Совершенно новая серия о беременной маме свинке и беременной Малифисен перевод - Совершенно новая серия о беременной маме свинке и беременной Малифисен английский как сказать

Совершенно новая серия о беременной

Совершенно новая серия о беременной маме свинке и беременной Малифисенте. В этом эпизоде Peppa Pig и Николь идут гулять. Они приходят на ярмарку, где беременная Малифисента торгует тыквами, которые лопаются, как воздушные шарики! Peppa Pig платит за лопающиеся тыквы монетки. Малефисента переносит магией девочек в Peppa Pig's дом и наколдовывает тыквы-шарики для Николь, Peppa Pig и беременной Мамы свинки. В это время Папа свинка забирает себе монетки. Николь и Пеппа видят у него эти монетки и объясняют, что это монетки Малефисенты и их надо вернуть. Они возвращаются на ярмарку, что вернуть их Малефисенте. Приходят и понимают, что Малефисенте пора ехать в больницу. Они садятся в автомобиль Папы свинки. По дороге Малифисента наколдовывает магический шар, который поднимает автомобиль над всеми ямами на дороге. У беременной Мамы свинки появляется маленький поросенок, а у Малефисенты - маленькая тыква.

"Peppa Pig" - смешной анимационный мультфильм для детей. Маленькой Peppa Pig и её друзьям Danny Dog и Suzy Sheep очень нравятся приключения. В этом эпизоде Grandpa Pig решил поехать на его автомобиле, как вдруг the wheels fall off from the Grandpa Pig's car! Колеса укатываются в разные стороны: на дерево, на крышу магазина, к больнице. Grandpa Pig пытается найти колеса, а Peppa Pig и Danny Dog помогают ему в этом. Собрав все колёса Grandpa Pig уезжает. Но, подойдя к школе, Peppa Pig видит, что the wheels fell off from the Grandpa Pig's car again!

Смотрите другие серии о беременной Mummy Pig здесь:

Новый эпизод анимационного ТВ сериала о Peppa Pig! Дети обожают следить за увлекательными приключениями Peppa Pig и её друзей! В этой серии Grandpa Pig rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! Но magic ointment попадает и на руку Grandpa Pig and his hand turns into an octopus tentacle too! Они приходят в госпиталь, там их встречает Покемон Пикачу. А Миньоны (Гадкий Я) помогают вылечить руки Grandpa and Suzy Sheep.

Их ждут:
волшебная мазь, которая превращает руку в щупальце осьминога;
George Pig обольет водой из ведра Peppa Pig, Suzy Sheep и Danny Dog;
от машины полицейского отпадут колеса;
Suzy Sheep полетает на пузыре жевачки;
Peppa Pig будет ловить и фотографировать Покемонов (Pokémon GO);
Mummy Pig заставит Peppa Pig мыть полы
и многое другое

George Pig начинает бросаться в них сладостями
Они звонят Николь и она присоединяется к ним
мороженная война

