Дорогой Harry, твоё письмо тронуло моё сердце. Я также хочу наконец-то удалить профайл с этого сайта и никогда больше не возвращаться сюда. Я в поисках человека, из-за которого прекратятся все поиски. Может, это ты? Не говори мне о деньгах, пожалуйста, потому я здесь не из-за них. Мне, как наверное и всем, хочется простого счастья. Я не модель и не какая-то известная личность... Мне очень приятно, что вы считаете меня красивой :) Я простая девушка со Львова, которая до сих пор верит в сказки и мечтает найти принца. Больше мне ничего не надо. Я всего лишь хочу чувствовать рядом стук его любящего сердца.
Давайте попробуем узнать друг друга ближе?
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Валентина
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Dear Harry, your letter touched my heart. I also want to finally remove the profile from this site and never come back here. I'm looking for a man, which will stop all searches. Maybe it's you? Don't tell me about money, please, because I'm not here because of them. I, like probably everyone wants plain happiness. I'm not a model and not a famous personality ... I am very pleased that you consider me beautiful:) I am a simple girl from Lviv, which still believes in fairy tales and dreams to find a Prince. I do not need anything more. I just want to feel the next knock his loving heart. Let's get to know each other closer?Best wishes, Valentine
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Dear Harry, your letter touched my heart. I also want to finally remove the profile from this site and never come back here. I'm looking for a person, because of which all stop looking. Maybe it's you? Do not tell me about the money, please, because I'm not here because of them. I, like probably, and all want a simple happiness. I am not a model and not some famous person ... I am very pleased that you think I'm beautiful :) I'm a simple girl from Lviv, which still believes in fairy tales and dreams of finding a prince. More I do not need anything. I just want to feel close to the sound of his loving heart.
Let's try to get to know each other better?
Best Regards, Valentin
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
dear harry, your letter has touched my heart. i also want to finally remove the profile from the site and don"t ever come back here. i am looking for someone who will stop the search. maybe it"s you? don"t talk to me about money, please, because i"m not here for them. i like it all, i want a simple happiness. i"m not a model and some famous... i am very pleased that you think i"m pretty:) i"m just a girl from lviv, who still believes in fairy tales and wants to find a prince. that"s all i want. i just want to feel the next knocking his loving heart.let"s try to get to know each other closer?best wishes, happy valentine"s day
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