относится к системе Тарима английский как сказать

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Вторая по величине река в регионе Сары-Джаз относится к системе Тарима и занимает наиболее высокоприподнятую юго-восточную часть области. Берёт начало с ледника Семёнова на северо- западе склоне массива Кан-Тенир. В верховьях, на протяжении около 50 км, протекает в западном направлении по широкой межгорной долине с относительно пологими склонами, переходящими в сыртовые нагорья. Затем резко поворачивает на Юг и, прорезая ряд высоких хребтов (Сары-Джаз, Энилчек, Кайынды и Какшаал), образуя узкие каньонообразные ущелья, вытекает за пределы бывшего Советского Союза. Крупные левые притоки: Энилчек, Кайынды, Кёйкап; правые — Кёолю, Уч-Кёл, Ак-Шыйрак и другие. Наибольший по водности приток — Энилчек (30,0 м3/с) берёт начало с одноименного ледника. По водному режиму река Сары-Джаз и её притоки относятся к группе рек с летним половодьем тяньшаньского типа ледниково-снегового питания. Водосборные площади данной группы рек наиболее приподняты (4000—5500 м) и отличаются большой удельной водоносностью (до 18 л/с- км2). Несколько меньшая удельная водоносность у рек, ориентированных с Запада на Восток (Ак-Шыйрак, Уч-Кёл).

К системе Тарима относится и река Какшаал, которая формируется в высокогорной Аксайской долине слиянием pек Ак-Сай и Мюдюрюм. Прорезая узкими ущельями хребет Какшаал-Тоо, выходит за пределы бывшего Советского Союза. К Таримскому бассейну принадлежит и бессточное озеро Чатыр-Кёл с впадающими в него небольшими речками и ручьями. Исток реки Какшаал — реки Ак-Сай течёт с Запада на Восток по широкой Аксайской долине, принимая множество притоков с обеих сторон (Территория Кызыл-Суу, Кош-Кара-Таш, Муздабас, Текелик и др.). Река Мюдюрюм течёт с Востока на Запад навстречу реки Ак-Сай. Ниже слияния pек Ак-Сай и Мюдюрюм реки Какшаал принимает справа крупный приток — река Кёк-Кыя. Река Чон-Узёнгю-Кууш является крупным левым притоком реки Какшаал уже в пределах Китая. На территории бывшего Советского Союза расположено её верховье площадь 2880 км2. Берёт начало она с ледников северного склона Какшаал-Тоо, к Востоку от истоков реки Мюдюрюм, и течёт в восточном направлении. Крупные притоки: Котур, Кичи-Узёнгю-Кууш, Чон-Тер и др. По своему режиму реки Какшаал и её притоки относятся к группе рек с летним половодьем тяньшаньского типа и ледниково-снеговым питанием. Несколько повышенной удельной водоносностью отличаются pеки Мюдюрюм (10,2 л/с- км2) и Чон-Узёнгю-Кууш (9,0 л/с- км2). В бассейне вышеуказанных рек сосредоточены основные площади ледников.

В озеро Иссык-Куль впадают непосредственно 118 рек и ручьёв. Наиболее крупные из них — Тюп и Джыргалан, занимающие восточную часть котловины. Джыргалан, наиболее водоносная из рек котловины озера, берёт начало на северном склоне хребта Тескей Ала-Тоо, течёт вначале на Север, затем, при выходе с гор, поворачивает на Запад и впадает в озеро в виде равнинной реки. Принимает слева крупные притоки: Тюргён-Ак- Суу, Боз-Учук, Джергез и Ак-Суу. Тюп также берёт начало на северном склоне хребта Тескей Ала-Тоо и протекает почти параллельно Джыргалану. Крупные притоки: Кен-Суу, Чон-Таш, Талды- Суу. Из других рек, впадающих в озеро, наибольшей водоносностью обладают Каракол, Джети-Огюз, Чон-Кызыл-Суу Джууку, Барскон, Тосор, Тон, Чон- Ак-Суу и др. Наибольшую уделную водоносность имеют реки, расположенные в восточной части котловины, особенно те, водосборы которых ориентированы на Север и Северо-Запад. Модули стока этих рек 10— 20 л/с- км2. Значительно меньшей водоносностью обладают реки западной части, особенно те, водосборы которых ориентированы на Юг и Юго-Восток. Модули стока этих рек 2—3 л/с- км2. Все реки Иссыккульской котловины относятся к группе рек с летним половодьем тяньшаньского типа. Реки западной части, ряд рек южного склона Кюнгёй Ала-Тоо и реки Тюп и Джыргалан — снегово- ледникового питания, остальные — ледниково-снегового питания.

