Кто из этих трех девушек Энн Браун?Самая высокаяТа, у которой кудрявые перевод - Кто из этих трех девушек Энн Браун?Самая высокаяТа, у которой кудрявые английский как сказать

Кто из этих трех девушек Энн Браун?

Кто из этих трех девушек Энн Браун?

Самая высокая

Та, у которой кудрявые волосы?

Да, правильно.



Кто этот пожилой, седой джентльмен с приятной наружностью?

О, это фотография дяди Джорджа.

А кто эта симпатичная девушка с овальным лицом и приятной улыбкой?

Это его младшая дочь.

Какие у тебя симпатичные родственники!


Давай дадим Тому шанс завтра.

Я думаю, что он слишком полный и неуклюжий для игры в футбол.

Но это же здорово. Это нам только поможет. Все наши противники будут все время сталкиваться с ним (smash against)


Я встретил Лиззи и просто не узнал ее.

Я слышал, она болела.

Бедняжка, она действительно выглядит больной. Похудела, бледная, и щеки ввалились.

Это ужасно. Я должен обязательно навестить ее завтра.


Петя, кто-то приходил к тебе, когда тебя не было дома.

Я его знаю?

Конечно. Угадай. Кто-то высокий и стройный с большими голубыми глазами и темными волосамию

Это Нелли, да?

Нет, попробуй еще.


У нас будет работать новый преподаватель английского языка, мистер Джоунз.

Его имя мне кажется знакомым. Вы его видели? Как он выглядит?

Он небольшого роста, довольно полный, круглолицый, лысеющий, с небольшой бородкой.

О, это напоминает мне… я думаю, что знаю его: он преподавал в школе, где я училась раньше.


Тебе нравится новая прическа Мэри?

У нее длинные волосы, но они не вьются.

Но длинные волосы сейчас в моде.

Да, но модное не всегда самое красивое, не так ли?

Алиса: Почему ты не танцуешь с Генри?

Кэт: Потому что мы составляем очень смешную пару: он маленький, толстенький и лысый, я высокая, худая и бледная.

Алиса: Чушь, дорогая. Он вовсе не маленький, он среднего роста. И к тому же он прекрасно танцует.

Кэт: Да, я знаю. Но я предпочитаю танцевать с Билли. У него длинные ноги, стройная фигура, и он тоже прекрасный танцор, не правда ли?

Алиса: Да, это так. И мне нравится его лицо. Оно может показаться безобразным, но в нем есть что-то очень привлекательное.

Кэт: Но он вовсе не безобразный, особенно когда улыбается и видны его ровные белые зубы.

Алиса: И все же Генри решительно красив, а Билли — нет.

Кэт: Но есть что-то очень недоброе во взгляде его серых глаз. Я всегда чувствую себя неуютно, когда он смотрит на меня.

Алиса: Кстати, у Билли есть брат близнец, довольно красивый парень.

Кэт: Да, я видела его. Он похож на мать, а Билли пошел в отца.

Алиса: Я должна сказать, что не люблю красивых мужчин. Я предпочитаю, чтобы мужчина был умным, добрым, щедрым.

