1. Мне бы очень хотелось поехать на юг в начале июня, когда все утопает в цветах, и побродить по горам. 2. Мы решили, что в Ленинграде остановимся в гостинице и проведем там около недели. 3. Мы быстро устроились, и оказалось, что до вечера у нас еще много, времени. 4. Когда мы наконец устроились, мы так устали, что никто из нас не захотел никуда идти. 5. Вряд ли эти обрезки бумаги на что-нибудь годятся. 6. Никогда бы не подумала, что из этих остатков материала можно сшить платье. 7. Преимущество этого приемника в том, что он величиной с небольшую книгу и очень мало весит. 8. Моя комната такого же размера, что и ваша, но она почему-то выглядит меньше. 9. "Как же долго вы возитесь с картошкой! Вы что, не умеете ее чистить? - сказал Джордж.- Если вы будете так копаться, то нам понадобится весь остаток вечера, чтобы приготовить ужин". 10. Я прочла только половину статьи, но мне кажется, что она имеет мало отношения к интересующему вас предмету. 11. Поезд придет только через полчаса, давайте побродим по городу. 12. Элен перемешала салат, попробовала его и решила добавить еще соленых огурцов. 13. Это хорошие мясные консервы. Положите полбанки в рагу. 14. Добавьте немного муки в соус, чтобы он стал погуще. 15. Он шутит с таким серьезным видом, что невозможно не рассмеяться. 16. Я считаю необходимым предупредить ее на всякий случай. 17. На всякий случай нам лучше выяснить этот вопрос сегодня.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I'd love to go to the South at the beginning of June, when everything is immersed in the colors and wander through the mountains. 2. We have decided that we will in Leningrad and will spend about a week there. 3. We quickly settled, and it turned out that till the evening we have a lot of time. 4. When we finally got settled, we were so tired that none of us wanted to go anywhere. 5. It is unlikely that these scraps of paper to something good. 6. Never would have thought of these residual material, you can sew a dress. 7. The advantage of this receiver is that it the size of a small book and weighs very little. 8. My room is the same size as your, but she somehow looks less. 9. "how long have you messing around with potatoes! You don't know how to clean it? George said.-If you'll be so dig, we need all the rest of the evening to cook dinner. " 10. I read only half of the article, but it seems to me that it has little relationship to your subject. 11. train will come only after half an hour, let's pobrodim the city. 12. Elaine shuffled salad, tried it and decided to add some pickled cucumbers. 13. Good canned meat. Put polbanki in the stew. 14. Add a little flour to the sauce to make it more densely. 15. He was joking with such a serious form, that it is impossible not to laugh. 16. I feel I should warn her just in case. 17. Just in case we'd better clarify this issue today.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. I would like to go to the south in early June, when everything is buried in flowers, and wander in the mountains. 2. We decided that in Leningrad stay in a hotel and spend about a week. 3. We quickly settled, and it turned out that the evening we still have a lot of time. 4. When we finally settled down, we were so tired that none of us wanted to go anywhere. 5. It is unlikely that these scraps of paper for something suitable. 6. I never would have thought that these residual material can sew a dress. 7. The advantage of this receiver is that it is the size of a small volume and very little weight. 8. My room is the same size as yours, but for some reason it looks smaller. 9. "How long are you messing with potatoes! Do not you know how to clean it? - Said Dzhordzh.- If you dig so, then we need the rest of the evening to cook dinner." 10. I read only half of the article, but I think that it has little relation to a certain subject. 11. The train will come only after half an hour, let's wander around the city. 12. Helen shuffled salad, tasted it and decided to add more pickles. 13. It is good meat. Put in half a tin of stew. 14. Add a little flour in the sauce to make it thicker. 15. He jokes with a serious face, that it is impossible not to laugh. 16. I consider it necessary to warn her, just in case. 17. In any case, we should clarify this issue today.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. I would very much like to go to the south at the beginning of June, when it is immersed in the colors, and wander around in the mountains. 2. We have decided that the Vaganova Ballet Academy will stop at the hotel and there will be approximately one week. 3. We quickly hired, and has proved to be,That evening, we will have many, time. 4. When we finally hired, we are so tired, that none of us is going anywhere I wanted to go. 5. It is unlikely that these cut the paper on something suitable. 6. Would Never have thought it was about time,Which of these crop residue can be stapled a dress. 7. The advantage of this receptor in that he size of a small book and weighs very little. 8. My Room is the same size as your,But it is looks less. 9. "How long you've messed with chips! You that do not know how to clean it? - George.- If you will be so fumble, we will need the entire balance at night, if you want to brew dinner". 10.I understood only half of article, but it seems to me that it has little relationship to the object you want. 11. The train will come only in half an hour, let's end she persuaded him for the city tour. 12. Helen and salad,The banya and decided to add another parsley root. 13. This is good meat. Place полбанки in Raghu. 14. Add a little flour in the sauce, so that it can become a embankment. 15. He jokes with such a serious form,That it is impossible not societies. 16. I believe it is necessary to warn its just in case. 17. Just in case we would be better off to look into this issue today.
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