Оно рождалось как отзвук еще не затихших боев, в огне пожаров лета 1185 года, вероятнее всего в Переяславле южном, на что указывают многие признаки обращения его автора к князьям. Кем был автор "Слова" -- боярином, князем, духовным феодалом? Но так ли это важно?! Он был первым, кто призвал к миру на Русской Земле, увидев пламя пожаров новой усобицы между князьями, и -- добился этого мира!
Результаты (
английский) 1:
It took shape as an echo of the hushed yet fights fire fires summer 1185 onwards, most likely in Southern Russian, as indicated by the many signs of reversing its author to the Princes. Who was the author of "Words"-Boyar, Prince, spiritual feudal? But does it matter?! He was the first who called for peace on the Russian land, seeing the flames of fires new dissensions between the Princes, and-has made this world!
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
It was born as the echo has not hushed fights fires in the fire of summer 1185, most likely in the southern Pereyaslavl, as indicated by the many signs of the treatment of its author to the princes. Who was the author of "Words" - Boyar, the prince, the spiritual feudal lord? But is it so important ?! He was the first to call for peace in the Russian Land, saw the flames of fires new feuds between the princes, and - has made this world!
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
it was born as a remnant still затихших fights, in the fire of 1185, probably переяславле southern, as indicated by the many signs of the author to the princes. who was the author of "the word" - - the boyars, prince, as your landlord? but does it really matter? . he was the first who called for peace in russia saw the flames fire new усобицы between princes, and - has made this world!
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