честно говоря, я не люблю никаких насекомых. всегда, когда я вижу како перевод - честно говоря, я не люблю никаких насекомых. всегда, когда я вижу како английский как сказать

честно говоря, я не люблю никаких н

честно говоря, я не люблю никаких насекомых. всегда, когда я вижу какого-нибудь жука мне становится действительно страшно. несмотря на крошечные размеры насекомых они пугают меня намного сильнее, чем, например, полеты на самолете или темнота, которые пугают очень многих людей. Несмотря на это, некоторых насекомых я считаю менее страшными и противными, чемГлавным вкладом пчел в обеспечение людей продовольствием является вовсе не мед, который они производят. При всей бесспорности его пользы и целебности куда более важна для человека деятельность пчел по опылению растений. Без помощи этих насекомых-опылителей наши посевы не давали бы хорошего урожая! Благодаря опылению урожай культур возрастает вдвое и даже втрое. Получаемая прибыль превышает, по подсчетам специалистов, доходы от прямой продукции пчеловодства в десятки раз.

Вдвое больше созревает и ягод в тех лесах, где стоят пасеки. Соответственно, увеличивается поголовье лесной дичи. Это прекрасно понимала российская императрица Екатерина II: она отменила для пчеловодов все налоги.

В наше время во многих странах, в частности в Германии и США, действуют программы поддержки пчеловодства как одного из наиболее эффективных способов повышения урожайности растений. Например, менеджер одной из американских коммерческих компаний, который развозит свободное от работы время ульи по фермерским хозяйствам, получает за это от федеральных властей 39 тысяч долларов в год. остальных. Например, пчелы. Я думаю, что пчелы-это самые полезные для человека насекомые.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
honestly, I don't like any insects. Whenever I see any beetle me gets really scary. Despite the tiny size of insects they frighten me much stronger than, for example, flying on an airplane or darkness, that scare so many people. Despite this, some insects I find less scary and obnoxious, čemGlavnym contribution bees in ensuring food is not honey they produce. With all its territorial use and the healing is much more important for human bees on pollination of plants. Without the help of these pollinators, our crops would not a good harvest! Thanks to pollination to harvest crops increases doubled and even tripled. Profits exceed estimates, income from direct products of beekeeping in dozens of times.Twice more it ripens and berries in those forests, where the Apiary. Accordingly, increasing livestock forest game. It's perfectly understood the Russian Empress Catherine II: it abolished all taxes for beekeepers.Nowadays, in many countries, such as Germany and the United States, operate programmes to support bee-keeping as one of the most effective ways to increase the productivity of plants. For example, the Manager of one of the American companies that provide free time hives to farmers gets from federal authorities 39 thousand dollars a year. the rest. For example, bees. I think bees are the most useful for human insects.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Frankly, I do not like any insects. whenever I see any bug me it gets really scary. despite the tiny size of insects, they scare me much stronger than, for example, flying in an airplane, or the darkness that scare many people. Despite this, some insects, I think less scary and nasty, chemGlavnym contribution of bees to ensure people's food is not the honey they produce. Despite its indisputable benefits, and health is much more important to human activity bee pollination. Without the help of insect pollinators our crops would not give a good harvest! Thanks to pollination increases crop yields doubled and even tripled. The resulting profit exceeded, according to estimates, revenues from the direct production of beekeeping in dozens of times. Twice as many ripe and berries in the woods, where there are apiaries. Accordingly, increased livestock forest game. It is perfectly understood Russian Empress Catherine II: she canceled for beekeepers all taxes. Nowadays, in many countries, particularly in Germany and the US, there are programs to support bee-keeping as one of the most effective ways to increase the productivity of plants. For example, the manager of one of the American commercial companies, which delivers free time on the hives to farms, received for it from the federal government 39,000 dollars a year. others. For example, the bee. I think that bees are the most useful for human insects.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
to be honest, i don't like no insects. every time i see a bug i feel really scared. despite the tiny size of insects they scare me so much stronger than, for example,flight on the plane or the darkness that scares a lot of people. despite this, some insects i think less scary and nastyчемглавным contribution of bees in food is not honey, which they produce.the бесспорности its usefulness and целебности are more important to human activities of bees for pollination of plants. without the help of these insects is опылителей our crops did not have a good harvest!through pollination crop cultures was doubled or even tripled. the profits exceed estimated revenues from direct professional beekeeping products in dozens of times.

double matures and berries in the woods, where are the apiary. accordingly, the increasing number of forest wildlife. it is well understood the russian empress catherine ii, she canceled for beekeepers all taxes.

nowadays in many countries, particularly in germany and the us, have programmes to support bee keeping as one of the most effective ways to increase the yield of plants. for example,
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