13, Если он придет после того как я уйду дайте ему письмо которое лежи перевод - 13, Если он придет после того как я уйду дайте ему письмо которое лежи английский как сказать

13, Если он придет после того как я

13, Если он придет после того как я уйду дайте ему письмо которое лежит на столе.
14. Уже несколько дней море очень бурное, и с понедельника не было парахода на Батуми. Мы виедем из Одессы как только будет пароход
15. Я шел уже около часа,когда наконец увидел маленький домик недалеко от реки. Я сразу понял что это тот дом о котом говорил мне тов. Я подошел к дому и постучал. Какая-то женщина сидела у окна и читала. Услышав стук она встала и пошла к двери.
16. Сегодня я пошел в министерство что бы повидать тов а по делу Мы договорились встретиться в 4 часа дня. Когда я пришел в министерство секретарь сказал мне что А еще не вернулся с конференции и попросил меня подождать немного. Я сел на стул и начал читать газету которую я купил по дороге в министерство. В то время как я читал газету пришел А он сказал что опоздал так как конференция окончилась позже, чем он ожидал.
17.Вчера вечером я ожидал автобус на улице Горького. Я заметил что человек, который стоял рядом со мной, внимательно смотрит на меня. Я узнал своего друга, с которым я учился в школе.Я не видел его с 1985 г. и был очень рад что встретил его
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
13, When he will come after I'm gone let him that is on the table.14. for several days, the sea is very rough, and Monday was not parahoda to Batumi. We viedem from Odessa as soon as Steamboat15. I walked for about an hour, when finally saw a little house near the river. I knew right away that this is the House of the cat told me LLC. I walked up to the House and knocked. A woman was sitting by the window and read. After hearing a knock, she got up and went to the door.16. today I went to the Ministry that would see the case as We had agreed to meet in 4:0 days. When I came to the Ministry, the Secretary told me that and has not yet returned from the Conference and asked me to wait a bit. I sat down on a Chair and began reading a newspaper which I bought on the way to the Ministry. While I was reading the newspaper came and he said that late since the Conference ended later than he expected.17. last night I was expecting bus on Gorky Street. I noticed that the man who was standing next to me, looking at me intently. I learned of his friend, with whom I went to school. I haven't seen him since 1985 and was very happy to have met him
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
13 If he comes after I'm gone give him a letter that is on the table.
14. For several days the sea is very rough, and Monday was not on the ships which anchor near Batumi. We Wieden from Odessa will ship as soon as
15. I walked for about an hour, when I finally saw a little house near the river. I immediately realized that this is the house of the cat told me comrade. I went up to the house and knocked. A woman sitting by the window and read. Hearing the knock she got up and went to the door.
16. Today I went to the ministry that would see a comrade on the case We agreed to meet at 4 pm. When I came to the ministry secretary told me that A had not yet returned from the conference and asked me to wait a bit. I sat down on a chair and began to read a newspaper that I bought on the way to the ministry. While I was reading the newspaper came And he said that was too late as the conference ended later than he had expected.
I was expecting 17.Vchera night bus on Gorky Street. I noticed that the man who was standing next to me, looks at me. I learned of his friend, with whom I studied in shkole.Ya not seen him since 1985, and was very glad to have met him
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
13, If he will come after the fact as i want let it letter which is on the table.
14. Already a few days sea is very rapid, and from monday was not парахода in Batumi. We виедем from Odessa as only will ship
15.I was already about an hour,when finally saw a small house near the river. As soon as I realized that this is the home of the palace stylings i e-mail:. I approached the home and. What is the woman sat at the window and despondency.When you hear the noise it is seated and went to the door.
16. Today I went to the ministry that would visit your e-mail: and in the case of we agreed to meet in 4 hours of the day.When I came to the ministry secretary told me that a has not yet returned from the conference, and has asked me to wait. I sat down on the chair and began to read newspaper which I bought on the road in the ministry.At the time, as I have read newspaper came and he said that I have missed as the Conference ended at a later time, than he had expected.
17.yesterday evening, I had been waiting for a bus on the street bitter. I have noticed that the person who was standing next to me,Carefully looking down on me. I have learned his friend, with whom I went to school.I had not seen his 1985, and was very happy that I met his
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