Во-первых, я б сходила в парк развлечений. Говорят, что с колеса обозрения можно увидеть самые дальние уголки города. Во-вторых, я бы хотела съездить на озеро Лох-Несс, где обитает Лохнесское чудовище. В-третьих, я бы хотела посетить Букингемский дворец и поговорить с королевой Елизаветой II.
Люди говорят, что жизнь в Великобритании не такая радужная, как пишут в книгах. В интернете я читал, что в Лондоне большая преступность. Улицы на окраине Лондона грязные и некрасивые. Да и погода в Великобритании ужасная. Там почти всегда идёт дождь.
Я много слышала о Великобритании разных вещей. Я не знаю, правдивы ли они. Чтобы узнать о Великобритании больше, я и хотела бы поехать туда.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
First, I went to the amusement park. They say that with Ferris wheel, you can see the most distant corners of the city. Secondly, I would like to take a trip to Loch Ness, where inhabit Loch Ness monster. Thirdly, I would like to visit Buckingham Palace and talk with Queen Elizabeth II.People say that life in the UK is not as rosy as they write in the books. On the Internet I read that most crime in London. On the outskirts of London streets dirty and ugly. And the weather in the UK is awful. There's nearly always raining.I heard a lot about the UK different things. I do not know whether they were true. To learn more about the UK, I would like to go there.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Firstly, I'd went to the amusement park. It is said that from the Ferris wheel, you can see the most distant corners of the city. Secondly, I would like to take a trip to Loch Ness, where the Loch Ness monster lives. Thirdly, I would like to visit Buckingham Palace and talk with Queen Elizabeth II.
People say that life in the UK is not as rosy as they say in books. On the Internet I read that in London a great crime. Streets on the outskirts of London, dirty and ugly. The weather in the UK is awful. There is almost always rain comes.
I've heard a lot of different things British. I do not know if they are true. To learn more about the UK more and I would like to go there.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
first of all, i would go to the amusement park. they say that with the ferris wheel to the farthest corners of the city. secondly, i would like to go to the lake loch ness, where is the loch ness monster. thirdly, i would like to visit buckingham palace and talk to queen elizabeth ii.people say that life in the uk is not optimistic, as they write in the books. i read on the internet that a crime in london. the streets on the outskirts of london, dirty and ugly. the weather in britain is terrible. there are almost always raining.i've heard a lot of great stuff. i don't know if they are true. to learn more about the uk, i would like to go there.
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