В маленьких квадратных комнатах с низкими потолками Лиза бродила минут перевод - В маленьких квадратных комнатах с низкими потолками Лиза бродила минут английский как сказать

В маленьких квадратных комнатах с н

В маленьких квадратных комнатах с низкими потолками Лиза бродила минут десять.

Это были комнаты, обставленные красным деревом и карельской березой — мебелью строгой, чудесной. Два квадратных шкафа стояли против письменного стола. Стол был безбрежен. По углам стояли кресла с высоки¬ми спинками. Солнце лежало на персиковой обивке кресел.

По левую руку от самого пола шли низенькие полу¬круглые окна. Сквозь них, под ногами, Лиза увидела огромный белый зал с колоннами. В зале тоже стояла мебель. Лиза остановилась. Никогда еще она не видела зала у себя под ногами.

Она попала в красную гостиную, в которой стояло предметов сорок. Это была ореховая мебель. Из гостиной не было выхода. Пришлось бежать назад через круглую комнату с верхним светом, меблированную, казалось, то¬лько цветочными подушками.

Невольно она приспосабливала виденную мебель к своей комнате и потребностям. Кровать ей совсем не по¬нравилась. Кровать была слишком велика.

Мебель была представлена многочисленными комп¬лектами. Сравнительно небольшие ее размеры привели Лизу в восторг.

— Смотрите, смотрите! — доверчиво кричала она.

— Видите это бюро? Оно чудно подошло бы к нашей комнате. Правда?

— Прелестная мебель! — гневно сказал Остап.

— А здесь я уже была,— сказала Лиза, входя в крас¬ную гостиную.

Большая комната была перегружена мебелью. Стулья расположились вдоль стены и вокруг стола. Диван в углу тоже окружали стулья. Их ножки и удобные спинки были знакомы Ипполиту Матвеевичу.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the small square rooms with low ceilings Lisa tramped ten minutes.These were the rooms furnished with mahogany and Karelian Birch — furniture strong, wonderful. Two square Cabinet stood against the desk. Table bezbrežen. In the corners were standing chairs with high ¬ MI headboards. The Sun lay on peach upholstery chairs.To the left of the floor went tiny semi ¬ round Windows. Through them, underfoot, Lisa saw a huge white room with columns. In the Hall too stood IU ¬ Belle. Lisa stopped. Never had she had not seen the Hall at his feet.She got into a red living room, where stood forty subjects. It was walnut furniture. From the living room there was no exit. Had to run backwards through a circular room with overhead light, furnished, it seemed the only ¬ floral pillows.Unwittingly she vidennuû tailor furniture to her room and needs. Bed it is not of liked. The bed was too great.Furniture was provided with numerous comp ¬ lektami. Relatively small size led Lisa in delight.-Look, look! is she screaming trustfully.— See this Bureau? It is wonderful to come in our room. The truth?-Lovely furniture! -Ostap said angrily.— And here I was, "said Lisa, entering the KRAs ¬ Cate the living room.The big room was overloaded furnishings. Chairs are located along the wall and around the table. Sofa in the corner also surrounded by chairs. Their legs and comfortable backrest were familiar Hippolytus Matveeviču.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the small square rooms with low ceilings Lisa wandered for ten minutes. It was a room furnished with mahogany and Karelian birch - furniture strict, wonderful. Two square cabinet standing against the desk. The table was bezbrezhen. In the corners stood chairs with backs vysoki¬mi. The sun lay on the peach upholstered chairs. On the left hand from the floor were polu¬kruglye The low window. Through them under their feet, Lisa saw a huge white room with columns. The hall also stood me¬bel. Lisa stopped. She had never seen the room at his feet. She was in a red living room, in which stood forty items. It was walnut furniture. From the living room there was no escape. I had to run back through the circular room with skylight, furnished it seemed to¬lko floral pillows. One can not help it fit the vision of furniture to your room and needs. The bed she did not po¬nravilas. The bed was too big. The furniture was represented by numerous komp¬lektami. The relatively small size of its lead Lisa underwhelming. - Look, look! - Trustingly she cried. - Do you see this office? It is wonderful to come to our room. Really? - Lovely furniture! - Angrily said Ostap. - And here I was, - said Lisa, kras¬nuyu entering the living room. The large room was overloaded with furniture. Chairs are arranged along the walls and around the table. The sofa in the corner, too, was surrounded by chairs. Their legs and comfortable backs were familiar Hippolyte Matveev.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the little square rooms with low ceilings, lisa was ten minutes.

it was a room furnished in red birch - tree and the world furniture strict, wonderful.two square cabinet stood against the desk. the table was безбрежен. in the corner stood a chair with высоки¬ми headboards. the sun was on the peach cushion seats.

on the left side of the floor were низенькие полу¬круглые window. through them, feet, lisa saw a huge white hall with pillars. in the hall, stood ме¬бель. lisa stopped.never has she seen the hall's feet.

she was in the living room, which was of forty. it was peanut furniture. from the living room to do it.i had to run back through the round room with a ceiling light, furnished, it seemed то¬лько floral pillows.

unwillingly she приспосабливала виденную furniture for my room and needs.the bed she doesn't по¬нравилась. the bed was too great.

furniture was provided with many комп¬лектами. relatively small size led lisa's delight.

- look, look, look, look!- secure she screamed.

you see that office? it's up to our room. really?

- lovely furniture! - were said to ostap.

- and here i was, "said lisa, as крас¬ную room.

the big room was full of furniture. the chairs are along the wall and around the table. sofa in the corner, surrounded by chairs. their legs were familiar and comfortable seat ипполиту матвеевичу.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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