В богато обставленной гостиной молодая женщина лет 35 – 36 дремала над перевод - В богато обставленной гостиной молодая женщина лет 35 – 36 дремала над английский как сказать

В богато обставленной гостиной моло

В богато обставленной гостиной молодая женщина лет 35 – 36 дремала над вышиванием. Огонь в камине погас, и в комнате стало холодно. В тот вечер Эллен (Ellen) некого было ожидать. Поэтому она очень удивилась, когда услышала стук в дверь. Эллен недоумевала, кто бы это мог быть. «Вы, должно быть, ошиблись», - сказала она, увидев в коридоре двух маленьких мальчиков.
«Его кузина когда-то жила здесь», - робко объяснил один, показывая на своего приятеля. «Неужели она переехала? Он пришел повидаться с ней». У Эллен не было никакого намерения вступать в разговор с этими незнакомыми ребятами, но они выглядели такими испуганными и замерзшими, что она решила провести их к себе в комнату. Она предложила им сесть и начала осторожно расспрашивать.
Теперь, когда у нее были все возможности разглядеть мальчиков получше, она не могла не посочувствовать им. «Если бы они не чувствовали себя так несчастно, я бы не приняла их у себя. Хорошо бы сделать им что-нибудь приятное», - подумала она про себя. Заметив, что мальчики внимательно смотрят на вазу со сладостями, она предложила, чтобы каждый из них взял по кусочку, но они сначала отказались. Может быть, они боялись произвести плохое впечатление на Эллен, и она подумала: «Если я буду продолжать настаивать на угощении, это помешает им успокоиться. Наверное, они неловко себя чувствуют в моем присутствии». Как бы ей хотелось казаться более дружелюбной и оказать им теплый прием.
В первый раз за целый месяц кто-то помимо ее хозяйки зашел к ней. Приход мальчиков обрадовал Эллен, и она не хотела отпускать их слишком быстро. Поэтому она продолжала свои расспросы, пока, наконец, не осознала, что голос ее звучит очень строго. Она резко остановилась, а затем после некоторого колебания добавила, что у нее много дел по дому. Мальчикам ничего не оставалось делать, как поблагодарить ее и уйти.
Когда Эллен обнаружила, что у нее пропал кошелек (purse), она не могла сдержаться и разрыдалась. Потрясение было настолько сильным, что она едва держалась на ногах от отчаяния. Она задавалась вопросом, как могла она позволить им войти. «И зачем только я впустила их к себе в комнату», - повторяла она со слезами в голосе. «Я отнеслась к ним, как к своим гостям, а они украли у меня деньги, которые лежали на столе, и теперь, наверное, смеются надо мной». В ту ночь она не сомкнула глаз. Но на следующее утро она решила взять себя в руки и заставила себя забыть о происшествии.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
В богато обставленной гостиной молодая женщина лет 35 – 36 дремала над вышиванием. Огонь в камине погас, и в комнате стало холодно. В тот вечер Эллен (Ellen) некого было ожидать. Поэтому она очень удивилась, когда услышала стук в дверь. Эллен недоумевала, кто бы это мог быть. «Вы, должно быть, ошиблись», - сказала она, увидев в коридоре двух маленьких мальчиков.«Его кузина когда-то жила здесь», - робко объяснил один, показывая на своего приятеля. «Неужели она переехала? Он пришел повидаться с ней». У Эллен не было никакого намерения вступать в разговор с этими незнакомыми ребятами, но они выглядели такими испуганными и замерзшими, что она решила провести их к себе в комнату. Она предложила им сесть и начала осторожно расспрашивать.Now when she had every opportunity to see the boys better, she could not help but feel sorry for them. "If they don't feel so unhappy, I would not have accepted them. It would be good to do something nice for them, "she thought to herself. Noticing that the boys carefully look at the vase with sweets, she suggested that each of them picked up piece by piece, but they initially refused. Maybe they were afraid to make a bad impression on Ellen, and she thought, "if I'm going to continue to insist on refreshments, it hurts them to calm down. Perhaps they feel uncomfortable in my presence. " How would she like to seem more friendly and give them a warm welcome.For the first time in over a month someone other than her mistress came to her. Parish boys came as Ellen, and she didn't want to release them too quickly. So she continued her questioning, before finally realized that her voice sounds very strictly. She stopped abruptly, and then after some fluctuations added that she had a lot to do around the House. The boys had nothing else to do, like to thank her and go away.When Ellen discovered that her missing wallet (purse), she could not help myself and broke down in tears. The shock was so strong that she barely stayed on his feet in frustration. She wondered how she could allow them to enter. "And why only I admitted them to his room," she repeated with tears in his voice. "I treated them as their guests, and they stole from me the money lying on the table, and now probably laugh at me. That night she did not somknula eye. But the next morning she decided to pull yourself together and forced myself to forget about the incident.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The richly furnished living room a young woman of 35 - 36 dozing over embroidery. The fire went out and the room was cold. That evening Ellen (Ellen) no one would expect. So she was surprised when she heard a knock at the door. Ellen wondered who it could be. "You must be mistaken," - she said, when he saw in the hallway of the two little boys.
