Также в больших городах очень актуальная проблема это пробки , которые перевод - Также в больших городах очень актуальная проблема это пробки , которые английский как сказать

Также в больших городах очень актуа

Также в больших городах очень актуальная проблема это пробки , которые создаются перенасыщением личного автотранспорта. Существует ряд проблем которые вытекают из одной. Одна из самых явных причин это помеха грузовому транспорту , что вредит эффективности торговли.
А так же пробки мешают работе полиции, скорой помощи , не говоря уже о самих владельцах легковых автомобилях которые тоже торопятся на работу или просто по своим ежедневным делам. Вторая серьезная проблемы перенасыщения городов личным автотраспором является - загрязнение окружающей среды. Эта тема настолько актуальна что в Москве разрабатывается закон о запрете въезда в центр столицы автомобилям , которые не соответствуют современным экологическим стандартам.
Переизбыток легкового автотранспорта может быть как и неблагоприятным фактором так и опасным для здоровья и жизни в целом, все мы знаем что в Москве очень мало парковочных . В следствии чего машины ставят где попало , а именно на пешеходных зонах что может быть очень опасным для самих пешеходов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Also in big cities is very topical problem is the Cork, which creates an excess of personal transport. There are a number of problems that arise from one. One of the most apparent reason is a hindrance to cargo transport, which harms the efficiency of trade.As well as cork interfere with police, ambulance, not to mention themselves owners of cars that are too slow to work or just for their daily business. The second major problem of oversupply cities personal avtotrasporom is-pollution Wednesday. This theme is so acute that a law prohibiting entry into the Centre of the capital, which do not comply with modern environmental standards. An overabundance of cars may be a disadvantage and hazardous to health and life in General, we all know that very little parking. As a result the machine put where horrible, namely the pedestrian zones that can be very dangerous for pedestrians.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Also in the big cities is very urgent problem is the traffic jams that are created glut of private vehicles. There are a number of problems that arise from the same. One of the most obvious reasons is a hindrance freight transport, which harms trade efficiency.
And just as the plug interfere with police, ambulance, not to mention themselves owners of cars that are also in a hurry to work or just for your daily business. The second major problem of glut cities avtotrasporom is personal - environmental pollution. This topic is so relevant that in Moscow a law on the prohibition of entry into the center of the capital of vehicles that do not meet modern environmental standards.
The overabundance of passenger cars can be as unfavorable factor and dangerous to health and life in general, we all know that very little parking in Moscow. In consequence of that the machine put anywhere, and it is on pedestrian areas that can be very dangerous for the pedestrians themselves.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
also in big cities is very pressing problem is the traffic, which are перенасыщением personal vehicles. there are a number of issues that arise from the same. one of the most obvious reason that a freight transport, which undermine the effectiveness of trade.as well as in the traffic police, ambulance, not to mention the ownership of cars which are also in a hurry to work or just in your daily affairs. a second serious problem of congested cities personal автотраспором is environmental pollution. this topic is so important that in moscow a law banning the entry into the center of the capital vehicles that do not comply with modern environmental standards.overuse of passenger vehicles could be as a disadvantage and dangerous to health and life in general, we all know that in moscow, there is very little parking. as a result the car put a place, namely pedestrian zones that can be very dangerous for the pedestrians.
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