Дорога из областного центра до небольшого города Красный Сулин, просла перевод - Дорога из областного центра до небольшого города Красный Сулин, просла английский как сказать

Дорога из областного центра до небо

Дорога из областного центра до небольшого города Красный Сулин, прославившегося в советские времена трудовыми рекордами горняков и металлургов, недолгая и неприглядная. При въезде в город путников встречает «оптимистическое» приветствие: «Живите долго. Ритуальные услуги». А чуть дальше – развалины клуба железнодорожников, приходящее в упадок здание бывшей больницы, принадлежавшее когда-то железной дороге и переданное несколько лет назад на баланс города. В целом же архитектура Сулина особыми изысками не может похвастаться: небольшие частные домики да покосившиеся заборы.

Город был основан более двухсот лет назад казачьим полковником Андреем Сулиным. В 20-е годы прошлого века за революционные заслуги город был назван Красный Сулин. Сегодня здесь самый высокий по области уровень безработицы – 27%. Все десять шахт закрыты, а металлургический завод практически ликвидирован (из 6,5-тысячного коллектива осталось 700 человек). На ряде действующих предприятий месяцами не выплачивают зарплату. Кроме того, в городе с декабря прошлого года парализовано автобусное движение. На грани остановки и предоставление коммунальных услуг, так как население не способно платить за газ, электроэнергию и воду. Поэтому в последнее время красносулинцы все чаще стали выходить на митинги, протестуя против местной власти.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The road from the regional center to the small town of Krasny Sulin, famous for labor in Soviet times records miners and steelmakers, short and unattractive. When entering the city travellers meets "optimistic" greeting: "live long. Ritual services ". And a little further is the ruins of the Club of railwaymen, arrives in the decline of the former hospital building, once owned by the railroad and passed a few years ago, the balance of the city. In General, the architecture of Sulina special delights can boast: small private houses Yes ramshackle fences.The city was founded more than 200 years ago by the Cossack Colonel Andrei Sulinym. In the 20-ies of the last century for revolutionary merits the city was named Krasny Sulin. Today here is the highest in the area, the unemployment rate is 27%. All ten mines closed, and steel plant virtually eliminated (from 6.5-thousand strong personnel left 700 people). The number of enterprises to pay wages for months. In addition, in December last year paralyzed bus traffic. On the verge of a shutdown and the provision of public services, as the population is not able to pay for gas, electricity and water. So recently krasnosulincy increasingly go to rallies to protest against the local authorities.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The road from the regional center to the small town of Krasny Sulin, who became famous in the Soviet era labor records miners and metallurgists, short and ugly. At the entrance to the city welcomes travelers "optimistic" greeting: "Live long. Funeral services. " A little further - the ruins of the railroad club, decaying former hospital building, once belonged to the railroad and passed a few years ago the balance of the city. In general, the architecture of Sulina special delights can not boast of: small private houses so rickety fences. The city was founded more than two hundred years ago Cossack Colonel Andrew Sulina. In the 20s of the last century for revolutionary services the city was named Krasny Sulin. Today it is the highest unemployment rate for the region - 27%. All ten mines closed and Steel Works virtually eliminated (from the 6.5-strong team left 700 people). On a number of operating companies do not pay salaries for months. In addition, in the city since December last year paralyzed bus traffic. On the verge of stopping and provision of public services, as the population is not able to pay for gas, electricity and water. Therefore recently krasnosulintsy increasingly began to go to rallies to protest against the local authorities.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the road from the regional centre to the small town of krasny sulin, прославившегося in soviet times, the labor рекордами miners and metallurgists, short and uncouth.at the entrance to the city and meets the оптимистическое» greeting: "live long. ritual services. and a little further, the club continued to decline, the railroad, the former hospitalonce owned by the railroad and presented a few years ago, the balance of the city. in general, the architecture of sulina special delights can not boast: small private houses - покосившиеся fences.

the town was founded more than 200 years ago, cossack colonel andrei сулиным. in the 20s of last century for the merit of the city was called krasny sulin.today's high unemployment rate in the area is 27%. all ten mines closed and the ironworks is virtually eliminated (6.5 - strong team left 700).on a number of operating enterprises go months without pay. in addition, in the city since december last year blocked bus movement. on the edge of the stop and the provision of public servicesas the population is unable to pay for gas, electricity and water. however, in recent красносулинцы have increasingly come out at rallies to protest against the local government.
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