a)subject1. Мы знали, что с ним было бесполезно спорить. 2. Нехорошо т перевод - a)subject1. Мы знали, что с ним было бесполезно спорить. 2. Нехорошо т английский как сказать

a)subject1. Мы знали, что с ним был


1. Мы знали, что с ним было бесполезно спорить. 2. Нехорошо так думать о своих друзьях. 3. Было бесполезно пытаться встретить его у Петровых. 4. Быть с друзьями на экскурсии - большое удоволь­ствие. 5. Ловить рыбу в Черном море - не простое дело.


1. Он продолжал улыбаться. 2. Он остановился, чтобы что-то за­писать в блокнот, а затем продолжал идти. 3. Я люблю, когда мне чи­тают волшебные сказки. 4. Он перестал улыбаться и внимательно на меня посмотрел. 5. Она взяла мою руку и продолжала рассказывать о своем путешествии на север. 6. То, что вы говорили, было так инте­ресно, что я не могла не слушать. 7. Когда я вошла в зал, директор уже начал выступать. 8. Когда он кончил говорить, Том отодвинул стул и вышел. 9. Он продолжал что-то читать и смеяться. 10. Она не могла не думать о родителях. 11. Вы ждете, пока прекратится дождь? 12. Она продолжала вязать и смотреть телевизор. 13. Полчаса спустя он опять начал звонить Джону. 14. Когда вошли родители, они прекра­тили танцевать. 15. Идут занятия. Перестаньте шуметь! 16. Он рас­смеялся, когда я рассказал ему о нашей охоте в тайге. 17. Он поздо­ровался с друзьями и начал рассказывать о занятиях в университете. 18. Он встал и медленно пошел к двери. 19. Она продолжала смотреть на часы.

с) object

1. Я очень устала сидеть дома. 2. Он способен к языкам. 3. Вы не будете возражать, если я запишу ваш адрес? 4. Он настаивал на том, чтобы меня проводили домой. 5. Я получаю большое удовольствие, когда читаю ваши стихи. 6. Я прекрасно могу управлять своей машиной. 7. Спасибо за то, что вы позвонили моей маме. 8. Я устала слушать его советы. 9. Когда Джон позвонил, мы были заняты при­готовлением к охоте. 10. Спасибо, что вы пришли вовремя. 11. Она воздерживалась звонить ему. 12. За ним нужно присматривать. 13. Мне хочется что-нибудь почитать. 14. Когда дети вернулись из школы, я была занята приготовлением обеда. 15. Я помню, мне рассказывали об этом случае. 16. Туда стоит пойти сейчас же. 17. Она не могла не помочь ему. 18. Я настаивала на том, чтобы его навестили в боль­нице. 19. Я отчетливо помню, что слышала, как часы на камине про­били два часа. 20. Эту книгу стоит прочесть. 21. Простите за беспо­койство. 22. Он был очень огорчен, что не нашел ее дома.23. Замок был испорчен, но ей удалось его открыть. 24. Он постоянно боялся, что с ним будут об этом говорить. 25. Она не любила, когда ее неспра­ведливо упрекали в чем-либо. 26. Ненавижу приезжать в пустой дом. 27. Я уже приняла две таблетки. Я хорошо помню, что я их приняла. 30. Я не могу найти роман Э. Хемингуэя «Прощай, оружие!». Я помню, что я покупала эту книгу.


1. У нас есть все основания полагать, что у вас была привычка навещать их по вечерам. 2. Он был счастлив при мысли о том, что скоро опять увидит своих друзей. 3. После завтрака я объявила о своем намерении пойти на прогулку. 4. Есть ли какая-нибудь надежда застать их дома сейчас? 5. У меня не было времени подумать, как ответить на ваш вопрос. 6. Мне редко представляется случай повидать их всех вместе. 7. Какие у вас основания разговаривать с нами таким тоном?

