За несколько последних десятков лет автомобили в процессе своей эволюц перевод - За несколько последних десятков лет автомобили в процессе своей эволюц английский как сказать

За несколько последних десятков лет

За несколько последних десятков лет автомобили в процессе своей эволюции претерпели кардинальные изменения. Внешне изменив лишь форму, современные автомобили (практически 100% машин с 2003 года выпуска) более не ограничиваются выполнением одних лишь механических действий. Фактически они стали подобием компьютерного кластера, согласовывающего действия множества элементов системы (электронных датчиков автомобиля, дигитальных модулей контроля и водителя). Средней «наворочености» новая машина управляется (помимо водителя) специальным кодом около 100 Mb, распределенного между 50-70 Электкронных приборов контроля (Electronic Control Units (ECUs)), соединенных между собой внутреней сетью шин.
Для более удобного понимания работы современного автомобиля стоит отметить некоторый наиболее популярные модули ECU, входящие в комплект стандартной авто-электроники:
• Engine Control Module (ECM) – модуль контролирующий двигатель путем анализа поступающей от сенсоров информации. Регулирует время зажигания, количество топлива поступающего в каждый из циллиндров, клапаны и другие составляющие двигателя.
• Speed control unit – называемый также круиз-контроль. Модуль, поддерживающий постоянную заданную скорость автомобиля, регулируя ее на подъемах и спусках. Режим круиз-контроль отключается автоматически после нажатие одной из педалей водителем. Наиболее распростанен Адаптивный Круиз-контроль, позволяющий также следить за расстоянием до впереди идущего автомобиля.
• Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) – модуль, ответственный за Антиблокировочную систему (АБС, ABS), предотвращающую блокировку колес регулированием гидравлического давления на колеса. ABS позволяет водителю сохранять полный контроль над автомобилем во время экстренного торможения.
Примерами второстепенных по важности, но очень популярных модулей могут быть:
• Telematics – модуль, ответственный за связь автомобиля с внешним миром посредством коммуникационных технологий, а также за всевозможные услуги, предоставляемые автомобилю современными телекоммуникациями: связь со спецслужбами в случаях аварий, навигация, отслеживание автомобиля, телеразвлечения и другие
• HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) – модуль регулирующий кондиционирование воздуха внутри машины.
• RCDLR Remote Control Door Lock Receiver – модуль открывающий/закрывающий двери автомобиля дистанционным брелком, а также принимающий данные системы сенсоров для мониторинга давления в шинах.
Разработка дигитальных модулей контроля началась в Америке в конце 70-ых годов. Вследствие законодательного требования Калифорнии сохранять воздух чистым, а также из-за быстрорастущих цен на топливо, были разработаны первые модули Engine Control. Первоначальная задача тех модулей была регулировать отношение топлива к кислороду в горючей смеси путем измерения уровня кислорода в выхлопных газах.
Первые модули не только уменьшили загрязнение воздуха и улучшили производительность двигателя, но и послужили примером успешного электронного вмешательства в механическую работу машины. С тех пор разрабатывались подобные системы, улучшающие все аспекты функционирования машины: от трансмиссии и тормозного контроля до климатного контроля и света.
Вот что из себя представляет современный автомобиль. Хорошо это, плохо ли это – на этот счет существует немало противоречивых мнений. Да, добавление электроники в механизмы машины безусловно улучшили ее устойчивость и безопасность, а также сделали управление автомобилем более легким. Но, вместе с этим существует возможность ошибки в запрогрованном коде машины (багов), которая может обернуться серьезной проблемой. Другой аргумент против тотальной компьютеризации – поскольку существует код, злоумышленику негодяю под силу его хакнуть
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Over the past few decades, cars in the course of its evolution have undergone dramatic changes. Externally, changing only the shape, modern cars (almost 100% of machines with 2003 year of production) are no longer limited to performing mechanical action alone. In fact, they have become a semblance of computer cluster, soglasovyvaûŝego many of the elements of the system (electronic sensors, digital control modules, car and driver). The average "navoročenosti" new machine operated (in addition to the driver) special code about 100 Mb, distributed between 50-70 Èlektkronnyh control devices (Electronic Control Units (ECUs)), interconnected internal network.For better understanding of the work of the modern car is worth mentioning some of the most popular ECU modules included in the standard auto-electronics:• Engine Control Module (ECM)-module controls the engine by analysing information from sensors. Adjusts the ignition time, the amount of fuel entering the cylinders each, valves and other components of the engine.• Speed control unit is also called cruise control. Module that supports constant specified car speed by adjusting its climbs and descents. Mode cruise control switches off automatically after clicking one of the pedals. The most common adaptive cruise control, which allows you to keep track of the distance to the walking ahead of the car.• Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) module responsible for Anti-lock system (ABS, ABS) prevent wheel lock adjustable hydraulic pressure on the rims. ABS allows the driver to maintain complete control over the vehicle during emergency braking.Examples of secondary importance, but very popular modules include:• Telematics module responsible for communication with the outside world through the vehicle of communication technologies, as well as for the various services offered by modern telecommunications link: car with security services in cases of accidents, navigation, vehicle tracking, telerazvlečeniâ and other• HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning)-module regulates the air conditioning inside the vehicle.• RCDLR Remote Control Door Lock Receiver-module the opening/closing the car door remote key cases, as well as receiving the data system of sensors to monitor tire pressure.Development of digital control modules began in America in the late 70 's. Due to the legislative requirements of California to keep the air clean, and also because of the growing fuel prices, have developed the first Engine Control modules. The initial task of those modules was to regulate the ratio of fuel to oxygen in the air-fuel ratio by measuring the level of oxygen in the exhaust.The first modules not only reduced air pollution and improved engine performance, but also served as an example of successful electronic interference in the mechanical operation of the machine. Since such systems have been developed to improve all aspects of the functioning of the machine: from Powertrain and braking control to control klimatnogo and light.Here is what is a modern car. This is good, this is bad on this account there are many conflicting opinions. Yes, adding electronics in mechanisms of the machine definitely improved its stability and security, as well as made the driving easier. But, along with this there is the possibility of errors in machine code zaprogrovannom (bugs), which can turn into a serious problem. Another argument against total computerization is because there is a code zloumyšleniku negodâû under the force of its haknut′
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Over the past few decades, the cars in the course of its evolution undergone major changes. Externally, changing only the shape, modern cars (almost 100% of the cars from 2003 model year) is no longer confined to the mere mechanical action. In fact, they have become like a computer cluster, coordinates actions of the set of system elements (vehicle's electronic sensors, digital control module and driver). Central "tricked" the new machine is controlled (apart from the driver) a special code about 100 Mb, distributed between 50-70 Elektkronnyh control devices (Electronic Control Units (ECUs)) , connected by an internal network of tires.
