2.1. Развитие промышленности и сельского хозяйства«В Амстердаме с конц перевод - 2.1. Развитие промышленности и сельского хозяйства«В Амстердаме с конц английский как сказать

2.1. Развитие промышленности и сель

2.1. Развитие промышленности и сельского хозяйства
«В Амстердаме с конца XVI в. стала сказываться ясно выраженная тенденция к более строгой защите от конкуренции. Это особенно проявилось среди владельцев судов, плававших по внутренним водам, у плотников, сапожников, булочников, мясников и т.д. Такая защита против внутренней и внешней конкуренции сказалось в особенности во время 12-летнего перемирия, когда в городском управлении господствовала политика, направленная против штатов. Эта покровительственная политика, содействовала благосостоянию города, была необходимой уступкой мелкой буржуазии, чтобы примирить её со свободой крупной торговли. Так, например, в 1579 г. Было возобновлено постановлением от 1465 г., запрещавшее лицам, не пользовавшимся правами горожанина, заниматься ремеслом. В 1641 г. Это постановление было вновь издано с тем ещё дополнением, что жителям Амстердама, которые не имели права горожан, запрещалось заниматься торговлей до тех пор, пока они не купят себе такого права. Очень рано почти все гильдии начали энергично выступать против неценовых мастеров. Цеховыми интересами диктовалось также движение против аукционеров, которые возникли в XVII к. На этих аукционах вначале продавали картины и предметы искусства, а затем также и другие товары, например, одежду.
На промышленные предприятия Амстердама, такие, как текстильные, мыловаренные, канатные, маслобойные, пивоварные, издавна находившиеся в руках крупных купцов, наоборот, цеховое влияние не распространялось».[8, с. 92]
«Ведущей отраслью голландской промышленности было судостроение. Страна имела самый большой флот в Европе. Одна из причин экономического подъёма Голландии -- обширность ее торговых связей. Она вела торговлю со Скандинавией, Северной Германией, Польшей, Литвой, русским государством. Тесные торговые связи Голландия имела с Англией, со странами Южной Европы. Доходы от внешней посреднической торговли для Голландии были основным источником первоначального накопления капитала. Получили большое развитие суконная промышленность, производство полотна, шелка, предметов роскоши, кожевенное дело. Голландия создала высокоразвитую пищевую промышленность -- изготовление сыра, мясо-молочных продуктов, сахара. Многие из этих отраслей работали на, экспорт. В XVII в. в Голландии было 50 сахарорафинадных заводов-предприятий, перерабатывающих привозное сырье.
О капиталистической эволюции Голландии свидетельствует преобразование финансовой системы страны. Кредитные операции созданного в 1609 г. Амстердамского банка получили широкий размах. Банк быстро разбогател, и Амстердам стал финансовым центром мира, средоточием международной валютной спекуляции. Крупным центром мировой торговли стал Антверпен, где была организована первая товарная биржа.
Новейшие тенденции экономического развития Голландии нашли отражение и в сельском хозяйстве. Достигли высокого уровня интенсивное животноводство, огородничество, цветоводство (выращивание тюльпанов). Раньше других стран Голландия внедрила многопольные севообороты и плодо-семенную систему на осушённых плодородных полях (называемых польдерами); развивались капиталистические хозяйства, в которых крестьянская масса находилась на положении батраков и наёмных рабочих. Важную роль в экономике Голландии играло рыболовство, в котором ежегодно было занято 100--120 тыс. человек». [3, с. 94-95]
«После победы буржуазной революции в хозяйстве Голландии, кроме судостроения, развивается также и промышленное производство. Сюда стали перемещаться мануфактуры из южной части Нидерландов. Хорошо развивались отрасли, работавшие на привозном сырье, продукцию которых затем вывозили в другие станы - суконная (английская шерсть), полотняная, сахарная и спиртоводочная промышленность (сахарный тростник из Вест-Индии), табачная промышленность (табак из Северной Америки) и др. В сельском хозяйстве преобладало птицеводство, молочное животноводство, возделывание овощей, цветов и технических культур (особенно красящих растений). Но потенциал промышленного производства Голландии не соответствовал торговому потенциалу. Так всю годовую продукцию страны можно было вывести на 100 судах, а в стране ежегодно строилось до 1000 судов». [2, с. 50]
«Быстрыми темпами развивались пивоваренная промышленность, винокурение - производство водки из зерна. В середине века сделала заметные успехи табачная промышленность, которая перерабатывала сырье, ввозимое из Америки. В городах появляются предприятия бумажной промышленности.
