О знаниях и взяткахВ среднем по России 20% семей давали или готовы дат перевод - О знаниях и взяткахВ среднем по России 20% семей давали или готовы дат английский как сказать

О знаниях и взяткахВ среднем по Рос

О знаниях и взятках
В среднем по России 20% семей давали или готовы дать взятку при поступлении детей в учебные заведения. Об этом в четверг на конференции «Экономика системы образования: результаты второго года мониторинга» сообщил ректор университета Высшая Школа экономики Ярослав Кузьминов.
«Коррупцией в образовании охвачена пятая часть населения страны, - сказал он. – Пока в образовании это явление не стало столь массовым, как в здравоохранении, но уже приближается к этому».
Согласно соцопросу, 43% семей столкнулись с проблемой взяточничества при приеме в школу, 16% семей готовы дать взятку за успешное поступление ребенка в вуз, передает РИА «Новости».
По данным экспертов, общая сумма взяток при поступлении в вуз, включая оформление документов и медкомиссию, составляет 10,6 миллиардов рублей, столько же тратят студенты и их родители за протекцию во время учебы в университете.
«Самая опасная форма коррупции в вузах, когда студент платит преподавателям за сдачу экзамена, зачета, курсовой работы», - отметил ректор ВШЭ. По данным мониторинга, регулярно взятки берут 10% преподавателей. «Такая практика в образовании опаснее, чем в медицине, - считает Кузьминов. – Она «разлагает наших преподавателей и в дальнейшем скажется на авторитете нашего образования».
«Коррупцию в образовании можно остановить, только повысив оплату труда преподавателей. Никакие другие обходные пути не помогут в этом», - сказал Кузьминов. (NEWSru.com)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
On knowledge and bribesIn Russia on average 20% of households have or are willing to pay bribes when children in educational establishments. On Thursday at the Conference "Economics of education: results of the second year of monitoring," said the Rector of the higher school of Economics, Yaroslav Kuzminov."Corruption in education covered a fifth of the population of the country," he said. -While in the formation of this phenomenon has not been so massive, as in health care, but comes close to that. "According to the poll, 43 percent of households were faced with bribery in school enrolment, 16% of households are willing to pay bribes for the successful receipt of the child in school, RIA Novosti reports.According to experts, the total amount of bribes for admission to the University, including paperwork and vaccinations, is 10.6 billion rubles, as many students and their parents spend over patronage while studying at the University. "The most dangerous form of corruption in higher education, where students pay teachers for the exam, test, course work," said the Rector of the higher school of economics. According to monitoring, regular bribes take 10% of teachers. "This practice in education than in medicine, Kuzminov said. Is It "corrupts our teachers continue to affect the credibility of our education.""Corruption in education can be halted only by raising salaries for teachers. No other workarounds will not help in this, "said Kuzminov. (NEWSru.com)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
About knowledge and bribes
in Russia on average 20% of households are willing to give, or give a bribe for admission of children in schools. On Thursday at the conference "Economics of education: the results of the second year of monitoring," said the rector of the University Higher School of Economics Yaroslav Kuzmin.
"Corruption in education covered a fifth of the population, - he said. - While in the formation of this phenomenon has become so massive, as in health care, but it comes close to this. "
According to the poll, 43% of families are faced with the problem of bribery in school enrollment, 16% of households are willing to pay a bribe for the successful arrival of the child in school, RIA "Novosti".
According to experts, the total amount of bribes for admission to the university, including the paperwork and a medical examination, is 10.6 billion rubles, the same amount of spending by students and their parents for patronage while studying at the university.
"The most dangerous form Corruption in high schools, where students pay teachers for the exam, credit, term paper, "- said the rector of the Higher School of Economics. According to the monitoring, regularly taking bribes 10% of teachers. "This practice in education is more dangerous than in medicine - says Kuzmin. - She is "corrupting our teachers continue to affect the credibility of our education."
"Corruption in education can be stopped only by raising salaries of teachers. No other workarounds will not help in this, "- said Kuzmin. (NEWSru.com)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
On knowledge and bribes
on the average of 20 per cent of families have or are willing to give a bribe when children in educational institutions. About this on Thursday at the conference "The economy system of education.The results of the second year monitoring" informed the Rector of the University of Higher School of Economics Research which would lay.
"Corruption in education covered by the fifth part of population of the country, - he said.- As long as the entities that phenomenon had not been as massive, as well as in health care, but is already approaching this" .
according to соцопросу, 43% of households are faced with bribery in admission to school,16% OF households are willing to give a bribe for the successful arrival of the child in higher education, transmits RIA "News" .
according to experts, the total bribes when income in higher education, including the issuance of documents and potential draftee, 10,6 billion roubles, as much spend the students and their parents for simplifying during the study at the university.
"The most dangerous form corruption at the university, when a student pays teachers for the exam, setoff,Electronic stability program of work", - noted the rector HSE. The monitoring data, regularly bribe taking 10% teachers. "Such a practice in education more dangerous than in medicine, - considers research which would lay.- It "corrupts our teachers, and in the future will affect the credibility of our education" .
"Corruption in education can be brought to a stop, only increasing pay for teachers.No other workarounds will not help in this", - said research which would lay. (NEWSru.соm)
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