Пешком и по воде
Как отдыхает молодежь в России? Если ответить на этот вопрос одним словом, то можно сказать: по-разному. Это значит, что молодежь ездит в дома отдыха, в пансионаты и спортивные лагеря, ходит в походы, ездит на экскурсии в другие города, отдыхает на море и в горах. Но если говорить о самом распространенном и любимом виде отдыха, то надо говорить о туризме. Это туризм особый: больше всего молодежь любит ходить в походы по стране, плавать по рекам и озерам, отдыхать на турбазах, откуда также можно совершать турпоходы. В походы ходят и на один-два дня в субботу и в воскресенье, и на 2—3 недели, уезжая далеко от дома.
Маршруты путешествий разнообразны: одни едут на север страны и в Карелию, путешествуют по северным рекам и озерам, другие отправляются на Кавказ или Крым, где теплое море, горы и много солнца. Есть туристические группы, которые из европейской части страны едут путешествовать по Дальнему Востоку, на остров Сахалин и Камчатку.
Походы по стране — это всегда новые, часто малонаселенные места, это жизнь в палатке на открытом воздухе, в лесу или на берегу реки, это костер вечером и туристские песни.
Именно среди этих юношей и девушек, которые с нетерпением ждут каждый год отпуска и каникул, чтобы отправиться в поход с рюкзаками за спиной, существует мнение, что туризм — лучший вид спорта.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
On foot and on the waterHow is resting young people in Russia? If the answer to this question in one word, then you can say differently. This means that young people in rest homes, boarding houses and sports camps, walks in the hiking, riding tours in other cities, is resting at the seaside and in the mountains. But if we talk about the most common form and favorite form of recreation, it is necessary to talk about tourism. This Tourism Special: most young people love to go hiking in the country, swim in rivers and lakes, relax at camp sites, where you can also make hiking. Hiking and go for one or two days to Saturday and Sunday, and on 2-3 weeks, leaving far away from home.Routes of travel are diverse: some are travelling to the North of the country and in Karelia, travel around the Northern Rivers and lakes, while others are sent to the Crimea, the Caucasus or where warm sea, mountains and lots of Sun. There are groups that are from the European part of the country go way stride for the far East, on the island of Sakhalin and Kamchatka.Hikes in the country is always new, often sparsely populated places, that's life in a tent outdoors, in the woods or on the banks of the River, this bonfire night and tourist songs.It is among these young men and women who eagerly await each year leave and vacations to go hiking with backpacks on their backs, it is believed that tourism is the best sport.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
On foot and by water
As resting Russian youth? If the answer to this question in one word, we can say differently. This means that young people riding in a holiday home in the pensions and sport camps, going on hikes, rides on trips to other cities, resting on the sea and in the mountains. But if we talk about the most common and favorite form of recreation, we have to talk about tourism. This is a special tourism: most young people like to go camping in the country, swim in rivers and lakes, to rest on the camp sites where you can also make hiking. The hiking and walking for one or two days on Saturday and Sunday, and for 2-3 weeks, leaving far away from home.
The routes of travel are diverse: some go to the north and Karelia, travel along the northern rivers and lakes, while others are sent to the the Caucasus and Crimea, where the warm sea, mountains and lots of sun. There are tour groups that are from European countries are going to travel to the Far East, on the island of Sakhalin and Kamchatka.
Hiking in the country - it is always new, often sparsely populated places, that's life in a tent outdoors, in the woods or on the river bank, this fire . evening and tourist songs
it is among these young people, who look forward to every year, holidays and vacations to go hiking with backpacks behind, there is a perception that tourism - the best sport.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
walk on waterhow's young people in russia? if the answer to this question, in one word, we can say, in the same way. this means that young people go home rest, recreation and sports camp go camping, riding tours of other cities, resting on the sea and the mountains. but if talk about the common and favorite form of recreation, we have to talk about tourism. this tourism special: most young people like to go camping in the country, swim in the rivers and lakes, resting on the can, where you can also do camping. hiking and walking for one or two days, saturday and sunday, and at 2 to 3 weeks, leaving far away from home.routes of travel are diverse: some go to the north of the country and in карелию, travel on the rivers and lakes, others go to the caucasus and the crimea, where the warm sea, the mountains and the sun. have the tourist group who from the european part of the country on the путешествовать for the far east to sakhalin island and kamchatka.camping in the country is always new, often sparsely populated place, living in a tent in the open air, in the woods or on the bank of the river, it's bonfire night and tourist song.one of those boys and girls who are looking forward to every year the holidays and vacations to go hiking with backpacks behind, there is the view that tourism is the best sport.
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