1. Было утро. Было раннее утро. Было теплое летнее утро. Он родился ра перевод - 1. Было утро. Было раннее утро. Было теплое летнее утро. Он родился ра английский как сказать

1. Было утро. Было раннее утро. Был

1. Было утро. Было раннее утро. Было теплое летнее утро. Он родился ранним утром. Мне трудно вставать рано по утрам. Утро было прохладное, но солнечное. Какое хорошее утро! Мы доберемся до станции к утру. 2. Наступил день. Это был туманный день, день нашего отъезда. День был дождливым. Что ты обычно делаешь в течение дня? Инцидент произошел пасмурным сентябрьским днем. 3. Был полдень. Полдень — это 12 часов. Домохозяйки стараются сделать все покупки до полудня. Посетитель появился лишь в полдень. 4. Было послеполуденное время. Мы любили пить чай после полудня. Маленькие дети обычно спят в послеполуденное время. Мы посвятили послеполуденное время чтению. 5. Был вечер. Был морозный крещенский вечер. Вечер был теплый. Был поздний вечер. Мне всегда хочется спать по вечерам. Ты пойдешь на прогулку вечером? Мы закончим все к вечеру. 6. Наступила ночь. Была ночь. Была тихая звездная ночь. Я люблю смотреть на звезды ночью. Ночь была тиха. Буря продолжалась всю ночь. Мы отправились туда в субботу вечером. Его охраняют день и ночь. Я целый месяц не ложился рано спать. 7. Восход — это время, когда восходит солнце. Мы пили, смеялись, болтали до рассвета. 8. Весна — это время года между зимой и летом. Весной становится теплее. Он уехал весной 1996 года. Париж прекрасен весной. Была ранняя весна. Осень была дождливой. Какая красивая осень!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. it was morning. It was early morning. It was a warm summer morning. He was born in the early morning. It's hard for me to get up early in the morning. The morning was cool, but sunny. What good morning! We get to the station in the morning. 2. The day came. It was a foggy day, the day of our departure. Day was rainy. What do you usually do during the day? Cloudy September afternoon incident. 3. it was noon. Noon is a 12:00. Housewives try to make all purchases before noon. Visitor appeared only at noon. 4. it was afternoon time. We loved drinking tea in the afternoon. Small children usually sleep in the afternoons. We spent afternoons reading. 5. It was evening. Was frosty night of the Epiphany. The evening was warm. It was late in the evening. I always want to sleep in the evening. Will you go for a walk in the evening? We finish all afternoon. 6. Night came. It was night. Was quiet starry night. I love to watch the stars at night. The night was quiet. The storm lasted all night. We went there Saturday night. It is guarded day and night. I'm not a month went to sleep early. 7. Sunrise is the time at which the sun rises. We drank, laughed, chatted before dawn. 8. Spring is the time of year between winter and summer. Spring is getting warmer. He left in the spring of 1996 year. Paris is beautiful in the spring. It was early spring. Autumn was rainy. What a beautiful autumn!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. It was morning. It was an early morning. It was a warm summer morning. He was born in the early morning. I find it hard to get up early in the morning. The morning was cool, but sunny. What a good morning! We'll get to the station in the morning. 2. The day came. It was a foggy day, the day of our departure. The day was rainy. What do you usually do during the day? The incident occurred on a cloudy September day. 3. It was noon. Noon - is 12 hours. Housewives are trying to make all purchases before noon. The visitor appeared only at noon. 4. It was afternoon. We loved to drink tea in the afternoon. Young children usually sleep in the afternoon. We dedicated the afternoon reading. 5. It was evening. Epiphany was a frosty evening. The evening was warm. It was late evening. I always want to sleep at night. You go for a walk at night? We will finish all the evening. 6. It was night. It was night. It was quiet starry night. I love looking at the stars at night. The night was quiet. The storm lasted all night. We went there on Saturday night. He is guarded day and night. I'm a month I did not go to bed early. 7. Sunrise - this time, when the sun rises. We drank, laughed and talked until dawn. 8. Spring - a time of year between winter and summer. Spring is getting warmer. He went to the spring of 1996. Paris is beautiful in the spring. It was early spring. Autumn was rainy. What a beautiful autumn!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. it was in the morning. it was early in the morning. it was a warm summer morning. he was born in the early hours of the morning. it"s hard for me to get up early in the morning. the morning was cool, but sunny. what a nice morning! we get to the station in the morning. 2. today"s the day. it was a foggy day, the day of our departure. the day was rainy. what do you usually do during the day? the incident occurred пасмурным september afternoon. 3. it was the afternoon. noon is 12 hours. they try to make all purchases before noon. visitor appeared only in the afternoon. 4. it was afternoon time. we loved to drink tea in the afternoon. babies usually sleep in the afternoon. we spent the afternoon time reading. 5. was the night. was a крещенский evening. the evening was warm. it was late afternoon. i always want to sleep in the evening. are you going out tonight? we will finish it tonight. 6. night fell. it was night. it was a starry night. i love looking at the stars at night. the night was quiet. the storm lasted all night. we went there on saturday night. it"s guarded day and night. i"m a month didn"t go to bed early. 7. sunrise is the time when the sun is rising. we were drinking, laughing, talking till dawn. 8. spring is the season between winter and summer. spring is warm. he left in the spring of 1996. paris is beautiful in spring. was an early spring. autumn is rainy. what a beautiful autumn!
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