1. Пообедав, мы пошли в гостиную, чтобы отдохнуть.
2. Когда мы утром проснулись, небо было все еще серым, но дождь не шел.
3. Мы решили пойти на прогулку по дороге, которую американцы построили вдоль бухты.
4. Вечером, выпив чаю, мы слушали миссионера, который рассказывал о своей на работе на островах.
5. Мистер Дэвидсон проработал там 5 лет, прежде чем встретил свою жену.
6. Считалось, что мистер Дэвидсон был хорошим доктором.
7. Будучи доктором-миссионером, мистер Дэвидсон должен был ездить на разные острова, когда его звали.
8. Дюжину раз он проводил целую ночь, пытаясь добраться до нужного островка.
10. Часто она умоляла его не ездить или, по крайней мере, подождать пока погода установиться, но он не слушал ее.
11. Если за нс посылали среди ночи, она не могла заставить его ждать до утра.
12. «Жаль, что не могу сказать, что я никогда не боялся», - сказал мистер Дэвидсон.
13. «Но у меня никогда не возникало даже мысли не оказать помощи».
14. «Все эти люди ожидали, что я совершу чудо, и я проста не мог разочаровать их».
15. «Если бы на островах был еще один врач, местным жителям не пришлось бы рассчитывать только на меня!»
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. After dinner, we went to the living room to relax.2. When we woke up in the morning, the skies were still gray, but the rain wasn't going to.3. We decided to go for a walk along the road, which the Americans built along the Bay.4. in the evening after drinking tea, we listened to the missionary, who talked about her at work on the Islands.5. Mr. Davidson worked there for 5 years before he met his wife.6. it was felt that Mr. Davidson was a good doctor.7. Being a doctor-missionary, Mr Davidson had to drive on different islands, when it was called.8. A dozen times he spent the whole night trying to get to the island.10. often, she begged him not to go, or at least wait until the weather prevail, but he didn't listen to her.11. If ns was sent in the middle of the night, she could not get him to wait until morning.12. "it's a pity that I can not say that I was never afraid," said Mr. Davidson.13. "but I have never even thought not to provide assistance."14. "all of these people expected that I make a miracle and I simple couldn't disappoint them."15. If on the Islands was another doctor, local residents would not have to rely only on me! "
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. After dinner, we went into the living room to rest.
2. When we awoke in the morning, the sky was still gray, but the rain did not come.
3. We decided to go for a walk along the road, which the Americans built along the bay.
4. In the evening, drinking tea, we were listening to a missionary who talked about his work on the islands.
5. Mr. Davidson worked there for five years before he met his wife.
6. It was believed that Mr. Davidson was a good doctor.
7. Being a doctor-missionary, Mr. Davidson had to go to different island when he was called.
8. A dozen times he spent the whole night trying to get to the right island.
10. Often she begged him not to go, or at least wait for the weather to install, but he did not listen to her.
11. If ns were sent for the night, she could not get him to wait until morning.
12. "It is a pity that I can not say that I was never afraid," - said Mr. Davidson.
13. "But I've never had even thought not to provide assistance."
14. "All these people expected me to perform a miracle, and I just could not disappoint them."
15. "If the island was another doctor, local residents would not have to rely on me!"
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. lunch, we went to the living room to rest.2. when we woke up this morning, the sky was still gray, but the rain did not go.3. we decided to go for a walk on the road which the americans built along the creek.4. night drinking tea, listening to the missionary, who talked about his work on the islands.5. mr. davidson worked there for five years before i met my wife.6. was considered, that mr. davidson was a good doctor.7. being a doctor is a missionary, mr. davidson had to travel to different islands, when his name was.8. a dozen times, he spent the night trying to get to the island.10. often she begged him not to drive, or at least wait till the weather be turned to, but he wouldn't listen to her.11. if no sent in the middle of the night, she could not make him wait until morning.12. "i'm sorry i can't say that i've never боялся», says mr. davidson.13. "but i have never had the thought not to provide assistance.14. "all these people expected me to do a miracle, and i just couldn't disappoint them.15. "if in the islands was another doctor, local residents had to rely on me. "
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