Дизайн офиса
Существует всем известная фраза: работа - второй дом. Многочисленные офисные сотрудники, проводящие в его стенах по 8 и более часов в день, согласятся с этим. Также никто не станет отрицать, что помещение, в котором трудятся люди, точнее, его дизайн, должно всячески располагать к эффективной работе и творчеству. Именно поэтому дизайну интерьера офисного помещения стоит уделить большое внимание.
Первый вопрос, возникающий при отделке помещения — это цвет стен и оформление потолка и пола. Выбор цвета для стен при этом диктуется теми же соображениями, что и при ремонте квартиры или дома: если комната небольшая, стоит предпочтение отдать светлым тонам. Они как бы «раздвигают» ее стены, наполняют воздухом и легкостью, в то время как темные тона визуально уменьшают пространство. Что касается потолка, то лучшее его решение в офисе — натяжной потолок со встроенными лампами. На полу эффектно будет смотреться керамическая плитка, особенно если речь идет о коридорах офисного здания, а также ламинат.
Большое значение следует придать тому, как будет обставлен ваш офис. Необходимо хорошо обдумать, как будут выглядеть столы и стулья сотрудников, кресла и угловые офисные диваны для посетителей. Дизайн современной офисной мебели давно вышел за рамки классики. В офисах сейчас можно встретить разнообразные варианты самых причудливых форм и расцветок. Конечно, для серьезной фирмы не подойдет ярко-розовый диван, но в редакции женского журнала или в приемной косметической компании он будет вполне уместен.
Разнообразие обивочных тканей также очень велико. Это и гобелены, и натуральная и искусственная кожи, и различные мебельные ткани. Конечно, для удобства эксплуатации стоит выбрать диван с обивкой, не требующей особенных хлопот в уходе. И тут на выручку придет искусственная кожа. Современные производители добились высочайшего качества при ее изготовлении. Хороший кожзаменитель не отличишь от натуральной кожи ни по виду, ни на ощупь. В уходе этот материал совершенно неприхотлив, достаточно просто регулярно протирать диван слегка смоченной тряпочкой. Если же все-таки хочется более роскошный вариант, ваш выбор - кожаный диван. Диван Chesterfield, например, является одним из самых шикарных представителей на рынке кожаной мебели.
Когда сотрудники и посетители офиса чувствуют себя комфортно в его стенах, это залог успешной работы фирмы. Ведь на работе мы проводим до 1/3 своей жизни, поэтому важно, чтобы работник приходил сюда с удовольствием, а клиент, партнер или заказчик стремились заглядывать как можно чаще.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Office designThere is a well-known phrase: work-a second home. Many Office workers carrying out within its walls for 8 hours or more a day, would agree with that. Also, no one can deny that the premises, which employs people, more precisely, its design must strongly have to effectively work and creativity. That is why the interior design of the Office building is worth to pay a lot of attention.The first question which arises at furnish of premises is the color of the walls and ceiling and floor decoration. Choose a color for the walls when this is dictated by the same considerations that and in the repair of an apartment or House: If the room is small, it is worth to give preference for lighter tones. They seemed to be "pushing" her walls, fill the air and ease, while dark tones to visually reduce the space. With regard to the ceiling, the better his decision in the Office-suspended ceiling with built-in lamps. On the floor will look spectacular ceramic tiles, especially if we are talking about the corridors of the Office building, as well as laminate. Great importance should be given to how it will be decorated with your Office. You must have a good think about how you will look like tables and chairs, armchairs and a staff Office sofas corner for visitors. Design of modern office furniture has long gone beyond classics. In offices now can meet a variety of options for the most fanciful shapes and colors. Of course, serious firm not bright pink sofa, but in edition of the women's magazine or at the reception of the cosmetics company he would be quite appropriate. A variety of upholstery fabrics is also very high. This and tapestries, and natural and artificial skin, and various upholstery fabrics. Of course, for easy operation should choose a sofa with upholstery that requires no special trouble care. And here comes to the rescue of leatherette. Modern manufacturers have achieved the highest quality during their production. A good imitation of leather can not be distinguished from natural leather either on mind, nor to the touch. To care for this stuff totally unpretentious, simple enough to regularly wipe the sofa with a slightly moistened cloth. However, if you still want a more luxurious option, your choice-leather sofa. Chesterfield Sofa, for example, is one of the most luxurious leather furniture market representatives.When Office staff and visitors feel comfortable within its walls, is the key to the success of the firm. After all, at work we carry out to 1/3 of your life, so it is important that worker came here with pleasure, a customer, partner or customer sought to look as often as possible.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Office Design
There are all well-known phrase: work - a second home. Many office workers conducting its walls for more than 8 hours a day, will agree with this. Also, no one will deny that the room in which working people, more precisely, its design should be strongly positioned to effectively work and creativity. That is why the design of the interior office space should be paid great attention.