Набирало обороты товарное животноводство: в XVII в. Голландия занимала первое место в мире по продуктивному животноводству. Большое внимание уделялось улучшению пород скота: голландский крупный рогатый скот считался лучшим в Европе. Голландское масло и сыр вывозились во многие страны Европы».[4, с. 149]

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
2.1. Development of industry and agriculture"In Amsterdam since the end of the 16th century began to take its toll demonstrable trend towards more rigorous protection from competition. This is particularly evident among the owners of ships sailed on inland waters, carpenters, shoemakers, bakers, butchers, etc. such protection against internal and external competition affected especially during the 12-year-old truce, when the municipal government dominated politics aimed against States. This policy has contributed to the well-being of their cities, was a necessary concession to the petty bourgeoisie to reconcile it with the freedom of a major trade. For example, in 1579, it was reopened by order dated 1465, prohibiting persons who are not beloved of citizen rights, engage in crafts. In 1641 it was again issued Decree so even supplement that residents of Amsterdam, who did not have the right to engage in forbidden city dwellers, until they buy themselves. Very early, almost all of the Guild began to vigorously oppose the non-price masters. Trade interests dictated the movement against the auctioneers that arose in the 17th on these auctions first sold paintings and art objects, and then also other goods, such as clothing.On industrial enterprises in Amsterdam, such as the textile, SOAP, oil, rope, brewing, has long been in the hands of large merchants, on the contrary, the preponderance of influence did not apply. [8, p. 92]"Leading branch of Dutch industry was shipbuilding. The country had the largest fleet in Europe. One of the reasons for the economic uplift of Holland-the vastness of its trade ties. She conducted trade with Scandinavia, Northern Germany, Poland, Lithuania, the Russian State. Close trade relations with England, had Holland with the countries of southern Europe. Income from foreign trade intermediation for Holland were the main source of initial accumulation of capital. Got a great development carded, cloth, silk, luxury items, leatherworking. Holland has created a highly developed food industry-manufacture of cheese, meat, dairy products, sugar. Many of these industries have worked on, export. In the 17th century in Holland was 50 plants painter enterprises processing imported raw materials.About capitalist evolution Holland shows the transformation of the country's financial system. Credit operations was created in 1609 g. Amsterdam Bank got a wide scope. The Bank quickly made a fortune, and Amsterdam became the financial center of the world, the focus of international currency speculation. A major center of world trade began to Antwerp, where the first commodity exchange.Latest trends of economic development of the Netherlands are reflected in agriculture. Have achieved a high level of intensive farming, gardening, flower-growing (cultivation of tulips). Before other countries the Netherlands introduced mnogopol′nye crop rotation and fruit-seed system on osušënnyh fertile fields (called pol′derami); developed capitalist economy in which peasant mass was on the status of laborers and salaried workers. An important role in the economy of the Netherlands played a fishery, which annually accounted for 100- -120th. people ". [3, p. 94-95]"After the victory of the bourgeois revolution in agriculture in Holland, in addition to shipbuilding, also is developing and manufacturing. Here steel factory move from the southern part of the Netherlands. Well developed industry, working on imported raw materials, which are then exported to other mills-carded (English wool), canvas, sugar and spirtovodočnaâ industry (cane sugar from the West Indies), the tobacco industry (tobacco from North America) and others. Agriculture dominated the poultry, dairy farming, cultivation of vegetables, flowers and industrial crops (especially dye plants). But the potential for industrial production of Holland did not match the commercial potential. So the entire annual production of the country might bring to 100 vessels and built annually up to 1000 ships ". [2, p. 50]"Rapidly developing brewing industry, distillery-production of vodka from grain. In the middle of the century, made notable advances the tobacco industry, which refined raw materials imported from America. In the cities appear enterprise paper industry.Turnover grew in commercial livestock in 17th century Holland was the first in the world for productive livestock. Great attention has been paid to the improvement of breeds: Dutch cattle was considered the best in Europe. Dutch butter and cheese were exported to many countries of Europe ". [4, s. 149]
