Статуя Свободы (Statue of Liberty, полное название - Свобода, озаряюща перевод - Статуя Свободы (Statue of Liberty, полное название - Свобода, озаряюща английский как сказать

Статуя Свободы (Statue of Liberty,

Статуя Свободы (Statue of Liberty, полное название - Свобода, озаряющая мир) - одна из самых знаменитых скульптур в США и в мире, часто называемая «символом Нью-Йорка и США», «символом свободы и демократии», «Леди Свобода». Это подарок французских граждан к столетию американской революции.

Государственный флаг США, известный также как Звездно-полосатый флаг (Stars and Stripes), является официальным государственным символом США (наряду с Большой печатью и гимном).Представляет собой прямоугольное полотнище с семью красными и шестью белыми горизонтальными чередующимися полосами. В кантоне темно-синего цвета - 50 пятиконечных звезд белого цвета.

Большая печать США (Great Seal of the United States) - используется, чтобы подтвердить подлинность документов, выпущенных правительством Соединенных Штатов Америки. Государственный секретарь США считается официальным хранителем Большой печати. Увидеть Большую печать можно в выставочном зале Государственного департамента в Вашингтоне.

The Star-Spangled Banner (Знамя, усыпанное звездами) - национальный гимн Соединенных Штатов Америки. Его текст был взят из поэмы «Оборона Форта Макгенри», написанной в 1814 году Фрэнсисом Скоттом Ки. Автор, 35-летний адвокат и по совместительству поэт-любитель, написал этот текст после того, как стал свидетелем обстрела Форта Макгенри в Балтиморе британскими кораблями в период войны 1812 года. Первое исполнение состоялось в Балтиморе 29 октября после американской премьеры пьесы Августа фон Коцебу «Граф Беневский».

Белый дом (the White House) - резиденция президента США в Вашингтоне.

Место для строительства Белого дома было подобрано в 1791 году первым президентом США Джорджем Вашингтоном. В том же году Вашингтон заложил символический краеугольный камень в фундамент здания, а год спустя архитектор Джеймс Хобан выиграл конкурс на лучший проект Белого дома.

Капитолий (United States Capitol) - местопребывание Конгресса США на Капитолийском холме в Вашингтоне, идейно-градостроительный центр округа Колумбия. Соединяется с Монументом Вашингтона и Мемориалом Линкольна 1800-метровой аллеей Нэшнл-молл. К востоку от парламентского центра раскинулись Библиотека Конгресса и резиденция Верховного суда США (до 1935 года заседания Верховного суда проходили в самом Капитолии).

