Моя любимая книга – Бегущий по лабиринту.
Книга рассказывает о судьбе детей, попавших в Приют, местность которого вымощена камнем и обнесена высокой стеной, а снаружи — Лабиринт, где обитают жуткие смертоносные чудовища гриверы — киборги, помесь машин и живых существ, которые убивают каждого, кто решится остаться в Лабиринте на ночь. В самом Приюте, где уже три года живут пятьдесят парней, которые не знают, кто они, как оказались в Приюте. С помощью команды бегунов они пытаются найти выход. Все необходимое им привозит лифт, как и нового парня. Точно также привезли и Томаса, а за ним — последнюю девушку - Терезу. После того, как Томас и бегун, Минхо находят выход, двери Лабиринта не закрываются. На следующий день они реализуют свой план побега. Отключив весь Лабиринт, они спасают оставшихся 20 выживших
После их спасают странно одетые люди. Но спасают ли?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My favorite book is Running around the maze. The book tells about the fate of children caught up in the Shelter, which is paved with stone and surrounded by a high wall, and outside is a Maze, a macabre deadly Monster grivery-cyborgs, a cross between machines and living beings, which kill anyone who dare to stay in the labyrinth at night. In the Shelter, where for three years live fifty guys who don't know who they are, how to find themselves in the shelter. Using runners, they are trying to find a way out. All they need, like an elevator brings the new guy. Just brought and Thomas, and behind him is the latest girl-Teresa. After Thomas and runner, Minho culminates, door Maze are not closed. The next day they realize their escape plan. Disabling the entire Maze, they rescue the remaining 20 survivorsAfter their rescue strangely dressed people. But rescue?
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My favorite book - Running through a maze.
The book tells about the fate of children in a shelter, the area which is paved with stone and surrounded by a high wall and the outside - a maze inhabited by creepy deadly monster grivery - cyborgs, a cross between machines and living creatures that kill each who dare to stay in the Maze at night. In the shelters, where for three years lived fifty guys who do not know who they are turned into shelters. With a team of runners they are trying to find a way out. All they need brings a lift, as well as the new guy. Similarly brought and Thomas, and after him - the last girl - Teresa. After Thomas and runner Minho find a way, do not close the door of the Labyrinth. The next day they execute their escape plan. Disabling the entire maze, they rescue the remaining 20 survivors
after they save the country dressed people. But save it?
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
My favorite book - The Quickie the subconscious.
The book tells about the fate of children caught up in the shelter, the terrain which stone paved and fenced high wall, and the outside is a maze,Where gorillas horrible deadly monsters гриверы - киборги, a cross between a machines and living creatures that kill everyone who goes to stay in the maze at night. In the Women's Shelter, where it is already three years live fifty-guys,Who do not know who they are, as if it were in the shelter. Using the command runners they are trying to find a way out. All you need to bring a lift, as well as the new guy. Likewise, the policemen and Thomas,And the latest girl - annually. After Thomas and Justin, Minho find out, Labyrinth door is not closed. The following day, they sell their escape plan. By disabling the entire labyrinth,They have saved the remaining 20 survivors
after their blood strange dressed people. But sex?
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