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
2.1. The development of industry and agriculture
"in Amsterdam at the end of the XVI century. It began to affect the clearly expressed tendency to more rigorous protection against competition. This is particularly evident among the owners of vessels sailing on inland waters, carpenters, shoemakers, bakers, butchers, etc. Such protection against domestic and foreign competition affected especially during the 12-year-old truce that prevailed in the municipal government policy directed against states. This patronizing policy, promote the welfare of the city, was a necessary concession to the petty bourgeoisie, to reconcile it with the freedom of a major trade. For example, in 1579 was renewed by Resolution 1465, prohibiting persons who do not enjoy the rights of the citizen, to engage in trade. In 1641 This decree was issued again with the addition of more that residents of Amsterdam, which do not have the right of citizens were forbidden to engage in trade, as long as they do not buy yourself such a right. Very early, almost all of the guild began to vigorously oppose nonprice masters. Craft interests dictated as the movement against the auctioneers that have emerged in the XVII to. On these auctions first sold paintings and objects of art, and then also other goods, such as clothing.
On the industrial enterprises of Amsterdam, such as the textile, soap, rope, vegetable oil Brewery, has long been the major is in the hands of merchants, on the contrary, the effect did not extend to the guild. "[8, p. 92]
"The leading branch of Dutch industry was shipbuilding. The country had the largest fleet in Europe. One reason for the economic recovery of Holland - the vastness of its trade relations. She was trade with Scandinavia, northern Germany, Poland, Lithuania, the Russian state. The close trade links with Holland was England, with the countries of Southern Europe. Income from foreign trade intermediary for the Netherlands were the main source of primitive accumulation of capital. We get more development cloth industry, linen, silk, luxury, leather case. The Netherlands has created a highly developed food industry - production of cheese, meat and dairy products, sugar. Many of these industries worked for export. In the XVII century. in Holland there were 50 sugar refineries, enterprises processing imported raw materials.
On the capitalist evolution of the Netherlands demonstrates the conversion of the financial system of the country. Credit operations established in 1609 Bank of Amsterdam received widespread. The bank quickly made ​​a fortune, and Amsterdam became the financial center of the world, the focus of international currency speculation. A major center of world trade began to Antwerp, where organized the first Commodity Exchange.
The latest economic trends and the Netherlands are reflected in agriculture. Reached a high level of intensive animal husbandry, horticulture, floriculture (growing tulips). Previously, other countries Holland has introduced multiple-crop rotation, and fruit and seed system on osushёnnyh fertile fields (called polders); developed capitalist economy, in which the peasant masses was in the position of laborers and salaried workers. An important role in the economy of the Netherlands has played a fishery, which annually were employed 100--120 thousand. Man. " [3, p. 94-95]
"After the victory of the bourgeois revolution in the Netherlands sector except shipbuilding, also developed and industrial production. It began to move the manufactory from southern Netherlands. Well-developed industry, working on imported raw materials, products which are then exported to other mills - cloth (English wool), linen, sugar and distilling industry (sugar cane from the West Indies), the tobacco industry (tobacco from North America) and others. agriculture prevailed poultry farming, dairy farming, cultivation of vegetables, flowers and industrial crops (especially dyeing plants). But the potential of industrial production Netherlands did not meet the sales potential. So the entire annual output of the country could bring to 100 ships, and the country built annually up to 1000 ships. " [2, p. 50]
"Rapidly developing brewing industry, distilling - vodka production from corn. In the middle of the century it has made ​​notable advances the tobacco industry, which processes raw materials imported from America. In the cities there are paper mills.
