Корпоративная форма бизнеса является более гибким инструментом для шир перевод - Корпоративная форма бизнеса является более гибким инструментом для шир английский как сказать

Корпоративная форма бизнеса являетс

Корпоративная форма бизнеса является более гибким инструментом для широкомасштабной экономической деятельности, чем единоличное владение или партнерство. Первое, она защищает своих владельцев, освобождая их от индивидуальной ответственности перед законом, когда они представляют бизнес. Второе, владельцы акций капитала обладают ограниченной ответственностью, они не отвечают за долги корпорации. Если акционер заплатил 100 долларов США за 10 акций капитала и корпорация становится банкротом, он или она могут потерять 100 инвестиционных долларов. Третье, капитал корпорации можно перемещать. Потеря интереса к делу, болезнь и тому подобное отдельного лица не наносят ущерб корпорации.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The corporate form of business is a flexible tool for large-scale economic activity than a sole proprietorship or partnership. First, it protects its owners, freeing them from the individual responsibility before the law when they represent the business. Second, the owners of capital have limited liability, they are not responsible for the debts of the Corporation. If a shareholder paid the United States $ 100 for 10 shares of capital and the Corporation becomes bankrupt, he or she can lose 100 investment dollars. Third, you can move the capital of the Corporation. Loss of interest in the case, the disease and the like of the individual do not cause damage to the Corporation.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The corporate form of business is more flexible tool for large-scale economic activity other than sole proprietorship or partnership. First, it protects its owners, freeing them from the individual responsibility before the law when they are a business. Second, the owners of capital shares have limited liability, they are not responsible for the debts of the corporation. If a shareholder has paid US $ 100 for 10 shares of capital and the corporation becomes bankrupt, he or she can lose 100 investment dollars. Third, the capital of the corporation can be moved. Loss of interest in the case, the disease and the like of the individual is not detrimental to the corporation.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Corporate form your business is a more flexible tool for large-scale economic activities, than for sole ownership or partnership. First, it protects its owners,Freeing them from individual responsibility before the law, when they represent your business. Second, the owners of capital have limited liability, they are not responsible for corporate debts.If the shareholder has paid $100 for 10 shares capital and corporation becomes bankrupt, he or she can lose 100 investment dollars. Third, capital corporation can be moved. Loss of interest in the case,Disease and such individual is not detrimental to corporations.
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