Кэт: Я совершенно согласна с тобой, но танцевать я предпочитаю с красивыми мужчинами.
Алиса: Послушай, Майк, я только что получила телеграмму от Мэри. Она приезжает сегодня пятичасовым поездом, а я занята и не смогу встретит ее. Не мог бы ты оказать мне услугу и встретить ее вместо меня?
Майк: Конечно. Но я никогда не видел ее. Как я смогу узнать ее?
Алиса: О! Это очень просто. Она похожа на свою мать.
Майк: Это, конечно, помолго бы. Но беда в том, что ее мать я тоже не видел
Алиса: Прости, я забыла. Я даже не знаю, что делать
Майк: Попытайся описать ее. Как она выглядит?
Алиса: Высокая, стройная девушка восемнадцати лет с овальным лицом
Майк: Какой у нее цвет лица?
Алиса: Она довольно бледная
Майк: А волосы?
Алиса: Волосы длинные и светлые. Светло-серые, глубоко посаженные глаза, маленький прямой нос, большой рот с белыми ровными зубами и приятная улыбка
Майк: Я думаю, что на вокзале будет, по крайней мере, дюжина девушек, похожих на нее
Алиса: Да, я забыла. На левой щеке у нее маленькая родинка
Майк: вот это действительно может помочь мне
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Which of these three girls Ann Brown?The highestTA, whose curly hair?Yes, that's right.Thank you.2.Who is this old, gray-haired gentleman with a pleasing appearance?Oh, that's a picture Uncle George.And who is this cute girl with an oval face and a nice smile?This is his youngest daughter.What are your cute cousins!3.Let's give the fact a chance tomorrow.I think he is too full and clumsy to play football.But this is cool. This will only help us. All of our opponents will be all the time exposed to it (smash against)4.I met Lizzie and simply did not recognize her.I heard she was ill.Poor thing, it actually looks ill. Thin, pale, and cheeks are sunken.It is awful. I must visit her tomorrow.5.Petya, someone came to you when you were not at home.I know him?Of course. Guess. Someone tall and slim with large blue eyes and dark volosamiûThis is Nellie, huh?No, try another.6.We will have a new English teacher, Mr. Jones.His name seems familiar to me. Did you see him? How it looks?He was small in stature, quite full, chubby, balding, with a little bit.Oh, that reminds me. .. I think I know him: he was a teacher at the school where I studied before.7.Do you like the new hairstyle of Mary?She has long hair, but they are not climbing.But long hair now in vogue.Yes, but not always the most beautiful fashion, isn't it?8Alice: why aren't you dancing with Henry?Kate: because we make a very funny couple: it's small, plump and bald, I'm tall, thin and pale.Alice: Nonsense, dear. It is not small, it is of medium height. And besides, he is dancing.Kate: Yes, I know. But I prefer to dance with Billy. He's got long legs, slender figure, and he is a wonderful dancer, isn't it?Alice: Yes, it is. And I like his face. It may be ugly, but it has something very attractive.Kat: but it is not ugly, especially when it can be seen smiling and even white teeth.Alice: and yet, Henry and Billy is resolutely not.Kat: but there is something very unkind view of his gray eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me.Alice: by the way, Billy has a twin brother, pretty good-looking guy.Kate: Yes, I saw it. It is like a mother, and Billy went to his father.Alice: I must say that I do not like beautiful men. I prefer that the man was smart, kind, generous.Kat: I totally agree with you, but I prefer dancing with beautiful men.9Alice: listen, Mike, I just received a telegram from Mary. She arrives today refused by train and I'm busy and won't be able to be greeted by her. Could you provide me the service and meet her instead of me?Mike: Sure. But I've never seen it. How will I know her?Alice: Oh! It's very simple. She looks like her mother.Mike: this is, of course, would be pomolgo. But the trouble is that her mother I too haven't seenAlice: I'm sorry, I forgot. I don't even know what to doMike: try to describe it. How it looks?Alice: a tall, slender girl of eighteen with an oval faceMike: what is her complexion?Alice: she is quite paleMike: and the hair?Alice: hair is long and blonde. Light gray, deep-set eyes, a small straight nose, large mouth with white straight teeth and a nice smileMike: I think that would be at the station at least a dozen girls like herAlice: Yes, I forgot. On the left cheek of her little MoleMike: here is this can really help me
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Which of these three girls Anne Brown? The highest one that has curly hair? Yeah, right. Thanks. 2. Who is this old, gray-haired gentleman with a pleasing appearance? Oh, that picture of Uncle George. Who's the pretty girl with an oval face and a pleasant smile? It is his youngest daughter. What are your lovely family! 3. Let's give Him a chance tomorrow. I think it is too full and awkward to play football. But it's great. It will only help us. All our opponents are always exposed to it (smash against) 4. I met Lizzie and just did not recognize her. I heard she was ill. The poor thing, she looks really sick. Thin, pale, sunken cheeks. It's terrible. I must be sure to visit her tomorrow. 5. Peter, someone came to you when you were not home. I know him? Of course. Guess. Someone tall and slender with big blue eyes and dark volosamiyu It Nelly, do you? No, try again. 6. We will operate a new English teacher, Mr. Jones. His name seems familiar. Have you seen him? How did he look like? It is a short, rather stout, round-faced, balding, with a small beard. Oh, that reminds me ... I think I know him, he taught at the school, where I studied before. 7. Do you like the new hairstyle Mary? She has long hair, but they are not twisted. But long hair is in fashion. Yes, but the fashion is not always the most beautiful, is not it? 8 Alice: Why do not you dance with Henry? Kate: Because we make a very funny couple: it's small, plump and bald, I'm tall, thin and pale. Alice: Nonsense, dear. He's not small, it is of medium height. And besides, he dances beautifully. Kat: Yeah, I know. But I prefer to dance with Billy. He has long legs, a slim figure, and he is also a wonderful dancer, is not it? Alice: Yes, it is. And I like his face. It may sound ugly, but it does have something very attractive. Kate: But he was not ugly, especially when he smiles and see his even white teeth. Alice: And yet Henry decidedly handsome, and Billy - no. Kate: But there is something very evil look in his gray eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me. Alice: By the way, Billy has a twin brother, a pretty nice guy. Kat: Yeah, I saw him. He looks like his mother and Billy went to his father. Alice: I have to say that I do not like handsome men. I prefer that the man was intelligent, kind, generous. Kat: I totally agree with you, but I prefer to dance with a handsome man. 9 Alice: Look, Mike, I have just received a telegram from Mary. She arrives today five o'clock train, but I'm busy and I can not meet her. Could you do me a favor and meet her instead of me? Mike: Of course. But I never saw her. How can I find it? Alice: Oh! It's very easy. She looks like her mother. Mike: It certainly would pomolgo. But the trouble is that her mother, I have not seen Alice: I'm sorry, I forgot. I do not even know what to do Mike: try to describe it. How it looks? Alice: tall, slender girl of eighteen with an oval face Mike: What's her complexion? Alice: It pretty pale Mike: And the hair? Alice: long hair and bright. Light gray, deep-set eyes, a small straight nose, a big mouth with white straight teeth and a nice smile Mike: I think it will be at the station for at least a dozen girls, similar to her Alice: Yes, I forgot. On the left cheek in her little mole Mike: that's really going to help me

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
which of these three girls ann brown.

the tall, has curly hair?

, yeah, that's right.

thank you


who this old man, a gentleman with a handsome young man?

oh, this is a picture of uncle george.

and who is this pretty girl, with an oval face and sweet smile.

this is his youngest daughter.

you have cute family.

3. let's give him a chance tomorrow.

i thinkhe was too heavy and clumsy to play soccer.

but that's great. we only help. all our enemies will always face them (smash against)


i met lizzie and just didn't recognize her.

i heardshe was sick.

you poor thing, she looks really sick. thin, pale, and cheeks came.

it's awful. i have to go visit her tomorrow.


petya, someone came to you when you were not home.

i know him?

of course. guess. who is tall and slim with big blue eyes and dark волосамию

it's nelly, yeah?

no, try again!


we will have to work a new english teacher, mr. jones.

his name seems familiar. have you seen him? what does he look like?

he small growth, quite full, chubby, balding, with a small goatee.

oh, that reminds me. i think i know him. he taught at the school
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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