В пределах области находится часть бассейн реки Каркыра (площадь 572 км2), принадлежащая к системе реки Или. Искусственная гидрографическая сеть в виде каналов, арыков и др. характерна для прибрежной равнины Иссыккульской котловины и участков очагового орошаемого земледелия Нарынской зоны.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The second largest river in the region, Sary-Jaz refers to the system of Tarim and occupies the most South-Eastern part of the vysokopripodnâtuû area. Originates from Semenov glacier on the Northwest slope of the Massif Kan-Tenir. In the upper reaches, for about 50 km, it flows in a westerly direction along the broad valley town with relatively gentle slopes, passing in the syrtovye Highlands. Then turns to the South and sharply, cutting a series of high ridges (Sary-Jaz, Enylchek, Kajyndy and the Kakshaal), forming a narrow Canyon-like Gorge, flows outside the former Soviet Union. Major left tributaries: Enylchek, Kajyndy, Këjkap; right — Këolû, UCH-Ceol, AK-Ashyirak and others. The greatest inflow of water is Enylchek (30.0 m3/s) originates from a glacier of the same name. On water regime, Sary-Jaz and its tributaries are the rivers with the summer caused tienshansky peak type with glacier-snow feeding. Catchment areas of the rivers most group raised (4000-5500 m) and are characterised by high specific yield (up to 18 l/km2). Several smaller specific yield rivers, oriented from West to East (AK-Ashyirak, UCH-Ceol).To the system of the Tarim River, the Kakshaal belongs which is formed in the glacier the AK Sai Valley pek merge AK-Sai and Mûdûrûm. Cutting narrow gorges Ridge the Kakshaal-too, goes beyond the former Soviet Union. To the basin of the Tarim trade belongs and endorheic Lake Chatyr-Ceol with him into small rivers and streams. The source of the river the Kakshaal-AK-Sai River flows from West to East on the wide AK Sai Valley, taking a multitude of tributaries from both sides (the territory of Kyzyl-Suu, Kosh-Kara-Tash, Muzdabas, Tekelik, etc.). Mûdûrûm River flows from East to West toward the river AK-Sai. Following the merger of pek AK-Sai and Mûdûrûm rivers Kakshaal takes right large inflows — River Kök-Kiya. Chon-River Uzëngû-Kuush is the largest left tributary of the river the Kakshaal already within China. On the territory of the former Soviet Union located her upper 2880 square km2. It originates from the glaciers of the northern slope of the Kakshaal-too, to the East of the headwaters of the river Mûdûrûm, and flows in an easterly direction. Major tributaries: Kotur, Kichi-Uzëngû-Kuush, Chung ter, etc. On his regime the Kakshaal River and its tributaries belong to the Group of rivers with summer caused tienshansky peak type and glacial-snow. Several high specific yield different rivers Mûdûrûm (10.2 l/s-km2) and Yung-Uzëngû-Kuush (9.0 l/km2). In the pool above the rivers main glacier area.In the Issyk-Kul Lake flow directly 118 rivers and streams. The largest of them is Tyup and Džyrgalan occupying the eastern part of the basin. Džyrgalan, most aquifer from rivers Basin Lake, originates on the northern slope of the Ridge Terskey Ala-too, flows first northward, then, upon exiting the mountains, turns West and flows into the Lake in the form of plain River. Takes major tributaries on the left: Tûrgën-AK-Suu, Boz-Učuk, Džergez and AK-Suu. Also, tiup originates on the northern slope of the Ridge Terskey Ala-too and runs almost parallel to the Džyrgalanu. Major tributaries: Ken-Suu, chon-Tash, taldy-Su. From other rivers flowing into the Lake, the largest flow have the Caracol, JETI-Ogûz, chon-Kyzyl-Suu