Какой он, современный русский язык?Какой он, современный русский язык? перевод - Какой он, современный русский язык?Какой он, современный русский язык? английский как сказать

Какой он, современный русский язык?

Какой он, современный русский язык?
Какой он, современный русский язык?
Сегодня много говорят о том, что русский язык в опасности, поскольку он сильно обеднел, а в речевом обиходе – англоязычная лексика. Говорят, что язык нужно срочно спасать, иначе он утратит самобытность.
Звонят в колокола и лингвисты других стран. Французский язык давно не пополняется новыми словами, а многие его наречия попросту исчезли. Ученые считают, что ему грозит даже большая опасность, чем русскому. В немецком языке появилось столько иностранных слов, что еще 100 лет назад по этой причине был приостановлен процесс преобразования орфографии данного языка.
Что же касается русского языка: тут преобладает иностранная лексика, многочисленные жаргонизмы и термины, заимствованные из Америки. А интернет полностью погрузился во всякие «тайтлах» (title), буки (book) и т.п. Означает ли это вымирание русского языка? А может быть он, наоборот, переживает расцвет?

Еще Марина Цветаева в свое время тонко подметила такое свойство русского языка, как «уступчивость». Да, наш язык невероятно гибкий, податливый. Русский язык мгновенно русифицирует иностранные слова, наращивая на них всевозможные приставки и суффиксы, имеет множество различных диалектов. Русский язык находится в гораздо более выгодном положении, чем немецкий или французский.
Языковый взаимообогащающий обмен происходит постоянно. Нужно понимать, что это нормальное, произвольно происходящее явление. Впитывая в себя иноязычные слова, придавая им своё, русское звучание, язык «живет», развивается, обогащается. Неологизмы становятся естественной его частью. «Велик и могуч Русский язык!» - недаром писал Л.Н. Толстой.
Конечно, к тем процессам, которые сегодня происходят в русском языке, нельзя относиться равнодушно и безучастно. После долгих лет обособленности Россия вдруг стала доступна для влияния западной культуры. В язык буквально «хлынули» новые слова.
Многие россияне охотно повторяют новомодные речевые обороты, не понимая, порой, их истинного смысла. Речь от этого становится бессмысленной. Возникают грамматические ошибки. Но не будем слишком строги. В своё время Александр Сергеевич Пушкин подметил: «Как уст румяных без улыбки, без грамматической ошибки я русской речи не люблю».
Что по-настоящему тревожит, так это выпадение из повседневной речи таких чистых глубоких, имеющих исконно русские корни, слов как «добронравие», «агнец», «град». А ведь какие мелодичные, с добрым смыслом слова! «Забывание» народом подобных слов обезличивает язык, отнимает у него индивидуальность. На Западе число слов в словарях стремительно увеличивается за счет терминов техники и науки. Россия же в этом плане существенно отстает.
Лауреат Нобелевской премии Александр Солженицын писал: «Лучший способ обогащения языка – это восстановление прежде накопленных, а потом утерянных богатств». Может, настало время к этому прислушаться? Русский язык обладает множеством богатств. Нужно научиться только грамотно и с толком использовать эти ресурсы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
What is he, a modern Russian language?What is he, a modern Russian language?Today, many say that the Russian language is in danger, because it is very poor, and in the speech-English vocabulary use. They say that language need to save, otherwise it will lose identity.Ring the Bell and linguists in other countries. The French language is not updated with new words and many adverbs simply disappeared. Scientists believe that it may face even greater danger than Russian. In the German language has so many foreign words, even 100 years ago for this reason was suspended the process of converting the spelling of the language.As for the Russian language: here is a foreign language, and slang terms, many borrowed from America. And the Internet has completely plunged in all sorts of "tajtlah" (title), South Alabama (book) and so does this mean the extinction of the Russian language? And perhaps he, by contrast, is experiencing a heyday?Yet Marina Tsvetaeva time subtly noticed this property of Russian language as "amicability". Yes, our language is an incredibly flexible, malleable. Russian foreign rusificiruet words, instantly increasing the range of prefixes and suffixes, has many different dialects. The Russian language is in a much better position than German or French.A language mutually enriching exchange happens all the time. You have to understand that this is a normal phenomenon occurring randomly. Absorbing foreign words, giving them their Russian sounding language lives, develops and enriches. Neologisms are a natural part of it. "Great and mighty Russian language!"-Leo Tolstoy wrote in vain.Of course, to those processes that are now taking place in English, cannot be treated indifferently and idly. After years of isolation Russia has suddenly become available for the influence of Western culture. The language literally "poured" new words.Many Russians are willingly repeat the newfangled speech speed without realising, at times, their true meaning. It is from this senseless. There are grammatical errors. But let's not too strict. The Alexander Pushkin stressed: "As the mouth of testy without a smile, without grammatical errors I don't like Russian speech".What really worries is the loss of the everyday speech of pure deep with traditional Russian roots, words like "be treated courteously", "Lamb", "Grad". But what kind of melodic, with a good sense of the word! "Forgetting" the people of similar words depersonalizes language, takes away from the individuality. In the West the number of words in dictionaries is growing rapidly at the expense of the technology and science terms. Russia in this respect are well below.Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: "the best way to enrich languages is recovering first accrued, and then lost wealth." Maybe it is time to listen? English has many resources. Only need to learn how to correctly and rationally use these resources.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
