Результаты (
английский) 2:
Hello. Ordered usb capacity of 16 GB color of gold, got usb capacity na8 GB color of gold. Communicated with the seller, do not get in touch. Please bring back some of the money ($ 1.5), as the product does not match what I ordered (ordered usb 16GB capacity 8GB usb got capacity). Thank you.
Description Price per unit Quantity Total Amount Status
Sfy real opportunities OTG external tank 8 GB 16 GB 32 GB Pen Pendrive usb-stick for Andriod
Features: Capacity 16 GB Color Gold
(xiaoyong chen)
$ 3.90 1 pc. $ 3.90 Goods shipped China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus Free Shipping Delivery time: 15-39 days Processing Order: 7 days The amount of product cost Total amount: US $ 3.90 US $ 0.00 US $ 3.90 Write a comment for the seller sergii stetsenko 2015-11- 02 22:51:22 Zdravstuyte.Video and photos sent to you from: sergost3@gmail.com .mozhet send another usb drive 8GB. 8GB + 8GB = 16GB - so wake chesno.Spasibo. Xiaoyong chen 2015-11-02 18:25:16 My dear friend, i'm so sorry, you can send the vedio to my email ?viviannaa@163.com Maybe we help you can! sergii stetsenko 2015-11-02 03:12:04 Hello. Ordered usb capacity of 16 GB color of gold, got usb capacity na8 GB color Zoloto.Kak wake up to solve this question, to open a dispute or something different? Cpasibo.ESLI have to give the photos and videos.
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