The first question that arises in the decoration of the room - the color of the walls and ceiling and floor decoration. The choice of color for the walls in this case is dictated by the same considerations as in the repair of an apartment or house, if a small room, it is necessary to give preference to lighter tones. They seem to "pushing" of its walls, is filled with air and easily, while visually reduce dark tone space. As for the ceiling, then the best solution to his office - suspended ceiling with built-in lamps. On the floor will look spectacular ceramic tile, especially when it comes to the corridors of an office building, as well as laminate flooring.
Great importance should be given to how to be fitted with your office. It's important to think about how will look like tables and chairs staff chairs office sofas and corner for the visitors. Design of modern office furniture has long gone beyond the classics. In offices, now you can find a variety of options for the most bizarre shapes and colors. Of course, a major firms do not fit the bright pink sofa, but in the women's magazine in the waiting room or the cosmetics company, he will be quite appropriate.
The variety of fabrics is also very large. This tapestry, and natural and artificial leather, and a variety of upholstery fabrics. Of course, for the ease of use necessary to choose a sofa with upholstery that does not require special care in trouble. And then come to the aid of artificial leather. Modern manufacturers have achieved the highest quality in its manufacture. Good leather can not be distinguished from genuine leather by any mean or feel. In the care of this material is completely unpretentious, just enough to be regularly cleaned with a cloth slightly moistened with a sofa. If you still want a more luxurious option, your choice - leather sofa. Of Chesterfield sofa, for example, is one of the most luxurious of Representatives on the market of leather furniture.
When employees and office visitors feel comfortable within its walls, this is the key to successful operation of the company. After all the work we spend 1/3 of your life, so it is important that the worker came here with pleasure, and the client, customer or partner tried to look as much as possible.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
design officethere is the famous phrase: the work of a second home. many office workers engaged in its walls for 8 or more hours in the day, agree with it. no one would deny that the room in which the working people, more precisely, its design must to have an efficient work and creativity. therefore, interior design office space should pay much attention to.the first question in the design space is the color of the walls and the ceiling and the floor. the choice of color for the walls that is dictated by the same considerations, and in the repair of apartments or houses: if the room is small, should give the preference to the colours. they like "раздвигают» walls, filling the air and the oceans, while the dark colors to visually reduce the space. with regard to the ceiling, then the best solution in the office - tensioning cap with built-in lights. on the floor and look ceramic tile, especially if it"s about the corridors of an office building, as well as the laminate.great importance should be given to him, will be with your office. need to think very carefully about how to staff the tables and chairs, chairs and sofas corner office for visitors. design of modern office furniture has long been beyond the classic. we now can meet a variety of options for the intricate shapes and colors. of course, a firm will not do bright pink sofa, but in the women"s magazine or foster cosmetics company he will be good.the diversity of upholstery fabric is also very large. this tapestries, and natural and artificial leather, and various furniture fabrics. of course, for the convenience of operation should choose a couch with a pattern that requires no special trouble to care. and here comes to the rescue, artificial skin. modern manufacturers have achieved the highest quality during manufacture. a good imitation leather like leather or the like to the touch. in the care of this material is неприхотлив, simply regularly clean sofa slightly wetted with тряпочкой. if you still want more luxurious option, your choice is the leather sofa. chesterfield sofa, for example, is one of the most luxurious of the leather furniture.when office staff and visitors feel comfortable in its walls, it"s essential to the success of the company. in the work we do to 1 / 3 of its life, it is therefore important that the worker came here with pleasure, and the customer, partner or customer to come as often as you can.
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