
Сказка "Колобок" рассказывает о том

Сказка "Колобок" рассказывает о том, как от деда и бабки убежал горячий колобок. Увидел он лес из окошка и захотел по тропинке покатиться, да еще и песенку насмешливую придумал. Но в лесу колобку встретились разные звери. Всех он оставил ни с чем, а вот лиса сдобный хлебец перехитрила.

Герои сказки - колобок, старики и лесные обитатели (заяц, волк, медведь и лиса ). Лисица сразу догадалась, что колобок любит прихвастнуть и пустила в ход лесть. Поддавшись на уговоры, он сел на нос и лиса - съела его!

Детская сказка "Колобок" придумана для самых маленьких. В отличии от многих других фольклорный произведений, перекочевавших в детскую литературу из взрослой, "Колобок" изначально предназначался для маленьких слушателей. Набор героев, повторяющиеся слова персонажей и песенка колобка неизменно увлекают малышей.

Главная мысль сказки "Колобок" рассчитана на детскую мораль. Нельзя убегать и не слушаться взрослых. Самонадеянность, доверчивость и легкомыслие добра не приносят. На каждого хитреца найдется еще более умный плут. Нужно помнить и о том, что лесть никогда не бывает искренней. Настоящий друг никогда не притворяется.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Fairy tale "Kolobok" tells how from his grandfather and grandmother escaped hot dot. He saw the forest from the window and wanted to roll on a footpath, and yes even song mock up. But in the forest kolobkov met different beasts. All he left empty-handed, but Fox rich bread a March on.Heroes tales-gingerbread man, old people and forest dwellers (Hare, Wolf, bear, and Fox). Fox immediately guessed that dot loves to brag and put the flattery. Yielding to the persuasions, he sat on the nose and Fox ate it!Children's tale "Kolobok" designed for the little ones. Unlike many other folk works, migrated in children's literature from the adult, "Kolobok" originally for young listeners. A set of characters, words, and characters pesenka Kolobok consistently Captivate kids. The main idea of the fairy tale "Kolobok" designed for children's morals. You can't run away and do not obey adults. Arrogance, gullibility and frivolity does not bring goodness. On each there are sly even more clever switches. You need to remember that flattery never sincere. A true friend never pretends to be.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Fairy tale "The Gingerbread Man" tells the story of both the grandfather and grandmother ran a hot bun. He saw the forest out of the window and wanted to roll down the path, and even came up with a mocking song. But in the forest Koloboks meet different beasts. All he had left with nothing but a fox sdobny bread outwitted. The heroes of fairy tales - bun, old people and forest dwellers (hare, wolf, bear and fox). Fox soon realized that likes to boast bun and floated flattery. Yielding to the entreaties, he sat down on his nose and a fox - ate it! Children's fairy tale "The Gingerbread Man" was invented for the little ones. Unlike many other folklore, migrated in children's literature from an adult, "Gingerbread Man" was originally intended for young listeners. A set of characters, repeating the words of the characters and the song Bun invariably captivate kids. The main idea of the fairy tale "The Gingerbread Man" is designed for children's morals. You can not run away and do not listen to adults. Overconfidence, credulity and carelessness do not bring good. For every bouncer there more clever rogue. We must remember that flattery is never sincere. A true friend never pretends.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
fairy tale "humpy" tells of grandfather and grandmothers ran hot humpy. he saw the forest from the window and he wanted to ride along the track, and the song насмешливую invented.but in the woods колобку met different animals. all he left with nothing, but fox shortening of these rolls outsmarted.

heroes tales - humpy, old people and forest dwellers (hare, wolf, bear and fox). fox immediately guessed,that likes to brag and humpy played flattery. yielding to persuasion, he sat on the nose and the fox ate him!

a children's story "humpy" was made for the little ones. unlike many other folk worksперекочевавших in children's literature from the adult, "humpy" originally meant for younger listeners. a set of characters, repeated the words of song колобка invariably draw babies.

the main idea of fairy tales "humpy" is designed for children's morality. can't run away and does not listen to adults. arrogance, gullibility, bad with that wealth doesn't bring. each smart ones have more clever dodger.we need to remember that flattery is never honest. a real friend never pretending.
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