Juuku Tosor, Barskoon, the tone, the chon AK-Suu, etc. The greatest yield udelnuû have rivers, located in the eastern part of the basin, especially those targeted watersheds to the North and Northwest. These rivers drain extensions 10-20 l/s-km2. A much smaller yield have River western part of the catchment, particularly those which are oriented to the South and Southeast. These rivers flow modules 2-3 l/s-km2. All the rivers of the Issik-Kul basin belong to the Group of rivers with summer caused tienshansky peak type. Western River, several rivers of the southern slope of Kyung-Ala-Too and Tyup River and Džyrgalan-snowy-glacial, others-with glacier-snow feeding.Within the area is part of the Karkara River basin (area 572 km2) belonging to the system. Artificial hydrographic network in the form of canals, irrigation ditches, etc. typical for the coastal plain the Issik-Kul basin and areas of localized irrigation Naryn area.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The second largest river in the region of Sary-Jazz relates to a system and takes up most of Tarim vysokopripodnyatuyu south-eastern part of the region. It originates from the glacier of Semenov in the northwest slope of the array Kan Tenir. In the upper reaches, for about 50 km, it flows in a westerly direction along the wide valleys between the relatively gentle slopes, turning into syrt Highlands. Then it turns sharply to the south, and cutting the number of high ridges (Sary-Jaz, Enylchek, Kaiyndy and Kakshaal), forming a narrow canyon gorge, flows outside the former Soviet Union. The large left tributaries: Enylchek, Kaiyndy, Kёykap; Right - Kёolyu, Uch-Kёl, Ak-Shyyrak and others. The largest inflow of water content - Enylchek (30.0 m3 / s) originates from the glacier of the same name. As water regime river Sary-Jaz and its tributaries belong to the group of rivers with the summer flood Tien Shan type glacier-snow supply. The catchment area of the river the most elevated group (4000-5500 m) and are characterized by high specific aquifer (up to 18 l / c km2). Several smaller rivers have a specific water content, oriented from west to east (Ak-Shyyrak, Uch-Kёl). It is the system of the Tarim River and Kakshaal, which is formed in the high valley of the confluence of Aksay pek Ak-Sai and Myudyuryum. Cutting through the narrow gorges Kakshaal Too ridge, beyond the former Soviet Union. It belongs to the Tarim Basin and closed lake Chater-Kёl from flowing into a small rivers and streams. Source of the river Kakshaal - Ak-Sai River flows from west to east along the wide valley of Aksay, taking many tributaries on both sides (territory of Kyzyl-Suu, Kara Kosh-Tash, Muzdabas, Tekelik etc.). Myudyuryum River flows from east to west toward the river Ak-Sai. Following the merger pek Ak-Sai river and Myudyuryum Kakshaal takes the right major tributary - the river Kok-Kiya. River Chon-Uzёngyu Kuush is a major tributary of the left Kakshaal already within China. On the territory of the former Soviet Union place it the upper area of 2880 km2. It originates from the glaciers of the northern slope Kakshaal Too, east of the sources of the river Myudyuryum, and flows eastward. Major tributaries Kotur, Kichi-Uzёngyu Kuush Jong-Terre and others. According to his regime Kakshaal River and its tributaries are a group of rivers with the summer flood Tien Shan type and glacier-snow feeding. Several different aquifer increased specific peki Myudyuryum (10.2 l / c km2) and Chon-Uzёngyu Kuush (9.0 l / c km2). In the basin of the rivers above the main focus area of glaciers. In the Issyk-Kul lake flow directly