Вот и наступило время, когда жалею, что не учила иностранный язык. Какие планы у Вас на дальнейшую мирную жизнь? Мне очень жаль, что происходят войны. Мир гораздо приятнее.
That's time has come, when regret not taught a foreign language. What plans do you have for further peaceful life? I am very sorry that there is war. The world is much nicer.
That is the time when regret did not learn a foreign language. What plans do you have for further peaceful life? I'm sorry that the war taking place. The world is much nicer.
there was a time when i wish i did not learn a foreign language. what plans do you have for the further peaceful life? i"m sorry, that is war. the world is much better.