What is he, the modern Russian language?
What is he, the modern Russian language?
Today many talk about the fact that the Russian language is in danger because he strongly grown poor, and everyday life in the speech - the English vocabulary. They say that the language of an urgent need to save, otherwise it will lose its identity.
ring the bell and linguists other countries. French have not updated with new words, and many of its dialects simply disappeared. Scientists believe that he faces an even greater threat than Russian. In German, there are so many foreign words that 100 years ago for this reason that the conversion process was suspended orthography of the language.
As for the Russian language: here the prevailing foreign vocabulary, and numerous slang terms borrowed from America. And the Internet is completely immersed in all sorts of "titles» (title), beeches (book), etc. Does this mean the extinction of the Russian language? Or maybe he, on the contrary, is booming? More Marina Tsvetaeva once subtly noticed a property of the Russian language as the "compliance". Yes, our language is incredibly flexible, malleable. Russian language instantly Russified foreign words, increasing them all sorts of prefixes and suffixes, has many different dialects. Russian language is in a much better position than German or French. The language mutually enriching exchange occurs constantly. You should understand that this is normal, randomly occurring phenomenon. Absorbing foreign words, giving them their own, Russian sounding language "lives", develops, enriched. Neologisms become natural part of it. "Great and mighty Russian language!" - No wonder he wrote LN Thick. Of course, to those processes that are currently taking place in the Russian language, and should not be treated indifferently indifferently. After years of isolation of Russia suddenly became available to the influence of Western culture. In the language literally "poured" new words. Many Russians willingly repeat newfangled speech turns, not realizing sometimes, their true meaning. Speech of becoming meaningless. There are grammatical errors. But do not be too strict. At the time, Alexander Pushkin remarked: "How rosy lips without a smile, without grammatical errors, I do not like the Russian language." What's really disturbing, because it is coming out of the everyday speech of pure deep with native Russian roots, words like "Dobronravov "," lamb "," city ". But what melodic, with a good sense of the word! "Forgetting" the people of similar words dehumanizes language, takes his personality. In the West, the number of words in the dictionary is growing rapidly due to terms of technology and science. Russia is in this respect is far behind. The Nobel laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: "The best way to enrich the language - is the restoration before accumulated and then lost wealth." Maybe it's time to listen to this? Russian language has a lot of wealth. We must learn to only competently and efficiently use these resources.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
What is he, a modern Russian language?
what he, a modern Russian language?
there is much talk today about that Russian language in danger, since he is poorer, as well as voice shelfs - algebra language. It is said,That the language you want to save, otherwise he will lose identity.
call the Sarmatians bells and other countries. French language has not been refilled with new words, and many of its adverb simply disappeared. Scientists believe,That he was in even greater danger than Russian. In the German language only so many foreign words, that is still 100 years ago for this reason has been suspended the process of converting the spelling language.
As to the Russian language: there is a foreign language, many jargon and terms, borrowed from America. And the Internet is completely plunged into any "таитлах" (title), Buki (book) and so forth.Does this mean extinction Russian language? And may be he, on the contrary, inari?Lord even philanthropists in their time, delicately realized such a property of Russian language, such as "Wim". Yes,Our language incredibly flexible, music. Russian language instantly русифицирует foreign words, and is expanding to them every set-top boxes, and the suffixes, has many different dialects.Russian language is located in a much more favorable position than German or French.
Language mutually enriching exchange occurs on a regular basis. You need to understand that this is a normal, random happening phenomenon.contradicted the rename the words, giving it its, the Russian sound, language "live", is progressing, is enriched. euphemism is becoming a natural part of it. "The large and if tomorrow the war Russian language!" - unite wrote L.h. Thick.
Of course, the processes that are taking place in the Russian language, cannot be treated remain aloof and indifferent. After years exclusion Russia suddenly became available to influence western culture.The language is literally "flooded" new words.
many Russians gladly repeat sort voice speed, not realizing that sometimes, their true meaning. It was from this becomes meaningless. There are grammatical errors.But it will not be too rigid. At the time the General Director Alexander Pushkin frankly speaking: "As ref supermarkets sell our products without smiles, without translation errors i don't like Russian speech" .
that really is,It is falling out of everyday speech such net deep, are inherently russians roots, words such as "добронравие", "Lamb", "degrees". But what Hebrew, with good meaning the words!"Collaborators" by the people of similar words artworks are on display language, away from yourself. In the West the number of words in a dictionary increases rapidly at the expense of technology and science.We are same in this regard was far behind.
the Nobel Peace Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: "The best way to enrich language is the restoration before accumulated, and then lost wealth". May,The time has come to listen to this? Russian language has a lot of wealth. You need to learn how to be more intelligently and wisely use these resources.
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