последнее время мама стала устраивать истерики по любому поводу. Если  перевод - последнее время мама стала устраивать истерики по любому поводу. Если  английский как сказать

последнее время мама стала устраива

последнее время мама стала устраивать истерики по любому поводу. Если она с чем-либо не согласен, она начинает кричать, ругаться, становится агрессивной. Если ей не удается добиться того, что она хочет она начинает очень громко кричать о том что у нее что-то болит. В этот вторник Метроаксес отменил все поездки из-за плохой погоды и мама осталась дома. Она начала жаловаться что у нее болит где-то в спине и в боку. Она думает, что это потому что в понедельник она открыла дверь во двор и выглянула туда неодетая. Это продолжалось 1-2 минуты. Но мама очень мнительная. Уже вечером в понедельник она решила, что простудилась мышцы в спине. Я сказала, что за такое короткое время невозможно простудиться. Мама начала кричать и доказывать что ей больно. Она пошла в свою комнату, а я осталась на кухне готовить ей завтрак. Через некоторое время я услышала, что она кричит все громче и громче, стонет. У нее началась истерика. Когда я подошла к ней она вся тряслась, рыдала и кричала что ей очень больно, что у нее болит сердце. Я предложила вызвать скорую помощь. Мама отказалась наотрез. При этом она ругала меня, обзывала плохими словами и обвиняла в том, что я ей не верю. Я дала ей несколько таблеток валерьянки. После этого мама начала кричать, что я ее отравила. Постепенно она успокоилась. Я принесла ей завтрак и она поела. Она потребовала поставить ей горчичники. Я это сделала. Наутро она собралась ехать в Радугу. Я спросила уменьшились ли боли. Она ответила, что сейчас немного меньше. Я предложила ей остаться дома, но она не захотела. Я посоветовала попросить чтобы ее записали на прием к доктору на этот день или на следующий. Когда она приехала домой выяснилось, что ей было некогда попросить записать ее к доктору. У нее была репетиция хора. Когда я заметила, что, наверное, боли уже незначительные, мама начала опять кричать и обвинять меня, что я ей не верю. Она опять попыталась устроить истерику. На следующее утро в четверг я напомнило ей, что надо посетить доктора. Доктор сделал кардиограмму и направил ее в госпиталь.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
recently my mother was to temper tantrums at the slightest pretext. If something does not agree, she starts screaming, cursing, becomes aggressive. If it cannot achieve what it wants, it begins to shout about it something hurts. This Tuesday Metroakses canceled all trips due to bad weather and my mother stayed at home. She started to complain that it hurts somewhere in the back and the side. She thinks it's because on Monday it has opened a door to the courtyard and looked out there neodetaâ. It lasted 1-2 minutes. But MOM is very mnitel′naâ. Already on Monday evening she decided that caught a cold muscle in his back. I said that it is impossible in such a short time to catch a cold. My mother started screaming and prove that hurt her. She went to her room, I stayed in the kitchen to cook her breakfast. After a while I heard that she screams louder and louder moans. She started hysterical. When I approached her she was shaking, sobbing and screaming that she really hurt, it hurts my heart. I offered to call an ambulance. MOM refused to flatly. She scolded me, obzyvala the bad words and accused that I don't believe. I gave her some pills Valerian. Then the mother started screaming that I'm poisoned. Gradually she calmed down. I brought her breakfast and she stood up. She has put her mustard plasters. I did it. The next morning she had to go to the Rainbow. I asked whether the pain has diminished. She replied that we have a little less. I invited her to stay at home, but she did not want to. I advised her to ask for an appointment with a doctor recorded for that day or the next. When she arrived home, it turned out that she was once asked to write it to the doctor. It was a rehearsal of the choir. When I noticed that the pain is slight, the mother started screaming again and accuse me that I do not believe it. She again tried to have a tantrum. The next morning, on Thursday I reminded her that we should visit the doctor. The doctor did a cardiogram and sent her to the hospital.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Recently, my mother began to arrange tantrums at the slightest pretext. If it is with something does not agree, she begins to scream, swear, becomes aggressive. If it fails to achieve what she wants she starts screaming very loudly that she had something hurts. This Tuesday Metroakses canceled all trips due to bad weather and my mother stayed at home. She began to complain that it hurts somewhere in the back and side. She thinks it's because on Monday she opened the door to the yard and looked back down naked. This went on for 1-2 minutes. But my mother is very hypochondriac. Already on Monday evening, she decided that a cold muscle in his back. I said that in such a short time it is impossible to catch a cold. Mom started screaming and prove that it hurts. She went to her room and I stayed in the kitchen to cook her breakfast. After a while I heard that she screams louder and louder groans. She became hysterical. When I approached her she was shaking, crying and screaming that she was very hurt that her heart aches. I offered to call an ambulance. She refused flatly. However, she scolded me, call bad names and accused that I do not believe it. I gave her some pills valerian. After that, my mother started screaming that I had poisoned her. Gradually, she calmed down. I brought her breakfast and she ate. She demanded her to put mustard. I did it. The next morning she was going to go to the rainbow. I asked whether the decreased pain. She said that now a little less. I invited her to stay at home, but she would not. I advised her to ask to make an appointment with the doctor on that day or the next. When she arrived home, it turned out that she was once asked to write it to the doctor. She had a dress rehearsal of the choir. When I noticed that, perhaps, minor pain already, mom started to cry again and accuse me that I do not believe it. She again tried to arrange a tantrum. The next morning, Thursday, I reminded her that we should visit a doctor. The doctor did a cardiogram and sent her to the hospital.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
More recently, she has become to arrange vanguard on any occasion. If it with than any do not agree, it begins to scream, swear, it becomes aggressive. If it is not possible to achieve theThat she wants to she starts very loud shouting that it that it hurts. In this Tuesday Метроаксес canceled all travel in the event of bad weather and his mom stayed at home.She began to complain that she has a sore in his back and in the side. She thinks that this is because that on Monday she had opened the door to the courtyard and неодетая sticking her head out there. This lasted 1-2 minutes. But mum is very мнительная.Already on the evening of Monday it had decided that простудилась the muscles in your back. I said that it was for such a short time, it is not possible of catching a cold. She began to scream and to prove that it is painful. She went to their room,And I remained in the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. After some time, I heard that she crying all louder and louder, fundraising. It started behaves. When I came to it the whole god,Friend and was screaming that she had been very painful, that it hurts the heart. I suggested that cause an ambulance. Mother refused flatly. In so doing, it ругала me, обзывала bad words and blamed in that i don't believe it.I gave her a few pills валерьянки. The mother began to scream that i its poisoned. It is gradually calmed down. I brought her breakfast and she sinned. It demanded to put it inside. I did so.Silk Road : central asia : it met to go to Rainbow. I asked whether diminished pain. She replied that it is now a bit less. I invited her to stay at home, but she was reluctant.I am advised to ask that its recorded on admission to the doctor for that day or the next. When she came home it was found that she was once asked to record it to the doctor. It was dress rehearsal of the choir.When I noticed that, I think, is already a slight pain, mother started shouting again and accuse me, that I did not believe it. She again tried to Rockport searched. The following morning, Thursday, i reminded her,That must be to visit doctor. Doctor made a hypertensic crisis and sent her to the hospital.
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