1. Сказав это, он вышел из комнаты
2. Полученный вчера известия, произвели на всех большое впечатление.
3. Я не мог переодеться, так как оставил свои вещи на вокзале.
4. Не зная причины ее отсутствия, я решил позвонить ей.
5. Плачущая девочка была голодна.
6. Сказка, рассказанная мамой, испугала ребенка.
7. Будучи занят, он не сразу услышал меня.
8. Прочитав много книг Диккенса, он хорошо знал этого писателя.
9. Бабушка смотрела на детей, играющих во дворе.
10. Как вам нравится книга, которую сейчас обсуждают?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Having said that, he walked out of the room2. The today news, made a big impression at all.3. I could not change because the left his belongings at the station.4. Not knowing the reasons for her absence, I decided to call her.5. The crying girl was hungry.6. A tale, told by his mother, frightened child.7. Being busy, he did not immediately heard me.8. After reading a lot of books by Dickens, he was well aware of this writer.9. Grandma watched the children playing in the yard.10. How do you like the book, which is now debating?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Having said that, he left the room
two. The resulting news yesterday, made a great impression on all.
3. I could not change, because left their belongings at the station.
4. Without knowing the reasons for her absence, I decided to call her.
5. Crying girl was hungry.
6. The tale told by her mother, a frightened child.
7. Being busy, he did not immediately heard me.
8. After reading a lot of books of Dickens, he was well aware of this writer.
9. Grandma looked at the children playing in the yard.
10. How do you like the book, which is now being discussed?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..