into rivers and streams 118. The largest of them - Tup and Dzhyrgalan occupying the eastern part of the basin. Dzhyrgalan most water-bearing river basin of the lake, originates on the northern slope of the ridge Teskey Ala-Too, flows first to the north, then exit from the mountains, it turns west and runs into the lake in a flat river. Accepts left major tributaries Tyurgёn Ak-Suu, Boz Uchuk, Dzhergez and Ak-Suu. Tup also originates on the northern slope of the ridge Teskey Ala-Too and runs almost parallel to Dzhyrgalanu. Large inflows of Ken-Suu, Chon-Tash, Taldy- Suu. Among other rivers flowing into the lake, the largest aquifer have Karakol, Jeti-Oguz, Chon-Kyzyl-Suu Djuuku, Barskon, Tosor, tone, Chon-Ak-Suu and others. The most udelnuyu water content of the river are located in the eastern part of the basin, especially those watersheds which are oriented to the north and northwest. Runoff of these rivers 10 to 20 l / c km2. Significantly smaller aquifers have the western part of the river, especially those watersheds which are oriented to the South and Southeast. The modules of these rivers flow 2-3 l / c km2. All the rivers in the Issyk-Kul basin of the rivers belong to the group with the summer flood Tien Shan type. Rivers of the western part, a number of rivers of southern slope Kungey Ala-Too and rivers Tup and Dzhyrgalan - snow-ice power, and the rest - with glacier-snow supply. Within the area is part of the basin Karkyra (area 572 km2), which belongs to the system of the Ili River. Artificial hydrographic network of canals, irrigation ditches and others. Characteristic of the coastal plain of the Issyk-Kul basin and focal areas of irrigated agriculture in Naryn region.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

The second largest river in the region Sara-jazz refers to the system Тарима and takes the most высокоприподнятую south-eastern part of the area. Assumes the beginning with the glacier Museum in the north-west slope array Kahn, will take place.The Kullu valley, over 50 km, flows in the west direction, on a broad valley bordered with the snow clouds from, escalate in сыртовые highlands. Then suddenly turns to the south and,Unusually picturesque number of high ridges (Sara-jazz, Энилчек, Kozho-kelen and Какшаал), forming a narrow каньонообразные valley, flows outside the former Soviet Union. Large left-hand tributaries: Энилчек, Kozho-kelen, Кеикап; right-hand - Кеолю,Ouch-Kelly, Ak-Шыирак and others. The largest (vorticity flow - Энилчек (30.0 m3/s) takes the beginning with glacier.The water regime river Sara-jazz, and its tributaries are the group of rivers with the summer type which usually smolder тяньшаньского pamiro-darvaz plateau-affluents power supply.Catchment areas this group of rivers the most clear (4000-5500 m) and a large specific gravity Prince Václav i spring outlets into two spring (18 l/c- (km2). A few smaller unit водоносность from rivers,Action-oriented from west to east (Ak-Шыирак, ouch-Kelly) .lord Тарима refers to the system and the river Какшаал, which was being formed in the highland valley Craig Ginnett merger pек Ak-Sai and Мюдюрюм.Unusually picturesque narrow ravines ridge Какшаал-LLP, outside the former Soviet Union. The Таримскому pool belongs to and Kairakkum but they were not hidden and Kelly with впадающими the small Bukhtarma river and streams.Istok Какшаал river - the river Ak-sai flows from west to east on a broad valley Craig Ginnett, taking many tributaries from both sides (the Kyzyl-msas, Olivier Panis, Kara-Tasch, Муздабас, Текелик, etc. ).
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