- Прежде чем мы расстанемся. Ответ на один вопрос. Тебе это нравиться? - Нравиться, что? - Убивать. Это как наркотик для тебя. Прошёл месяц с того, как он убил её. И вдруг ты сорвался.
-Before we leave. The answer to one question. You like it?-Like what?-Kill. It's like a drug for you. A month has passed since he killed her. And suddenly you're upset.
- Before we part. The answer to one question. Do you like it? - Like what? - To kill. It's like a drug for you. Passed month he killed her. And suddenly you're broke.
- before we leave. the answer to one question. do you like it?- like what?- kill. it"s like a drug for you. it"s been a month since he killed her. and then you fell.