For easier understanding of the modern automobile is worth noting some of the most popular ECU modules that are included in the standard auto-electronics:
• the Control engine the module (the ECM) - module controls the motor by analyzing the information coming from the sensors. It adjusts the ignition timing, the amount of fuel supplied to each of cylinders, valves and other components of the engine.
• Speed control unit - also called cruise control. The module supports a constant predetermined vehicle speed, adjusting it on the climbs and descents. Cruise control mode is switched off automatically after pressing one of the pedal by the driver. Most Distribute Adaptive Cruise Control, which allows also to monitor the distance to the vehicle ahead.
• the Control of Electronic Brake the Module (the EBCM) - the module responsible for the Anti-lock (ABS, ABS), preventing wheel lock control hydraulic pressure to the wheels. ABS allows the driver to maintain full control of the vehicle during emergency braking.
Examples of secondary in importance, but very popular modules are:
• Telematics - the module responsible for the communication of the car with the outside world by means of communication technologies, as well as all kinds of services provided by the car Modern telecommunications: the connection with the security services in case of accidents, navigation, vehicle tracking, telerazvlecheniya and other
• HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, air conditioning) - module controls the air conditioning inside the machine.
• RCDLR the remote the Control door Lock is the Receiver - module opening / closing a car door remote remote control, as well as receiving data sensor system for monitoring the pressure in the tires.
The development of digital control modules began in America in the late 70s. Due to the legislative requirements of California to keep the air clean, but also because of the growing fuel prices, the first modules Engine Control have been developed. The initial task of the modules has been adjusted fuel to oxygen in the fuel mixture by measuring the level of oxygen in the exhaust gases.
The first modules will not only reduce air pollution and improve engine performance, but also served as an example of successful electronic intervention in the mechanical operation of the machine. Since then, we developed such systems, improving all aspects of the functioning of the machine:. From the drivetrain and braking control to control air conditioners, and light
That's what a modern car. Is it good, is it bad - in this respect there are many conflicting opinions. Yes, the addition of electronics in the car definitely improved mechanisms for its stability and security, as well as to make the car easier to control. However, together with this there is a possibility of error zaprogrovannom machine code (bugs), which may result in a serious problem. Another argument against the total computerization - because the code exists, by an attacker villain the power of his hack
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
over the past few decades cars in the process of its evolution has undergone dramatic changes. by modifying only the surface form, modern cars (almost 100% of the cars with the 2003 release) is no longer limited to the mere mechanical action. in fact, they have some computer cluster, согласовывающего of many elements of the system (the vehicle electronic sensors, digital control module and driver). the average new car "наворочености» managed (in addition to the driver) special code about 100 mb, distributed between 50 - 70 электкронных appliances control (electronic control units (ECUs) interconnected внутреней network shin.for more convenient understanding of modern car are some of the most popular modules of ecu, which are included in a set of standard auto electronics.the engine control module (ecm) is a module which controls the engine by analyzing the information received from the sensors. regulates the ignition timing, the amount of fuel supplied to the each of the циллиндров, valves and other components of the engine.the speed control unit is also called cruise control. a module that supports continued the pace car, regulating it to climb and slopes. the cruise control switches off automatically after pressing one of the pedals is the driver. the most распростанен adaptive cruise control can also monitor the distance to the front going vehicle.the electronic Brake control module (EBCM) is the module responsible for антиблокировочную system (abs, abs), drifting management of hydraulic pressure at the wheel to lock the wheel. abs allows the driver to retain full control of the vehicle during emergency braking.examples of secondary importance, but very popular modules may be:the telematics is the module responsible for the communication with the outside world through the vehicle communication technologies, as well as for the various services provided by a car: the link with modern telecommunications services in cases of accidents, navigation, vehicle tracking, and other телеразвлеченияthe hvac (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) is a module for air-conditioning inside the car.- RCDLR remote control door lock receiver is opening / closing the car door remote key ring, and takes the data of sensors for monitoring the tyre pressure.the development of digital control units began in america in the late 1970s. due to legislative requirements in california to keep air clean and also the fastest growing fuel prices, has developed the first module engine control. the initial task was to regulate those modules related to oxygen in the combustible fuel mixture by measuring sd
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