Вы хорошо знаете, что российско-франко-германский формат взаимодействи перевод - Вы хорошо знаете, что российско-франко-германский формат взаимодействи английский как сказать

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Вы хорошо знаете, что российско-франко-германский формат взаимодействия стал уже традиционным, и присоединение к нему Испании свидетельствует о значимости такого неформального диалога России с нашими авторитетными европейскими партнерами.

У всех наших стран общая приверженность многосторонним принципам и механизмам решения важнейших проблем мировой политики. И мы рассчитываем, что формат «четверки» будет фактором, реально содействующим укреплению стабильности, сотрудничества, развитию многостороннего интеграционного процесса в Европе.

Наша общая цель – формирование справедливого демократического миропорядка. В его основу должен быть положен принцип верховенства международного права, взаимное уважение интересов, обеспечение равной безопасности для всех государств.

Одной из центральных тем встречи стало развитие диалога России с Евросоюзом. Мы вновь подтвердили, что нацелены на долгосрочное и многостороннее партнерство. И в этой связи особое внимание уделили подготовке к предстоящему майскому саммиту Россия–ЕС в Москве.

Должен вам сказать, что мы активно работаем сейчас с Комиссией Европейских сообществ для подготовки соответствующих документов на экспертном уровне. Сегодняшняя встреча нам крайне важна.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
You know very well that the Franco-German-Russian interaction format became already traditional, and accession of Spain testifies to the importance of such informal dialogue in Russia with our reputable European partners.All our countries have shared commitment to multilateral principles and mechanisms for addressing the critical problems of world politics. And we hope that the Quartet format will be a factor really contributes to the strengthening of stability, cooperation and development of multilateral integration process in Europe.Our common goal is the establishment of an equitable and democratic world order. It should be based on the principle of the primacy of international law, mutual respect for interests, ensuring equal security for all States.One of the central themes of the Summit was the development of the dialogue between Russia and the European Union. We reaffirmed that aim at long-term and multilateral partnership. And in this regard, particular attention was paid to preparations for the forthcoming EU-Russia Summit in may in Moscow.I must tell you that we are actively working now with the Commission of the European communities to prepare the relevant documents at the expert level. Today's meeting is very important to us.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
You know very well that the Russian-French-German cooperation format has already become traditional, and the accession of Spain, evidence of the importance of the informal dialogue of Russia with our reputable European partners. All our countries share a common commitment to multilateral principles and mechanisms to address the critical issues of world politics. And we hope that the format of the "quartet" will be a factor, really promote stability, cooperation, development of multilateral integration process in Europe. Our common goal - building a just and democratic world order. It is based must be put to the rule of international law, mutual respect for interests and ensuring equal security for all states. One of the central topics of the meeting was the development of the dialogue between Russia and the European Union. We reaffirmed that focus on long-term and multi-stakeholder partnerships. In this regard, particular attention was paid to the preparation of the May for the upcoming Russia-EU summit in Moscow. I must tell you that we are now actively working with the European Commission to prepare the relevant documents at the expert level. Today's meeting is very important to us.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
You well know, in the interests of both Russia and Franco-german format interaction has become traditional,And accession of the Spain demonstrates the significance of such an informal dialog of Russia with our authoritative European partners.

In all of our countries have a common commitment to multilateral principles and mechanisms for solving the most important problems of the world. And we hope that the format of the "quartet" will be a factor,Actually promotes the strengthening of stability, cooperation, development of the process of integration in Europe.Lord our common goal - the establishment of an equitable democratic world order.In it has to be based on the principle of the rule of international law, mutual respect for the interests of, ensuring equal security for all states.

One of the central themes of the summit was the development of dialog with the EU. We have reiterated that are aimed at the long-term and multilateral partnership.And, in this connection, particular attention to the preparations for the upcoming Russia-EU political dialog in Moscow.lord, I must tell youThat we are working actively with the Commission of the European Communities for the preparation of the relevant documents at the expert level. Today's meeting between us is extremely important.
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