Пришла «Жубановская весна»В Актобе прошел Международный фестиваль музы перевод - Пришла «Жубановская весна»В Актобе прошел Международный фестиваль музы английский как сказать

Пришла «Жубановская весна»В Актобе

Пришла «Жубановская весна»

В Актобе прошел Международный фестиваль музыкальных коллективов народных инструментов. Традиционный фестиваль «Ж?банов к?к­темі-2013», проведенный областной филармонией им. Газизы Жубановой, в нынешнем году стал продолжением мероприятий, направленных на увековечение памяти основоположника казахской профессиональной музыки академика Ахмета Жубанова. Учредителями его выступили Министерство культуры РК и региональное управление культуры при поддержке акимата области. По словам организаторов, цель и задачи фестиваля – способствовать контактам и обмену опытом региональных коллективов народных инструментов, а также стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья, пропаганда фольклорного музыкального искусства, поддержка молодых исполнителей, сохранение и приумножение культурного наследия Казахстана. Фестиваль проходил в концертном зале областной филармонии. В конкурсе приняли участие коллективы из Уфы, Петропавловска, Байконыра, Уральска, Кызылорды, Жанаозеня, Семея, Усть-Каменогорска, Талдыкоргана, Актобе. На суд жюри под председательством заслуженной артистки РК Айгуль Улькенбаевой представили свое искусство 15 творческих коллективов. В состав жюри вошли также народный артист Башкортостана Рамиль Гайзуллин, лауреат международных конкурсов, профессор Оренбургского государственного института искусств ­им. Л. и ­М. Ростроповичей Константин Хальзов, профессор, дирижер, народный артист Кыргызстана Тентимеш Мураталиев и заслуженный работник культуры РК Кайыргали Кожанбаев. По условиям каждый ансамбль народных инструментов должен был обязательно исполнить не менее одного произведения Ахмета Жубанова. Обладателями Гран-при стали этнофольклорный ансамбль «Дидар» из Кызылорды и фольклорный ансамбль «Арайлы А?т?бе». Дипломы лауреатов первой премии вручены творческим коллективам «Талды?ор?ан ?уендері» и «Досты? сазы» (Актобе). Вторые и третьи места завоевали ансамбли из Уральска, Петропавловска, Усть-Каменогорска, а также дуэт «Туратау» из Башкортостана. Победители были награждены ценными призами. Двухдневный фестиваль завершился гала-концертом.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Came "Žubanovskaâ spring"Aktobe has choirs International Festival of musical folk instruments. Traditional festival "w? bans to? ktemì-2013" by the regional Philharmonic Society. Gazizy Zhubanovoy, this year was a continuation of activities aimed at perpetuating the memory of the founder of the Kazakh professional music academician Ahmet Zhubanov. The founders of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the regional Department of culture with support of Akimat of the region. According to the organizers, the goal and objectives of the Festival is to facilitate contacts and the exchange of experiences of regional folk instruments orchestras, as well as the countries of near and far abroad, promotion of folk music performers, support, maintenance and growth of the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. The Festival was held in the Concert Hall of the Philharmonic. The competition was attended by groups from Ufa, Petropavlovsk, Uralsk, Kyzylorda, Bajkonyra, Žanaozenâ, Semey, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Taldykorgan, Almaty. The jury, chaired by the honoured artist of the REPUBLIC of KAZAKHSTAN Aigoul Ul′kenbaevoj presented their art 15 creative teams. The jury consisted of the national artist of Bashkortostan Ramil Gajzullin, laureate of international competitions, Professor of the Orenburg State Institute of arts. L. and m. Rostropovich, Konstantin Hal′zov, Professor, conductor, people's artist of Kyrgyzstan Tentimeš Murataliev and honoured cultural worker of RK Kajyrgali Kožanbaev. Under the terms of each ensemble of folk instruments had to be executed at least one piece of Ahmet Zhubanov. Winners of the Grand Prix became an ethno-folkloric Ensemble "Didar" from Kyzylorda and folklore ensemble "Capital a? t? te". Diplomas of winners of the first prize awarded to creative groups "Taldy? RR? an? uenderì» and «Dosty? sazy "(Aktobe). The second and third place went to ensembles of Uralsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Petropavlovsk, and the Duet "Turatau" from Bashkortostan. The winners were awarded with valuable prizes. The two-day festival concluded with a gala concert.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Came "Zhubanovskaya Spring" in Aktobe International Festival of music ensembles of folk instruments. Traditional festival "F? Bans to? Ktemі 2013" conducted by the Regional Philharmonic. Gaziza Zhubanova, this year was a continuation of measures aimed at perpetuating the memory of the founder of the Kazakh professional music, academician Akhmet Zhubanov. Its founders are the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan and the regional Department of Culture, with the support of the regional akimat. According to organizers, the purpose and objectives of the festival - to promote contacts and the exchange of experiences of regional teams of folk instruments, as well as the countries of near and far abroad, promotion of folk music art, supporting young artists, enhance and preserve the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. The festival was held in the concert hall of the regional philharmonic society. The competition was attended by teams from Ufa Petropavlovsk Baikonyr, Uralsk, Kyzylorda, Zhanaozen, Semey, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Taldykorgan, Aktobe. The jury, chaired by Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aigul Ulkenbaevoy presented their art 15 creative teams. The jury also included the People's Artist of Bashkortostan Ramil Gayzullin, laureate of international contests, professor of Orenburg State Institute of Arts. L. and M. Rostropovich Halzov Constantine, professor, conductor, People's Artist of Kyrgyzstan Tentimesh Murataliev and Honored Worker of Culture of Kazakhstan Kayyrgali Kozhanbaev. Under the terms of each ensemble of folk instruments was required to perform at least one work of Ahmet Zhubanov. The winners of the Grand Prix became an ethno-folkloric ensemble "Didar" from Kyzylorda and folklore ensemble "Arailym A? T? Be." Diplomas awarded to the winners of the first prize of creative collectives "Taldy? Op? En? Uenderі" and "Dost? saz "(Aktobe). Second and third places were won by ensembles from Uralsk, Petropavlovsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, and the duet "Turatali" from Bashkortostan. The winners were awarded with valuable prizes. The two-day festival ended with a gala concert.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Обладателями Гран-при стали этнофольклорный ансамбль "Дидар", таким образом запущенно Кызылорды фольклорный ансамбль "Арайлы рублей?т?бе". Дипломы лауреатов первой премии вручены творческим коллективам "Талды?ор?прошедшие ?уендері" и "Досты?The Жубановская spring"lord in Aktobe festival was music collectives folk instruments. The traditional festival "G?bani to?to bring темі-2013 ", conducted by the region's great composer them. Газизы Жубановои,In the current year was the continuing activities, aimed at perpetuating the memory father Kazakh professional music Reshetnev Akhmeta Жубанова.Its founders were made by the Ministry of Culture of RK and regional management culture, with support from the home. He said the organizers,The purpose and the objectives festival - to promote contacts and exchange of experience regional collectives folk instruments, as well as countries in the middle and far abroad, promoting folk music art,Support of young artists, and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. The festival took place in the concert hall's concert. The competition was attended by teams from Ufa, Kamchatsky,Баиконыра, firstly, Outlets, Жанаозеня, thou saidst unto me, teamwork, transformed every day, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.At the court the jury chaired by artists RK Aigul Улькенбаевои submitted their art 15 creative collectives. In the composition of the jury also entered the laureate Bashkortostan Гаизуллин lied,
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