Джордж раздобыл газету и читал нам прогноз погоды

Джордж раздобыл газету и читал нам

Джордж раздобыл газету и читал нам прогноз погоды "дождь, холодный, мокрый штрафовать, периодически
грозы, восточный ветер с общей депрессии по поводу "Мидленд уездов'." Я думаю, что из всех глупых,
раздражает tomfoolishness на которые нас мучают, это "прогноз погоды" мошенничество самая что ни на есть отягчающие.
Он "прогнозирует" в точности то, что произошло вчера или позавчера, и прямо противоположными тем, которые собирается
произойти сегодня.
Я помню праздник шахта была разрушена, один поздней осенью по нашим обращая внимания на
прогноз погоды в местной газете. "Ливни, с грозами, можно ожидать уже сегодня," было бы
говорят, и так мы бы сдались наш пикник, и остановиться в закрытом помещении весь день, ожидая дождя. И люди бы пройти
дома, уходящие в wagonettes и тренеров как веселый и веселый, как может быть, солнце светит, и не
облако было видно.
"Ах," мы сказали, когда мы стояли, глядя на них через окно, "не они приходят домой мокрые!"
И мы хмыкнул думать, как мокрые они были намерены получить. К двенадцати часам, когда солнце льется в
комнату, жара стала совсем гнетущей, и мы задавались вопросом, когда эти ливни и редкие
грозы собирались начать. В час ночи хозяйка придет, чтобы спросить, если мы не пойдем,
как она казалось такой прекрасный день.
"Нет, нет, - ответили мы, с понимающей усмешкой: "не мы. Мы не хотим промокнуть - нет, нет." Но ни капли
когда-нибудь упал, и он закончил грандиозный день, и чудная ночь после него.
На следующее утро мы читаем, что он собирался быть "теплым штрафа в набор-светлый день, много тепла," и мы
будет одевать себя в надуманные вещи, и выходите, и, полчаса после того, как мы начали, он возбудит
дождь тяжело, и горько холодный ветер будет до весны, и как бы держать постоянно в течение всего дня, и
мы могли прийти домой с охлаждает и ревматизм все над нами, и идти спать.
Погода-это то, что находится за пределами моего понимания вообще. Я никогда не могу ее понять.
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
George got a newspaper and read us the weather forecast "rain, cold, wet, fine periodicallystorm wind with the overall depressed about "Midland counties '." I think of all the stupid,annoying tomfoolishness to torment us, this "weather forecast" fraud is the most aggravating.He "predicts" exactly what happened yesterday or the day before yesterday, and the opposite order, that is going tohappen today.I remember holiday mine was destroyed, one late autumn for our paying attention toweather forecast in your local newspaper. "Showers, with thunderstorms can be expected today," it would besay, and so we would have surrendered our picnic and stay indoors all day, waiting for rain. And people would passat home, going in and coaches as the hilarious wagonettes and hilarious as it may be, the sun shines, and not144cloud was visible."Oh," we said when we stood there, looking at them through the window, "don't they come home wet!"And we don't think about how wet they were going to get. To twelve hours, when the Sun pours inroom, the heat has become quite oppressive, and we wondered when these showers and rarethunderstorms were about to begin. At 1 o'clock in the morning the hostess comes to ask if we do not go,as it seemed to be a beautiful day."No, no, we answered, understanding smile:" don't we. We don't want to get wet-no, no. "But nary aever dropped, and he finished a grand day, and wonderful night.The next morning we read that he was going to be "warm fine set-bright day, a lot of heat," and wewill be putting yourself in a flimsy things and leave, and half an hour after we started, he wouldIt rained hard, and bitterly cold wind will be until spring, and how to keep constantly throughout the day, andWe can come home with a cool and rheumatism all over us, and go to sleep.Weather-it is something that is beyond my comprehension at all. I can never understand.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
George got hold of a newspaper and read us the weather forecast "rain, cold, wet fine, periodic
thunderstorms, southwest wind from the general depression over the" Midland counties. "" I think that of all the stupid,
annoying tomfoolishness which plague us, is "the forecast forecast "fraud is the most that neither is aggravating.
It" forecasts "precisely what happened yesterday or the day before, and the opposite of those that are going to
happen today.
I remember the feast of mine was destroyed, one late autumn by our paying attention to the
forecast Weather in the local newspaper. "Livni, with thunderstorms can be expected today," it would
say, and so we would give up our picnic, and stop indoors all day, waiting for rain. and people would pass
the house, leaving in wagonettes and coaches as jolly and merry as can be, the sun is shining, and
cloud to be seen.
"Ah," we said, when we were looking at them through the window, "do not they come home wet!"
and we chuckled to think, how wet they were going to get. By twelve o'clock when the sun pours into
the room, the heat became quite oppressive, and we wondered when those heavy showers and occasional
thunderstorms were going to begin. In the morning the hostess will come to ask, if we do not go,
it seemed such a beautiful day.
"No, no - we said, with a knowing smile:" We do not. We do not want to get wet -. No, no ", but not a drop
ever fell, and it finished a grand day, and a wonderful night after it.
The next morning, we read that he was going to be" warm fine in the set-bright day, a lot of heat, "and we
will be putting ourselves in flimsy things, and go out, and, half an hour after we started, it will excite
rain heavily and bitterly cold wind until the spring, and how to keep constantly throughout the day, and
we could come home with a cool and rheumatism all over us, and go to sleep.
the weather is something that is beyond my understanding at all. I can never understand it.
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