е) adverbialmodifier

1. Он подумал, прежде чем ответить. 2. Получив письмо от брата, он поехал к нему первым поездом. 3. Он подождал полминуты, прежде чем ответить. 4. Позавтракав, он вернулся в свою комнату. 9. Выйдя из дома, он встретил своего школьного товарища. 10. Я устала оттого, что много читала, и решила посидеть в кресле в саду. 11. После двухчасового чтения он положил чемодан на колени и начал что-то писать. 12. Услышав о приезде Елены, я решила ее навестить.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
a) subject1. We knew that it was useless to argue. 2. Wrong way to think about their friends. 3. it was futile to try to meet him at Petrovykh. 4. Be with friends on trips-great fun. 5. To fish in the Black Sea is not a simple matter.(b)) partofacompoundverbalpredicate1. He continued to smile. 2. He referred to something written in Notepad, and then kept going. 3. I love it when I read fairy tales. 4. He stopped smiling and looked at me carefully. 5. She took my hand and continued to talk about his journey to the North. 6. What you said was so interesting that I couldn't help but listen. 7. When I entered the room, the Director had already started to act. 8. When he finished talking, That pushed the stool and walked out. 9. He continued to read something and laugh. 10. She couldn't help thinking about parents. 11. you are waiting for the rain to stop? 12. She continued to knit and watch tv. 13. Half an hour later, he again began to call John. 14. When logged parents, they stop dancing. 15. go to classes. Stop making noise! 16. He laughed when I told him about our hunt in the taiga. 17. He greeted friends and started telling stories about classes at the University. 18. He stood up and slowly walked to the door. 19. She continued to look at the clock.c) object1. I am very tired of sitting at home. 2. He is capable of. 3. you will not mind if I write down your address? 4. He insisted that I spent at home. 5. I get great pleasure when I read your poems. 6. I can drive your vehicle. 7. Thank you for what you call my mom. 8. I'm tired of listening to his advice. 9. When John rang, we were busy preparing for the hunt. 10. Thank you came right on time. 11. She has to call him. 12. For him to look after. 13. I want something to read. 14. When the children returned from school, I was busy cooking dinner. 15. I remember I was told about this case. 16. There is worth a go now. 17. she could not help him. 18. I insisted that his visit at the hospital. 19. I distinctly remember that heard the clock on the fireplace struck two hours. 20. This book is worth a read. 21. Sorry for the trouble. 22. He was very distressed, that did not find her at home. 23. The castle was damaged, but managed to open it. 24. He constantly feared that with him will talk about it. 25. She disliked when it unjustly criticized. 26. Hate to arrive in an empty House. 27. I already took two pills. I remember well that I took them. 30. I can't find novel e. Hemingway's a farewell to arms. I remember that I bought this book.d) attribute1. We have every reason to believe that you have a habit to visit them in the evenings. 2. He was happy at the thought that soon will see his friends again. 3. After breakfast I announced his intention to go for a walk. 4. Is there any hope to catch them at home now? 5. I have not had time to think about how to answer your question. 6. I rarely seems to be the case see them all together. 7. What are your reasons to talk to us in such a tone?(e)) adverbialmodifier1. He thought before answering. 2. upon receiving a letter from his brother, he went to him first by train. 3. He waited half a minute before answering. 4. After breakfast, he went back to his room. 9. Leaving the House, he met his college friend. 10. I'm tired because a lot, and decided to sit in the Chair in the garden. 11. After a two-hour reading it will put the suitcase down on her knees and began to write something. 12. After hearing about the arrival of Helen, I decided to visit her.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
a) subject 1. We knew that it was useless to argue. 2. It is not good to think about your friends. 3. It was useless to try to meet him at Petrova. 4. Be with your friends on the tour - great fun. 5. To fish in the Black Sea - not a simple matter. B) partofacompoundverbalpredicate 1. He continued to smile. 2. He stopped to write down something in a notebook, and then kept going. 3. I love when I read fairy tales. 4. He stopped smiling and looked at me attentively. 5. She took my hand and continued to talk about his journey to the north. 6. What you said was so interesting that I could not help but listen. 7. When I entered the hall, the director has already begun to act. 8. When he had finished speaking, Tom pushed back his chair and left the room. 9. He went on to read something and laugh. 10. She could not help thinking about the parents. 11. Are you waiting until the rain stops? 12. She continued to knit and watch TV. 13. Half an hour later, he again began to call John. 14. When the parents came, they stopped dancing. 15. Go occupation. Stop making noise! 16. He laughed when I told him about our hunting in the taiga. 17. He greeted friends and began to talk about classes at the university. 18. He got up and walked slowly to the door. 19. She continued to look at the clock. A) object 1. I am very tired of sitting at home. 2. It is capable of languages. 3. You will not mind if I write down your address? 4. He insisted that I be carried home. 5. I get great pleasure when I read your poems. 6. I can perfectly control your machine. 7. Thank you for what you call my mom. 8. I'm tired of listening to his advice. 9. When John called, we were busy preparing for the hunt. 10. Thank you for coming on time. 11. She refrained call him. 12. The need to look after him. 13. I would like something to read. 14. When the children returned from school, I was busy preparing dinner. 15. I remember that I was told about this case. 16. There should go now. 17. She could not help it. 18. I insisted that visited him in the hospital. 19. I distinctly remember that heard the clock on the mantelpiece struck two hours. 20. This book is worth reading. 21. Sorry to bother you. 22. He was very disappointed that it has not found doma.23. The castle was ruined, but she managed to open it. 24. He was constantly afraid that with him will talk about it. 25. She did not like her unjustly accused of something. 26. I hate to come to an empty house. 27. I already took two pills. I remember that I took them. 30. I can not find Ernest Hemingway novel "A Farewell to Arms". I remember that I bought this book. D) attribute 1. We have every reason to believe that you had a habit of visiting them in the evenings. 2. He was happy at the thought that soon see their friends again. 3. After breakfast, I announced my intention to go for a walk. 4. Is there any hope to catch them at home now? 5. I have not had time to think about how to answer your question. 6. I rarely see a case submitted them all together. 7. What are your reasons to talk to us in such a tone? F) adverbialmodifier 1. He thought before answering. 2. After receiving a letter from his brother, he went to his first train. 3. He waited half a minute before answering. 4. After breakfast, he went back to his room. 9. After leaving the house, he met his old school friend. 10. I was tired because he read a lot, and decided to sit in the chair in the garden. 11. After two hours of reading he put the suitcase on his lap and began to write something. 12. On hearing of the arrival of Elena, I decided to visit her.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
(a) subject

