Ленни уже семь лет жил в Кейптауне, когда он решил вернуться домой. 2. Ленни сказал: «Я возвращаюсь домой; я не был дома семь лет». 3. Много лет Ленни мечтал вернуться домой и работать для своего народа. 4. Ленни долгое время мечтал о том, чтобы уехать из Кейптауна, прежде чем сообщил друзьям о своих планах. 5. Ленни долго стоял на дороге, ведущей в деревню. Становилось темно. 6. Ленни подошел к кофейне, где ужинали трое белых. 7. Когда Ленни подошел к деревне, он увидел свою мать, которая бежала ему навстречу. 8. Мать Ленни следила за сыном, пока он готовил для нее ужин. 9. Когда Ленни, проснулся, он почувствовал, что кто-то смотрит на него. 10. Он открыл глаза и увидел сестру, которую не видел много лет. П. Мейбл подошла к Ленни до того, как он проснулся, и с любопытством смотрела на него. 12. К тому времени, когда Ленни вернулся домой, Мейбл стала здоровой восемнадцатилетней девушкой. 13. Когда Ленни проснулся, его мать уже встала и приготовляла чай. 14. Лекни был рад увидеть места, где он играл в детстве. 15. Ленни наблюдал за людьми, окружавшими его. Среди них была Фиета. Он видел ее раньше. 16. Ленни был поражен: Фиета выразила то, что он смутно чувствовал. 17. «Я как раз собирался послать за вами», — сказал священник. 18. Священник сказал Ленни: «Среди нас никогда не было образованного человека». 19. Ленни провел много лет в Кейптауне, и бедность и страдания его народа производили на него тяжелое впечатление.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Lenny lived seven years in Cape Town, when he decided to return home. 2. Lenny said: "I'm going back home; I hadn't been home for seven years. 3. For many years, Lenny dreamed to return home and work for its people. 4. Lenny a long time dreamed of leaving Cape Town before told friends about his plans. 5. Lenny long stood on the road leading to the village. It was getting dark. 6. Lenny walked over to the coffee shop where we had dinner three whites. 7. When Lenny approached the village, he saw his mother, who ran to meet him. 8. Lenny's mother watched her son until he was preparing for her dinner. 9. When Lenny, woke up, he felt that someone was watching him. 10. He opened his eyes and saw his sister, which had not seen for many years. P. Mabel came to Lenny before he woke up and stared at him curiously. 12. At a time when Lenny returned home, Mabel has become a healthy vosemnadcatiletnej a girl. 13. When Lenny woke up his mother already faced and prigotovljala tea. 14. Lekni was glad to see the places where he had played as a child. 15. Lenny watching the people surrounding him. Among them was Fieta. He had seen her before. 16. Lenny was amazed: Fieta expressed what he vaguely felt. 17. "I was just going to send for you," said the priest. 18. The priest said Lenny: "who among us has never been educated person. 19. Lenny spent many years in Cape Town, and the poverty and the suffering of its people made on him a heavy impression.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Lenny is already seven years living in Cape Town, when he decided to return home. 2. Lenny said, "I'm coming home; I was not at home for seven years. " 3. For many years, Lenny wanted to go home and work for its people. 4. Lenny has long dreamed to leave from Cape Town before told friends about his plans. 5. Lenny stood a long time on the road leading to the village. It was getting dark. 6. Lenny went to the coffee shop, where three white dinner. 7. When Lenny went to the village, he saw his mother, who ran out to meet him. 8. Mother Lenny watched her son as he prepared dinner for her. 9. When Lenny woke up, he felt that someone was watching him. 10. He opened his eyes and saw her sister, had not seen for many years. P. Mabel went to Lenny before he woke up, and curiously looked at him. 12. By the time when Lenny came home, Mabel became a healthy girl of eighteen. 13. When Lenny woke up, his mother was already up and was preparing tea. 14. Lekni was glad to see the place where he had played as a child. 15. Lenny watched the people around him. Among them was FIET. He had seen her before. 16. Lenny was amazed: FIET expressed what he felt vaguely. 17. "I was just going to send for you," - said the priest. 18. The priest said Lenny, "was never educated person among us." 19. Lenny spent many years in Cape Town, and the poverty and suffering of his people made him a bad impression.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
lenny's seven years of living in cape town when he decided to return home. 2. lenny said: "i'm coming home; i haven't been home for seven years. 3. for many years, lenny wanted to return home and work for his people. 4. for a long time, just want to leave cape town before told friends about their plans. 5. lenny's long standing on the road leading to the village. dark. 6. lenny went to a coffee shop, where there are three white. 7. when lenny came to the village, he saw his mother, who was running towards him. 8. lenny's mother followed her son while he was preparing dinner for her. 9. when you woke up, he felt someone looking at him. 10. he opened his eyes and saw sister, not seen for many years. p. mabel came to lenny before he woke up and looked at him with curiosity. 12. by the time the lenny returned home, mabel was a healthy 18-year-old girl. 13. when lenny woke up, his mother had already got up and приготовляла tea. 14. лекни was happy to see the places where he had played as a child. 15. lenny watched people surrounding his. among them was фиета. he saw her before. 16. lenny was amazed: фиета expressed what he vaguely felt. 17. "i was going to send for you," said the priest. 18. the priest said lenny, "among us never was an educated man. 19. lenny spent many years in cape town, and the poverty and suffering of his people made him a good impression.
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