Gaining momentum livestock commodity: in the XVII century. The Netherlands ranked first in the world in productivity of livestock. Much attention was paid to the improvement of livestock breeds: Dutch cattle was considered the best in Europe. Dutch butter and cheese exported to many countries in Europe. "[4, p. 149]

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
2.1. the development of industry and agriculture
"in amsterdam, with the end of the 16th. started to get clear the trend of more strict protection from competition. this is particularly the case among the owners of shipsплававших on inland waters, carpenters, shoemakers, булочников, butchers and so on. this protection against internal and external competition affected especially during the twelve year trucewhen in urban governance dominated policies against the states. this покровительственная policies contributed to the prosperity of the city, was a necessary concession of the bourgeoisie.to reconcile her with the freedom of a large trade. for example, in 1579. it was renewed in resolution of 1465), запрещавшее persons not пользовавшимся rights of citizen, engage in trade. in 1641.this decision was re issued with a complement that residents of the city, which had no right of our citizens, forbidden to trade until they buy a law.very soon, almost all the guild began to vigorously oppose the non price masters. on interests was inspired the movement against аукционеров that arose in the 17th.these auctions initially sold the paintings and works of art, and then also, and other goods, such as clothes.
industry city, such as textile, мыловаренные, cable, маслобойные,пивоварные long were in the hands of large merchants, on the contrary, цеховое influence not распространялось». [8,. 92]
"the leading branch of the dutch industry was shipbuilding.the country had the largest fleet in europe. one of the reasons for the economic recovery of holland - - the severity of its trade relations. it was trade with scandinavian, northern germany, poland, lithuania, the russian state.holland had close trade links with england, with the countries of southern europe. income from foreign intermediary trade to the dutch were the main source of the initial capital accumulation.got a large development of sukonnaya industry, linen, silk, luxury goods, leather case. holland created the высокоразвитую food industry - the manufacture of cheesemeat, dairy products, sugar. many of these industries were for export. in the 17th century. in the netherlands it was 50 сахарорафинадных factories enterprises processing raw materials привозное.
on the transformation of capitalist evolution of holland is a country's financial system. credit operations established in 1609. the amsterdam bank received on a wide scale. the bank quickly get richand amsterdam became the financial center of the world, the focus of international currency speculation. a major center of world trade was antwerp, which was organized by the first commodity exchange.the latest trends of economic development of the netherlands is reflected in agriculture. have reached a high level of intensive animal husbandry, gardening, gardening (cultivating tulips).before other countries the netherlands introduced многопольные севообороты and fruitful - семенную system осушённых fertile fields (called польдерами); the developed capitalist economyin which the peasant mass was located at the position of a farmhand and contract workers. an important role in the economy of the netherlands has been fishing, in which year it was 100 - 120 thousand. ". [3. 94 - 95]."after the success of bourgeois revolution in the fields of holland, but also shipbuilding, developing and manufacturing. there are travel shop from the southern part of the netherlands.well developed industry, working on the привозном raw materials, products are then extracted in other countries - sukonnaya (combed wool), полотняная,sugar and спиртоводочная industry (sugar cane from the west indies), the tobacco industry tobacco from north america), and others. in agriculture was dominated by poultry, dairy farming,cultivation of vegetables, flowers and technical crops (particularly the use of plants). but the potential for industrial production of holland with commercial potential.the annual production of the country can be traced back to 100 ships, and in the country has built up to 1000 ships. [2. 50]
"rapid growth in brewing industry, винокурение - vodka from grains.in the middle of the century, has made remarkable achievements of the tobacco industry, which перерабатывала raw materials imported from america. in the cities, there are enterprises of the paper industry.it recruited in livestock, in the 17th century. holland has ranked first in the world in productive livestock. much attention has been paid to the improvement of livestock.dutch cattle was considered the best in europe. dutch butter and cheese were imported to many countries of europe. "[4. 149)

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