1. we knew that it was useless to argue. 2. that's not very nice of you to think about your friends. 3. it was no use trying to meet him at the petrova. 4. be with friends on the tour of great удоволь­ствие. 5.fishing in the black sea is not a simple matter. partofаcompoundverbalpredicate

(b) 1. he continued to smile. 2. he stopped to something за­писать in notepad, and then kept going. 3. i love when i чи­тают magic stories. 4.he stopped smiling and carefully looked at me. 5. she took my hand and continued to tell about his journey to the north. 6. what you said was right инте­ресно that i couldn't hear. 7.when i walked into the hall, the director, had already begun to speak. 8. when he finished talking, tom took the chair and went out. 9. he said something to read and laugh. 10. she couldn't help but think about your parents. 11. you wait until the rain stops.12. she kept knitting and watching tv. 13. half an hour later, he again started to call john. 14. when we entered the parents, they прекра­тили dance. 15. are classes. stop that noise! 16. he рас­смеялся,when i told him about our hunting in the forest. 17. he поздо­ровался with friends and started talking about the class in the university. 18. he got up and slowly walked to the door. 19. she kept looking at the clock.

1 c) object.i'm tired of staying at home. 2. he is able to learn. 3. do you mind if i put your address? 4. he insisted that i was home. 5. i get great pleasure when i read your poems. 6.i can drive my car. 7. thank you for what you call my mom. 8. i'm tired of listening to his advice. 9. when john called, we were busy при­готовлением for hunting. 10. thank you for coming on time. 11.she did call him. 12. for him to watch. 13. i'd like something to read. 14. when the children came home from school, i was busy cooking dinner. 15. i remember, i have been told about the case. 16.there you should go now. 17. she couldn't help him. 18. i insisted on his coming in боль­нице. 19. i clearly remember, i heard the clock on the mantelpiece про­били two hours. 20. this book is worth reading. 21.i'm sorry for беспо­койство. 22. he was very disappointed that i found her дома.23. the castle was ruined, but she managed to open it. 24. he was always afraid that he will be talking about it. 25. she didn't love.when it неспра­ведливо by anything. 26. i hate coming home to an empty house. 27. i already took two pills. i remember that i took. 30. i can't find the novel er. hemingway, a farewell to arms ". i rememberi bought this book.

d) attribute

1. we have every reason to believe that you have the habit of visiting them in the evening. 2. he was happy at the thought that it will soon be seeing your friends. 3.after breakfast i had announced its intention to go for a walk. 4. is there any hope to get them home now? 5. i didn't have time to think how to answer your question. 6.
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