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На обсуждении по результатам практи

На обсуждении по результатам практики собралась почти вся группа. Некоторые персоны не присутствовали по личным причинам. Первой начать конференцию по поводу окончания практики решила Ирина.
- Педагогическая практика, которую мы проходили в школах, продолжалась в период со 2 сентября по 30 декабря.
Следующей высказалась Екатерина: - в первом семестре мы проходили активную практику, у нас была возможность провести 4 урока английского языка.
Виктория: - Я хочу высказаться о том, что нам был предоставлен шанс посетить уроки, которые были проведены непосредственно самим учителем. Также мы делали анализы этих уроков.
Анастасия: - В свою очередь хочу сказать, что учитель достаточно разнообразен в путях выбора тем и планировки уроков. Он достаточно четко объяснял материал, использовал различные методики, виды, дополнительные материалы, аудио-визульное оборудование. Пытался в одном уроке совместить как можно больше видов упражнений, письменных, устных, индивидуальных, групповых и т.д.
Анна: - Могу дополнить, что учитель вёл себя достаточно сдержано, имеет манеры уважения и понимания ко всем ученикам. На каждом уроке имел опрятную внешность, никаких ярких цветов в одежде не было, которые могли бы отвлекать внимание учеников.
Инна: - В заключении хочу сказать, что достаточно важна была наша роль в подготовительном этапе к урокам. Учитель нуждался в нашей помощи, просил нас помочь с раздаточным и наглядным материалом. Для нас это было важно и очень интересно.
Последним высказался студент, который был руководителем по практике школы: - Ну что ж, выслушав ваши высказывания по поводу результатов педагогической практики, хочу сказать что в целом практика прошла для всех достаточно успешно, ни у кого нет плохих результатов, этот семестр мы все закончили хорошо.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Discussion on the results of practice gathered almost the entire group. Some persons did not attend for personal reasons. First start a Conference at the end of practice agreed to Irina. Pedagogical practice that we were in schools, lasted from 2 September to 30 December. The following supported Catherine:-in the first semester, we were an active practice, we had the opportunity to hold 4 English language lessons.Victoria: I want to speak about what we have been given a chance to visit the lessons were conducted directly by the teacher. Also we did analyses of these lessons.Anastasia:-in turn mean that the teacher is quite diverse in how the choice of subjects and planning lessons. He explained clearly enough material, used different methods, types, additional materials, audio-vizul′noe equipment. Tried in one lesson, you combine as many types of exercises, written, oral, individual, group, etc.Anna: I can add that the teacher behaved quite bit of manners has a respect and understanding for all students. Each lesson had a neat appearance, no bright colors in clothing was not that could distract students.Inna:-in the conclusion I want to say that our role was important enough in the preparatory phase for the lessons. Teacher needed our help, asked us to help with appliances and illustrative material. For us it was important and very interesting.The latter supported the student, who was the head of the practice school:-Oh well, having listened to your statements about the outcome of the pedagogical practices, mean that the general practice was held for all successfully enough, no one has bad results, this semester we all finished well.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

In discussing the results of the practice has almost the entire group. Some guests did not attend for personal reasons. First start a conference about the end of the practice decided to Irina.
- Pedagogical practice, we were in school, continued in the period from 2 September to 30 December.
Another spoke Catherine: - in the first half, we were active practice, we had the opportunity to spend 4 lessons English.
Victoria: - I want to speak about what we have been given the chance to attend classes, which were held directly by the teacher. We also made ​​an analysis of these lessons.
Anastasia: - In turn, I want to say that the teacher is quite diverse in the ways of the selection and planning lessons. It is quite clearly explains the material used various techniques, species, additional materials, audio equipment vizulnoe. I tried one lesson combine as many types of exercises, written, oral, individual, group, etc.
Anna: - I can add that the teacher behaved quite restrained, a manner of respect and understanding for all students. Each lesson has a neat appearance, no bright colors in clothes was not, that could detract disciples.
Inna - In conclusion I want to say that was quite important our role is in the preparatory phase to the lessons. Teachers need our help, asked us to help with dispensing and visual materials. For us it was important and very interesting.
The last spoke student who was the head of school practice: - Well, after listening to your comments about the results of teaching practice, I want to say that in general the practice took all reasonably well, no one poor performance, this semester we all ended well.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
discussion on the practice of "going almost the whole group. some people were not present for personal reasons. the first to start the conference about the practice to irina.
pedagogical practice, we were in school, continued in the period from 2 september to 30 december.
next made catherine: - in the first semester we had an active practicewe had the opportunity to spend 4 class english language.
victoria: i want to speak about what we were given a chance to visit the lessons were held directly by the teacher.we have tested these lessons.
anastasia, in turn, want to say that the teacher is diverse in the ways of selecting topics and planning lessons. he clearly explained the materialusing different methods, types, additional material, audio визульное equipment. tried in one class to combine as many types of exercises, written, oral, individual, group, etc..anna: i can add that the teacher was quite a low profile, has the manners of respect and understanding for all students. each lesson was up nice appearance, no bright colors in clothes was notthat would distract the attention of students.
ina: in conclusion, i want to say, what is important was our role in the preparatory phase for the lessons. the teacher was in need of our help.asked us to help with the раздаточным and visible material. for us, it was important and very interesting. "the last was a student who was a leader in school: well.after listening to your comments about the results of the teaching practice, i want to say that in general practice was all quite successfully, none of the poor results this semester we all done right. "
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