6. Избиратели, которые не могут лично принять участие в голосовании на перевод - 6. Избиратели, которые не могут лично принять участие в голосовании на английский как сказать

6. Избиратели, которые не могут лич

6. Избиратели, которые не могут лично принять участие в голосовании на своем избирательном участке, могут заранее обратиться за разрешением проголосовать по почте. Они также могут передать свое право голоса другому лицу (уполномочить другое лицо).
7. Участие в выборах не является обязательным. В среднем только 75% избирателей (электората) принимают участие в голосовании.
8. Основы избирательной системы были заложены еще в средние века и, хотя с тех пор она претерпела изменения (модифицировалась) в результате многочисленных законодательных актов, в основном, она сохраняет свою старую форму.
9. Дополнительные выборы проводятся в том случае, если умирает или уходит в отставку тот или иной член парламента.
10. Избирательное право стало всеобщим для мужчин в XIX веке, а женщины получили право голоса в 20-х годах XX века.
11. Проводимые ежемесячно опросы общественного мнения дают возможность партиям определить свои шансы на победу на предстоящих выборах.
12. Всеобщие выборы проводятся каждые 5 лет и получают широкое освещение в средствах массовой информации.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
6. Voters who could not personally take part in the vote at their polling station, may ask for permission vote in advance by mail. They can also delegate their right to vote to another person (to authorize another person). 7. participation in elections is not compulsory. On average, only 75% of the voters (the electorate) take part in the vote.8. The basis of the electoral system were laid in the middle ages and, although since then it has changed (been altered) as a result of numerous legislative acts, mostly, it retains its old form.9. supplementary elections shall be held if dies or resigns he or another Member of Parliament.10. Suffrage became universal in the 19th century for men and women were given the right to vote, in the 20-ies of XX century.11. the monthly opinion polls give an opportunity to the parties to determine their chances of winning the upcoming election.12. General elections are held every 5 years and receive wide media coverage.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
6. Voters who can not personally take part in the voting at their polling station can apply for permission in advance to vote by mail. They can also transfer their voting rights to another person (to authorize another person).
7. Participation in the elections is not compulsory. On average, only 75% of voters (voters) are taking part in the vote.
8. Fundamentals of the electoral system were laid in the Middle Ages, and although since then it has changed (modified) as a result of numerous legislative acts, mainly, it retains its old form.
9. By-elections are held in the event that dies or resigns or that a member of parliament.
10. Suffrage was universal for men in the XIX century, and women gained the right to vote in the 20-ies of XX century.
11. Public opinion polls conducted on a monthly basis allow parties to determine their chances of winning the upcoming elections.
12. General elections are held every 5 years and receive wide coverage in the media.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
6. voters who cannot personally attend the vote at the polling station, can in advance to apply for permission to vote by mail. they may also transfer their voting rights to another person (to authorize another person).7. participation in elections is not compulsory. an average of only 75% of the voters (the electorate) take part in the voting.8. framework of the electoral system was begun in the middle ages and, although since then, it has undergone the changes (модифицировалась) as a result of numerous legislative acts, mostly, it retains its old form.9. by elections are held when the dies or resigns one or another member of parliament.10. suffrage is universal for men in the 19th century, women were granted the right to vote, in the 20 years of the 20th century.11. the monthly opinion polls give the opportunity to the parties to determine their chances for victory in the upcoming elections.12. general elections are held every 5 years and received wide media coverage.
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