Блондинка из Красноярска прошла в следующий этап шоу «Танцы на ТНТ». В перевод - Блондинка из Красноярска прошла в следующий этап шоу «Танцы на ТНТ». В английский как сказать

Блондинка из Красноярска прошла в с

Блондинка из Красноярска прошла в следующий этап шоу «Танцы на ТНТ».

Выступление Екатерины Кистер на кастинге в Красноярске было показано в эфире от 23 октября. Девушка представила танец в стиле тверк.

«Наверное, все дело в моем преподавателе танцев: когда я занималась классикой, мне сказали, что с моим задом в классике мне будет тяжеловато. В 2003 году я увидела клип Beonce на песню "Crazy in love". Самое популярное движение, которое там было — это тряска задничкой, и я решила попробовать», — объясняет 23-летняя Екатерина, почему она решила заниматься именно этим стилем.

Также девушка рассказала, что в Красноярске она организовывает шоу-выступления в клубах вместе со своей командой.

Наставник шоу, Мигель, после выступления похвалил технику Екатерины: «Вы очень круто тверкаете. Мне это очень понравилось». Однако остался недоволен выбранным костюмом, туфлями. Егор Дружинин отметил, что это первый тверк, который они видели на каблуках.

Несмотря на сомнения в том, пройдет ли девушка дальнейшие испытания, ее пропустили в следующий тур.

Справка: Тверк — стиль танца, в котором активно работают бедра и ягодицы, а верхняя часть тела практически неподвижна.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Blonde from Krasnoyarsk, took place in the next stage the show "dancing on TNT. Speech by Catherine Kister at the casting call in Krasnoyarsk was shown in online from 23 October. Girl presented a dance in the style of tverk."I guess it's all in my dance instructor: when I studied the classics, I was told that with my back to the classics I will be hard. In 2003, I saw a clip on Beonce song "Crazy in love". The most popular movement that there was is shaking, zadničkoj and I decided to try, "the 23-year-old katsyaryna explains why she decided to engage in exactly this style. Also the girl told that she organizes in Krasnoyarsk, show performances in clubs along with his team. Mentor show, Miguel, after the speech, praised Catherine's technique: "you are very cool tverkaete. I enjoyed it very much. However, remained unhappy with the chosen suit, shoes. Egor Druzhinin said that this is the first tverk that they saw on the heels. Despite the doubt, will the girl further testing it missed in the next round. Reference: Tverk-dance style, which are very active hip and buttocks, and upper body almost motionless.NSA
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Blonde from Krasnoyarsk took place in the next stage of the show "Dancing on TNT."

Speech by Catherine Kister on the casting in Krasnoyarsk has been shown in the broadcast of October 23. She presented tverk dance style.

"Perhaps the whole thing in my dance teacher when I was engaged in a classic, I was told that with my ass in the classics I would be hard. In 2003 I saw a clip Beonce the song "Crazy in love". Most popular movement that was there - a shaking zadnichkoy and I decided to try it, "- explains the 23-year-old Catherine, why she decided to do just that style.

Also, she said that in Krasnoyarsk it organizes show performances in clubs with his . team

Mentor show, Miguel, after his speech praised Catherine's technique: "you are very cool tverkaete. I enjoyed it very much. " However, he remained dissatisfied with the selected costume shoes. Yegor Druzhinin said that this is the first tverk that they had seen on his heels.

In spite of the doubts as to whether the girl further testing, it missed the next round will be held.

Reference: Tverk - dance style in which the hips and buttocks are active, and the top part of the body practically motionless.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the blonde from krasnoyarsk was the next phase of the show "dancing on the тнт».address by catherine sacristan to audition in krasnoyarsk was shown on the air on october 23. the girl presented a dance style twerk."i guess it"s my dance teacher, when i was a classic, i said to my ass in the attic i will be heavy. in 2003, i saw the clip Beonce on the song "crazy in love". the most popular movement that it is задничкой shake, and i decided попробовать», 23 year old catherine explains why she decided to that style.the girl told me that she"s in krasnoyarsk show performances in clubs with his team.master shaw, miguel, after catherine praised technique: "you very cool тверкаете. i was very понравилось». however, complaining the costume, shoes. yegor дружинин noted that this is the first twerk, which they saw on the heels.despite the doubt will further test whether the girl, let her in the next round.background: twerk style of dance, in which active the thighs and buttocks, and upper body virtually immobile.nsa
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