7. Увидев это, миссис Копперфильд поняла, что это мисс Бетси: только она могла вести себя подобным образом. 8. Мисс Бетси начала разговор с того, что спросила, почему усадьба называется «Грачи» (Rookery). 9. Она удивилась тому, что усадьба называется «Грачи», так как ни одного грача в саду не было. 10. Мисс Бетси приехала с намерением усыновить ребенка; она надеялась, что это будет девочка. 11. Узнав, что у миссис Копперфильд родился мальчик (to give birth to a boy), она немедленно уехала. 12. Раннее детство Давид провел со своей матушкой и Пеготти. В зимние сумерки (in the winter twilight) миссис Копперфильд очень любила играть и танцевать со сбоим маленьким сыном. 13. Однажды вечером Пеготти сидела с Давидом в гостиной. Услышав голос матери, Давид побежал встретить ее. 14. Взяв мальчика на руки, миссис Копперфильд поблагодарила джентльмена, который пришел с нею, за то, что он проводил ее до дому. 15. Пеготти не одобряла того, что миссис Копперфильд так часто уходит из дому по вечерам. 16. Она обвиняла миссис Копперфильд в том, что она забывает своего маленького сына ради нового знакомого, 17. Слова верной служанки не помешали миссис Копперфильд почти каждый вечер встречаться с мистером Мердстоном.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
7. After seeing this, Mrs Copperfield realized it was Miss Betsy: only she could behave in this manner. 8. Miss Betsy started the conversation with that asked why Manor called "Rooks" (Rookery). 9. She was surprised that the Manor is called "Rooks" because none of the Rook in the garden was not. 10. Miss Betsy arrived with the intention of adopting a child; She hoped that it would be a girl. 11. learning that Mrs Copperfield born boy (to give birth to a boy), she immediately left. 12. Early childhood David spent with his mother and Pegotti. In winter Twilight (twilight in the winter) Mrs Copperfield really loved to play and dance with baby son sboim. 13. One evening Pegotti sat with David in the living room. Hearing the voice of his mother, David ran to meet her. 14. Taking the boy on hands, Mrs Copperfield thanked the gentleman who came with her, because he held her up to the House. 15. Pegotti not endorse what Mrs Copperfield so often goes home in the evening. 16. She accused Mrs Copperfield that she forgets her young son for the sake of a new acquaintance, 17. The word faithful maids have not prevented Mrs Copperfield almost every evening to meet with Mr. Merdstonom.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
7. Seeing this, Mrs. Copperfield realized it was Miss Betsey: only she could behave in this way. 8. Miss Betsy start a conversation with, asked why the manor called "Rooks» (Rookery). 9. She was surprised that the estate is called "Rooks", as a single rook in the garden was not. 10. Miss Betsy came with the intention to adopt a child; she hoped that it would be a girl. 11. Upon learning that Mrs. Copperfield was born a boy (to give birth to a boy), she immediately left. 12. Early childhood David spent with his mother and Pegotti. In the winter twilight (in the winter twilight) Mrs. Copperfield loved to play and dance with sboim young son. 13. One evening David Pegotti sat in the living room. Hearing the voice of his mother, David ran to meet her. 14. Taking the boy in her arms, Mrs. Copperfield thanked the gentleman who came with her, because he escorted her home. 15. Pegotti did not approve of the fact that Mrs. Copperfield so often leaves the house in the evening. 16. She accused Mrs. Copperfield that she forgets her infant son for the sake of a new acquaintance, 17 words are faithful servant did not prevent Mrs. Copperfield almost every evening to meet with Mr. Merdstonom.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
7. after seeing this, mrs copperfield realized that miss betsy, only she could behave similarly. 8. miss betsy started a conversation with, asked why the name "грачи» (Rookery). 9. she was surprisedwhat is called "грачи» as a rook in the garden was not. 10. miss betsy arrived with the intention to adopt a child; she hoped that it would be a girl. 11. learningwhat mrs copperfield was born a boy (to give birth to a boy, she immediately left. 12. early childhood, david spent with his mother and пеготти.in the winter twilight (in the winter twilight) mrs copperfield loved playing and dancing with сбоим little son. 13. one night пеготти sat with david in the living room. heard her mother's voice, david ran to meet her. 14.taking the boy up, mrs copperfield thanked the gentleman who came with her, he took her to the house. 15. пеготти didn't approve of what mrs copperfield so often goes home in the evening. 16.she accused mrs copperfield that she forgets her little son to a new acquaintance, 17. the word faithful servant interrupted mrs copperfield almost every night to meet with mr. мердстоном.
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