Рынок — сложная экономическая система общественных взаимоотношений в с перевод - Рынок — сложная экономическая система общественных взаимоотношений в с английский как сказать

Рынок — сложная экономическая систе

Рынок — сложная экономическая система общественных взаимоотношений в сфере экономического воспроизводства. Он обусловлен несколькими принципами, которые обуславливают его сущность и отличают от других экономических систем. Эти принципы основываются на свободе человека, его предпринимательских талантах и на справедливом отношении к ним государства. Действительно, данных принципов немного — их можно посчитать по пальцам одной руки, однако их важность для самого понятия рыночной экономики трудно переоценить. Причем эти основы, а именно: свобода индивида и честное соревнование — очень тесно связаны с понятием правового государства. Гарантии же свободы и честного соревнования могут быть даны лишь в условиях гражданского общества и правового государства. Но и сама суть прав, обретенных человеком в условиях правового государства, есть право свободы потребления: каждый гражданин вправе устраивать свою жизнь так, как ему представляется, в рамках его финансовых возможностей. Человеку необходимо, чтобы права на собственность были нерушимыми, и в этой защите своих прав основную роль играет он сам, а роль по защите от незаконных посягательств на собственность гражданина других граждан берет на себя государство. Такой расклад сил удерживает человека в рамках закона, так как в идеале государство стоит на его стороне. Закон, который начинают уважать, какой бы он ни был, становится справедливым хотя бы для того, кто его уважает. Но, защищая права граждан, государство не должно переходить границу, как тоталитаризма, так и хаоса. В первом случае инициатива граждан будет сдерживаться или проявляться в извращенном виде, а во втором — государство и его законы могут быть сметены насилием. Однако «дистанция» между тоталитаризмом и хаосом достаточно велика, и государство в любом случае должно играть «свою» роль. Роль эта заключается в эффективном регулировании хозяйства. Под регулированием следует понимать весьма широкий спектр мер, и чем эффективнее его использование, тем выше доверие к государству.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Market - a complex economic system of social relations in the sphere of economic reproduction. It is caused by several principles,which determine its nature and is distinguished from other economic systems. These principles are based on the freedom of the individual, his entrepreneurial talents and fair treatment of the state.Indeed, some of these principles - they can count on the fingers of one hand, but their importance to the concept of a market economy is difficult to overstate. And these are the basics, such as:individual freedom and fair competition - are very closely related to the concept of the rule of law.Guarantees the same freedom and fair competition can only be given in a civil society and the rule of law. But the essence of the rights acquired by man under the rule of law,has the right to freedom of consumption is that every citizen has the right to arrange your life so as to them shall, within its financial capacity. A person needs to have the right to property inviolable,and in the protection of the rights of the basic role played by himself, and the role of the protection against unlawful attacks on the property of a citizen of other citizens covered by the state.Such a person holds the balance of power within the law, as in the ideal state is on his side. The law, which are beginning to be respected, whatever it was, it is true at least for someone who respects him.But in protecting the rights of citizens, the government should not cross the border, as totalitarianism and chaos. In the first case the citizens' initiative will be held back, or appear in a distorted form,and the second - the state and its laws can be swept away by the violence. However, the "distance" between totalitarianism and chaos is great enough, and the government must in any case play "their" role.This role is to effectively regulate the economy. Under the regulation should be understood very wide range of measures, and the more efficient use of it, the higher the credibility of the state.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The market is a complex economic system of social relations in the sphere of economic reproduction. It is due to the multiple principles which determine its identity and distinguish from other economic systems. The principles are based on human freedom, his entrepreneurial talents and on equitable treatment of States. Indeed, these principles a bit — they can be counted on the fingers of one hand, but their importance to the concept of market economy cannot be overstated. With these basics, namely: individual freedom and fair competition is very closely connected with the notion of the rule of law. Guarantee the same freedom and fair competition can be given only in the context of civil society and the rule of law. But the very essence of the rights acquired by a person in a State of law, There is a right of freedom of consumption: any citizen is entitled to arrange their lives so he took it, within its financial capacity. Person needs to have inviolable property rights, and the protection of their rights in role plays himself, a role for protection from illegal encroachments on citizen ownership of other citizens, borne by the State. A man holds the balance of power within the framework of the law, because in the ideal State is standing at his side. The law, which are respected, whatever it may be, becomes fair for someone who respects him. But, defending the rights of citizens, the State must not cross the boundary as totalitarianism or chaos. In the first case, the citizens ' initiative will be held back or take the warped, and the second is the State and its laws can be swept away by the violence. However, the "distance" between totalitarianism and the chaos is large enough, and in any case, the State should play the role of "his". This role is to effectively regulate the economy. Under the regulation should be understood quite a wide range of measures, and the more effective use of it, the higher the confidence in the State.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The market is a complex economic system of public relations in the sphere of economic reproduction. It was due to a few principles,Who determines its essence and distinguish from other economic systems. These principles are based on the freedom of the individual, his entrepreneurial skills and the equitable to them states.Indeed, these principles a little - they can be performed on the fingers one-hand, however, their importance to the concept of a market economy it is difficult to overestimate. With this framework, namely:Freedom of the individual and the fair competition, it is very closely linked to the notion of a state of law.Guarantees the freedom and fair competition can be provided only in civil society and the rule of law. But the very essence of human, their newfound man in a state under the rule of law,There is a right to freedom of consumption: every citizen is entitled to arrange their lives so as to him seems to be, in the framework of its financial capacity. Man must be, that the rights to the property were inviolable,And in the protection of their basic role is played by himself, and the role for the protection against unlawful attacks on property citizen other citizens shall be assumed by the state.Such accommodations forces holds rights in the framework of the law, as the ideal state is on his side. The Law, which are beginning to respect, which would be it may be, becomes just while would be to ensure that those his respects.But, in protecting the rights of citizens, the state should not to cross the border, such as totalitarianism, and chaos. In the first case, the initiative of citizens will be constrained or occur in paradoxically,And in the second, the state and its laws can be shamed violence. However, the "distance" between totalitarianism and the chaos is large enough, and the State in any case, it must play a "its" role.The role this is the effective regulation. Under the regulation should be understood in a very wide range of measures, and the more effective its use, the greater the confidence in the state.
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