"His cousin once lived here", - timidly explained one, pointing to his friend. "Did she move? He came to see her. " Ellen had no intention to enter into a conversation with these strangers guys, but they looked so scared and frozen, she decided to carry them to your room. She invited them to sit down and began gently asking.
Now that she had every opportunity to see the boys better, she could not sympathize with them. "If they had not felt so miserable, I would not have accepted them at home. It would be nice to make it something nice ", - she thought to herself. Noticing that boys carefully look at the vase with sweets, she suggested that each of them took a piece, but they initially refused. Maybe they were afraid to make a bad impression on Ellen, and she thought: "If I'm going to continue to insist on serving, it will prevent them to calm down. Perhaps they feel awkward in my presence. " As much as she wanted to appear more friendly and give them a warm welcome.
For the first time in a month someone besides her mistress went to her. The arrival of the boys delighted Ellen, and she did not want to let go of them too quickly. So she continued her questioning, until finally he realized that her voice sounds very strictly. She stopped, and then, after some hesitation, added that she had a lot to do around the house. The boys had no choice as to thank her and leave.
When Ellen found out that she had lost wallet (purse), she could not help but burst into tears. The shock was so strong that she could barely stand on her feet in frustration. She wondered how she could let them enter. "Why did I let them into his room," - she repeated with tears in his voice. "I treated them as their guests, and they stole my money lying on the table, and now, probably laughing at me." That night she could not sleep. But the next morning she decided to pull myself together and forced myself to forget about the incident.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a tree in the living room the young woman age 35 - 36 asleep on embroidery. the fire in the fireplace snuffed out and the room became cold. that night, ellen (ellen) can be expected. however, she was very surprised.when i heard a knock at the door. ellen's, you know, who it could be. "you must be ошиблись», she said, to see the two little boys." his cousin once lived here, timidly explained oneshowing your buddy. "did she move? he came to see her. ellen's, there was no intention to engage in a conversation with these random guys, but they looked so scared and замерзшими,she decided to go to my room. she invited them to sit down and begin carefully ask. - now, when she had the opportunity to see all the boys better, she could not help but feel sorry for them."if they do not feel so miserably, i wouldn't have taken them. i wish to do something for them приятное», she thought to herself. noting that the boys carefully look at the vase of candy,she suggested that each of them took a piece, but they initially refused. maybe they're afraid to make a bad impression on ellen, and she thought, "if i will continue to insist on the mixer.this will prevent them to calm down. i guess they feel uncomfortable in my присутствии». what would she like to be more friendly and give them a warm welcome.for the first time in a month, someone other than its owner went to her. the parish of boys please, ellen, and she didn't want to go too fast. so she continued her asking until, finally, to realizewhat her voice sounds very strictly. she suddenly stopped, and then, after some hesitation, added that she had a lot to do at home. the boys had no choice but to thank her and leave. "when ellen had discovered that she had lost my wallet (purse), she could not help but burst into tears. the shock was so strong that she barely kept up from despair. she wondered,how could she let them in. "why did i let them in to my room, she said with tears in her voice. "i take him as my guests, and they stole my money, which lay on the table, and nowmust be laughing at me. that night she didn't sleep a wink. but the next morning, she decided to take up and forced himself to forget the incident.
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