Старая теория, основанная на богословие и этике, что преступники являю перевод - Старая теория, основанная на богословие и этике, что преступники являю английский как сказать

Старая теория, основанная на богосл

Старая теория, основанная на богословие и этике, что преступники являются порочными людьми, которые сознательно совершают преступления и делают по наущению дьявола или других злых духов. С XVIII века были выдвинуты различные научные теории объяснения преступления. Одну из первых попыток объяснить преступление был немецкий врач Сад и анатом Франц Иосиф.
Более сложные, биологическая теория была разработана в конце XIX века итальянским криминалистом Чезаре Ломброзо, который утверждал, что преступления были совершены теми, кто рождается с определенным наследственные физическими чертами.
Британский криминолог Чарльз Goring провел сравнительное исследование в тюрьме между преступниками и законопослушными гражданами. Другой подход был инициирован французским философом Монтескье, который пытался связать преступное поведение к естественной, или физической, окружающей среды. Его преемники собрали доказательства показывающие, что преступления против личности,более многочисленны в теплом климате. А преступления против собственности являются более частыми в холодных регионах. Многие известные криминологи XIX века, объясняют преступление влиянием нищеты. Они отметили, что те кто не в состоянии адекватно обеспечить для себя и свою семью вынуждены идти на кражи. Условия нищеты порождают чувства лишений и безнадежности. Последняя группа основных теорий психологической и психиатрической. Американский криминолог Bernard Глэк и Британский психиатр William Хили указали, что около четверти типичного осужденного населения, психотические, невротические или эмоционально неустойчивых и еще четверть умственно недостаточны. Считается, что такие эмоциональные и психические условия, могут сделать людей более склонными к преступности. С середины XX века понятие преступление может быть объяснено какой-либо теорией. Причина преступления исходит из нескольких факторов биологических, психологических, культурных, экономических и политических.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The old theory based on theology and ethics, that criminals are evil people who knowingly commit crimes and make at the instigation of the devil or other evil spirits. Since the 18th century have been nominated by the various scientific theories explaining the crime. One of the first attempts to explain the crime was a German physician and anatomist Franz Joseph's garden. More complex biological theory was developed in the late 19th century the Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso, who argued that the crimes were committed by those who are born with a certain hereditary physical traits. British criminologist Charles Goring conducted a comparative study in prison between criminals and law-abiding citizens. Another approach was initiated by French philosopher Montesquieu, who tried to tie the criminal conduct to the natural, or physical environment Wednesday. His successors have collected evidence showing that the offences against the person, are more numerous in warm climates. And crimes against property are more frequent in cold regions. Many prominent 19th century criminologists to explain crime influence poverty. They noted that those who are not able to adequately provide for themselves and their family are forced to go for the steal. The conditions of poverty gave rise to feelings of deprivation and hopelessness. The last group of major theories of psychological and psychiatric. American criminologist Bernard Gljek and British psychiatrist William Healy pointed out that about a quarter of the typical convict population, psychotic, neurotic or emotionally unstable and another quarter mentally inadequate. It is believed that such emotional and mental conditions, may make people more prone to crime. Since the mid-20th century the notion of crime can be explained by any theory. The reason the crime comes from multiple factors biological, psychological, cultural, economic and political.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The old theory based on theology and ethics that criminals are evil people who deliberately commit crimes and do at the instigation of the devil or other evil spirits. Since the XVIII century, various scientific theories have been put forward explanations of crime. One of the first attempts to explain the crime was a German physician Garden and anatomist Franz Joseph.
The more complex, the biological theory was developed in the late XIX century Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso, who claimed that the crimes were committed by those who are born with a certain hereditary physical traits.
British criminologist Charles Goring made a comparative study in prison between criminals and law-abiding citizens. Another approach was initiated by the French philosopher Montesquieu, who tried to link criminal behavior to the natural or physical environment. His successors have collected evidence showing that crimes against persons are more numerous in warm climates. A crime against property are more frequent in the colder regions. Many well-known criminologists of the XIX century, to explain the influence of the crime of poverty. They noted that those who are unable to adequately provide for themselves and their families are forced to steal. Poverty engender feelings of deprivation and hopelessness. The last group of the main theories of psychological and psychiatric. American criminologist Bernard Glek and the British psychiatrist William Healy indicated that about a quarter of the typical convict population, psychotic, neurotic or emotionally unstable, and another quarter mentally insufficient. It is believed that such emotional and mental conditions, may make people more prone to crime. From the middle of the XX century the concept of a crime can be explained by any theory. The reason for the crime is based on several factors, biological, psychological, cultural, economic and political.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the old theory based on theology and ethics that criminals are evil people who deliberately commit crimes and do at the instigation of the devil or evil spirits. since the 18th century has resulted in various scientific theories to explain crime. one of the first attempts to explain the crime was a german physician franz joseph garden and anatomy.more complex, the theory was developed in the late 19th century by a criminologist cesare lombroso, who argued that the crimes were committed by those who are born with a certain hereditary physical characteristics.the british криминолог charles Goring conducted a comparative study between criminals in prison and law-abiding citizens. another approach was initiated by the french philosopher montesquieu, who tried to connect the criminal behavior in the natural and physical environment. his successors collected evidence showing that the offences against the person, the more numerous in warmer climates. and crimes against property were more frequent in the cold regions. many famous criminologists of xix century, explain the crime of poverty. they noted that those who are not able to adequately provide for himself and his family were forced to go to the theft. poverty conditions give rise to feelings of deprivation and hopelessness. the last group of the major theories of psychological and mental health. the american криминолог bernard глэк and british psychiatrist william healy stated that about a quarter of the population of a typical, psychotic, невротические or emotionally unstable, and another quarter is insufficient. it is believed that such emotional and mental conditions, can make people more prone to crime. since the mid twentieth century, the concept of a crime could be explained by any theory. cause of crime comes from several factors: biological, psychological, cultural, economic and political.
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