В Крыму введена чрезвычайная ситуация в связи с полным отключением эле перевод - В Крыму введена чрезвычайная ситуация в связи с полным отключением эле английский как сказать

В Крыму введена чрезвычайная ситуац

В Крыму введена чрезвычайная ситуация в связи с полным отключением электричества
В Крыму введен режим чрезвычайной ситуации в связи с полным отключением электричества. Об этом объявили в ночь на воскресенье власти полуострова.

За последние три дня на юге Украины были повреждены опоры линий электропередачи, поставлявших энергию в Крым. По данным на этот час, опоры были взорваны. Устранение повреждений на украинской территории займет до двух суток, сообщили в “Укрэнерго”.

К утру воскресенья больницы и другие социальные объекты полуострова подключены к резервным источникам питания.
Кроме того, собственная генерация позволила обеспечить частичное энергоснабжение в ряде районов Крыма, в частности, в Симферополе; Севастополь также полностью перешел на собственные источники энергии. Тем не менее в Крыму вводятся графики аварийных отключений, жителей просят экономить электроэнергию.

Режим чрезвычайной ситуации сохранится до полного восстановления энергоснабжения, сообщили в Главном управлении МЧС России по республике Крым.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In Crimea introduced emergency electricity blackoutsIn the Crimea entered emergency mode in connection with electricity blackouts. About this announced on Sunday night, the authorities of the peninsula.Over the past three days in southern Ukraine were damaged pylons, have been supplying energy in Crimea. According to this hour, were blown up. Damages on Ukrainian territory would take up to two days, reported in "ukrenergo".By the morning of Sunday, hospitals and other social sites of the peninsula connected to the redundant power supplies.In addition, a generation has provided a partial power supply in some areas of the Crimea, in particular, in Simferopol; Sevastopol also completely switched to its own energy sources. However, in Crimea imposed schedules outages, residents are asked to save electricity.Emergency mode continues until the full restoration of electricity, reported in the General Directorate of the Ministry of emergency measures of Russia in the Republic of Crimea.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

In Crimea, put an emergency due to a total power failure
In Crimea, introduced a state of emergency due to a total power failure. This was announced on Sunday night the authorities of the peninsula. Over the past three days in the southern Ukraine were damaged power transmission towers, to supply energy to the Crimea. As of this hour, the supports were blown up. Repairing damages on Ukrainian territory will take up to two days, said the "Ukrenergo". By Sunday morning, hospitals and other social facilities peninsula connected to the backup power supply. In addition, own generation allowed to provide partial power supply in some areas of the Crimea, in particular, in Simferopol ; Sevastopol is also fully moved to its own sources of energy. Nevertheless, in the Crimea entered schedules outages, residents are asked to save electricity. A state of emergency will continue until full power is restored, the Main department of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in the republic of Crimea.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

in the crimea, introduced an emergency due to a power cut
in crimea introduced mode of emergency due to a power cut.it announced on sunday night the peninsula.

for the last three days in the south of ukraine were damaged poles of transmission lines, поставлявших energy in crimea. according to this hour, the poles were blown up.the harm in its territory would take up to two days, reported the "ukrenergo."

in the morning on sunday, hospitals and other social facilities peninsula connected to the standby power supplies.in addition, our own generation has to ensure the electricity supply in some areas of the crimea, in particular, in simferopol, sevastopol also fully has its own source of energy.nevertheless, in the crimea and graphics of emergency capacity, people are asked to save power.

the emergency situation will continue until the full restoration of power supplyreported in the department of the russian ministry for emergency situations in the republic of crimea.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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