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Statue of liberty (Statue of Liberty, the full name-liberty lighting the world) is one of the most famous sculptures in the United States and around the world, often referred to as a "symbol of New York and the United States", "a symbol of freedom and democracy", "Lady Liberty". It is a gift of French citizens to the centennial of the American Revolution.The flag of the United States, also known as the stars and stripes (Stars and Stripes), is the official symbol of the United States (along with the great seal and the anthem) is a rectangular sheet with seven red and six white horizontal stripes. The canton of dark blue-50 white five-pointed stars.The great seal of the United States (the Great Seal of the United States)-used to verify the authenticity of documents issued by the Government of the United States of America. United States Secretary of State is the official keeper of the great seal. See larger prints can be in the exhibition hall of the State Department in Washington.The Star-Spangled Banner (banner, sparkly) is the national anthem of the United States of America. The text was taken from the poem "defence of Fort Mchenry", written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key. Author, 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet, wrote this text after the bombardment of Fort Mchenry was witness in Baltimore by British ships during the war of 1812. The premiere took place in Baltimore on October 29 after the American premieres of plays by August von Kotzebue "Count Benevskij".The White House (the White House)-the residence of the President of the United States in Washington.Site for the construction of the White House in 1791, was chosen as the first President of the United States George Washington. In the same year, Washington laid the symbolic cornerstone in the Foundation of the building, and a year later, architect James Hoban won the competition on the best project of the White House.Capitol (United States Capitol)-seat of the United States Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, the ideological Center of the district town planning-Colombia. Connects to the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument 1800-meter National Mall walkway. To the East of the Parliamentary Centre are the library of Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States (until 1935, the Supreme Court held in the Capitol).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Statue of Liberty (Statue of Liberty, the full name - Liberty Enlightening the World) - one of the most famous sculptures in the USA and in the world, often referred to as a "symbol of New York City and the United States", "symbol of freedom and democracy," "Lady Liberty". It is a gift of the French people to the centenary of the American Revolution. The national flag of the United States, also known as the Stars and Stripes (Stars and Stripes), is the official state symbol of the United States (along with the Great Seal and anthem) department, where a rectangular cloth with seven red and six white horizontal alternating bands. In the canton of dark blue color - 50 five-pointed stars in white. Great Seal of the United States (Great Seal of the United States) - is used to verify the authenticity of documents issued by the United States Government. US Secretary of State is the official keeper of the Great Seal. Great Seal can see in the exhibition hall of the State Department in Washington. The Star-Spangled Banner (Banner, studded with stars) - National Anthem of the United States of America. His text was taken from the poem "Defence of Fort McHenry", written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key. The author, 35-year-old lawyer and part-time poet-lover, wrote this text after witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry in Baltimore British ships during the War of 1812. The first performance was held in Baltimore on October 29 after the American premiere of a play by August von Kotzebue "Count Benevskaya." The White House (the White House) - the residence of the President of the United States in Washington. The site for the White House was chosen in 1791, the first US president George Washington. That same year, Washington laid the symbolic cornerstone in the foundation of the building, and a year later the architect James Hoban won a competition to design the White House. Capitol (United States Capitol) - the seat of the US Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, ideological and Town Planning Centre District of Columbia. Connected to the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial in 1800-meter alley National Mall. To the east lie the Parliamentary Centre Library of Congress and the residence of the Supreme Court of the United States (until 1935 meeting of the Supreme Court held in the Capitol).

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The first execution took place in Baltimore on 29 October, after the American premiere play August von Image Usage Policy. "Graf Беневскии" .

White House (the White House) - the residence of the President of the United States in Washington.

The Statue of Liberty (Stаtue of Liberty, full name - freedom, озаряющая world) - one of the most famous sculptures in the United States and in the world, often called a "symbol New York and the USA", "the symbol of freedom and democracy", "Lady Liberty".This is a gift French citizens to the centennial of the American revolution.

state flag USA, also known as extrasolar-striped flag (Stars and Stripes).For the construction of the White House was adjusted in 1791, the first president of the United States George Washington. In the same year, Washington has laid a symbolic cornerstone in the foundation of the building,Is the official state symbol (along with a large printing and anthem) .This is a rectangular bunting with seven red and six white horizontal alternating stripes.The US Secretary of State is considered to be the official custodian of a large print. To see more you can print in the exhibition hall department of State in Washington.

The Stаr-Spаngled Banner (banner,Innate curiosity about the stars) - the national anthem the United States of America. His text was taken from the poem "The Defense Fort Макгенри", written in 1814 by Francis Scott key. The author,In canton dark blue - 50 city-hero stars white.lord large print (Great seal of the United States) is used to confirm the authenticity of documents, issued by the Government of the United States of America.35-year-old lawyer and concurrently the poet-lover, wrote this text after, as witnessed shelling Fort Макгенри in Baltimore British warships during the war, 1812.For the construction of the White House was adjusted in 1791, the first president of the United States George Washington. In the same year, Washington has laid a symbolic cornerstone in the foundation of the building,The first execution took place in Baltimore on 29 October, after the American premiere play August von Image Usage Policy. "Graf Беневскии" .

White House (the White House) - the residence of the President of the United States in Washington.

And, a year later, architect James Хобан won the competition on the best draft White house.lord Capitol (United States Capitol) - location United States Congress at the preeminent in Washington,BRUY Livonia center of the district of Columbia. Connects to the Washington Monument and Old Lincoln 1800-meter tranquilly located National Mall.
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