в этом эпизоде
в этом эпизоде Пеппа и Джордж дерутся мороженным
Другие увлекательные эпизоды про Peppa Pig можно посмотреть здесь:
Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig's house!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A brand new series on pregnant mother and a pregnant pig Malifisente. In this episode of Peppa Pig and Nicole go for a walk. They come to the fair, where a pregnant Malifisenta sells pumpkins that burst like balloons! Peppa Pig pays for bursting pumpkin coins. Maleficent shifts of magic girls Peppa Pig's House and nakoldovyvaet pumpkins-balls for Nicole, Peppa Pig and pregnant Moms pig. At this time, Daddy pig takes itself the coins. Nicole and Peppas see these coins with him and explain that it is maleficent arriving with coins and they should be returned. They return to the fair, which boasts record crowds to return them. Come and understand that it is time to go to the hospital boasts record crowds. They sit in the car Dad pig. On the way Malifisenta nakoldovyvaet Magic Ball, which raises the car over all the pits on the road. A pregnant Mother pig appears little pig, and maleficent arriving with a small pumpkin."Peppa Pig"-funny animated cartoon for children. Little Peppa Pig Danny Dog and her friends and Suzy Sheep really like adventure. In this episode, Grandpa Pig decided to go on his car, when suddenly the wheels fall off from the Grandpa Pig's car! Wheel ukatyvajutsja in different directions: the tree on the roof of the store, to the hospital. Grandpa Pig tries to find wheels and Peppa Pig Danny Dog and help him in this. After having gathered all the wheels Grandpa Pig are leaving. But, going to school, Peppa Pig sees that the wheels fell off from the Grandpa Pig's car again!See other series about the pregnant Mummy Pig here:New episode of the animated TV series about Peppa Pig! Kids will love to follow the exciting adventures of Peppa Pig and her friends! In this series of Grandpa Pig rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! But magic ointment and falls into the hands of Grandpa Pig and his hand turns into an octopus tentacle too! They come to the hospital, where they meets Pokemon Pikachu. And minions (despicable me) helps to cure hands Grandpa and Suzy Sheep.They are:Magic ointment that turns your hand into the Octopus;George Pig obolet water from buckets, Peppa Pig, Suzy and Danny Sheep Dog;from police cars will disappear; Suzy Sheep fly on bladder zhevachki;Peppa Pig will catch and taking pictures of Pokemon (Pokémon GO);Mummy Pig make Peppa Pig wash floors and much moreGeorge Pig begins to rush into them sweetsThey call Nicole and she joins themfrozen warin this episodein this episode, Peppas and George fight ice creamOther fascinating episodes about Peppa Pig can be seen here:Peppa PigPeppa Pig's house!NicoleMinionsPeppa'sPeppa
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
A brand new series of pregnant mother pigs and pregnant Malifisente. In this episode, Peppa Pig and Nicole go for a walk. They come to the fair, where pregnant Malifisenta sells pumpkins, which burst like a balloon! Peppa Pig pays for bursting pumpkin coins. Maleficent carries magic girls Peppa Pig's house and conjures pumpkin-balls for Nicole, Peppa Pig and pregnant Mama pig. At this time, Dad pig takes itself coin. Nicole and Peppa see him this coin and explained that this coin Maleficent and they must be returned. They returned to the fair, which bring them Maleficent. Come and realize that Maleficent's time to go to the hospital. They sit in the car of Pope pigs. On the way Malifisenta conjures magic ball, which raises the car over all the pits on the road. Pregnant Mom pig appears little piglet, while Maleficent - a small pumpkin.

"Peppa Pig" - funny animated cartoon for children. Little Peppa Pig and her friend Danny Dog and Suzy Sheep love the adventure. In this episode Grandpa Pig decided to go to his car, when the wheels fall off from the Grandpa Pig 's car! Ukatyvayut wheels in opposite directions: on the tree on the roof of the store, to the hospital. Grandpa Pig trying to find a wheel, and Peppa Pig Danny Dog and help him in this. Having collected all the wheels Grandpa Pig leaves. But, going to school, Peppa Pig sees that the wheels fell off from the Grandpa Pig 's car again!

See other series of the pregnant Mummy Pig here:

A new episode of the animated TV series about Peppa Pig! Kids will love to watch the exciting adventures of Peppa Pig and her friends! In this series, Grandpa Pig rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! But the magic ointment, and falls into the hands of Grandpa Pig and his hand turns into an octopus tentacle too! They come to the hospital, where they were met Pokemon Pikachu. And Minions (Despicable Me) help cure hands Grandpa and Suzy Sheep.

They are waiting for:
a magic ointment that turns hand to tentacle octopus;
of George Pig obolet water from a bucket Peppa Pig, Suzy Sheep and Danny Dog;
car police disappear wheels;
Suzy Sheep fly on the bubble chewing gum;
Peppa Pig will catch and photograph Pokemon (the Pokémon the GO);
Mummy is Pig make Peppa Pig wash the floors
and much more

George Pig begins to throw them sweets
They call Nicole and she joins them
frozen war

in this episode
in this episode Peppa and George fighting ice cream
about Peppa Pig Other exciting episodes can be viewed here:
Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig's house!
by Nicole
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a new series of pregnant mother and pregnant малифисенте mumps. in this episode, Peppa pig and nicole go out for a walk. they come to the fair, where pregnant малифисента"s pumpkin patch, which burst like balloons. Peppa pig pays for failing small coins. maleficent takes magic girls in Peppa pig "s house and наколдовывает squash balls for nicole, Peppa pregnant mother pig and piglets. at this time, daddy pig takes coins. nicole and пеппа see him these coins and explain that this change малефисенты and we have to give them back. they return to the market, to bring them малефисенте. come and realize that малефисенте should go to the hospital. they sit in the car daddy pig. on the way малифисента наколдовывает magic ball, which lifts the car above all the curves in the road. the pregnant mother pig is a pig, and малефисенты little pumpkin."Peppa pig" - funny animated cartoon for children. little Peppa pig and her friends danny dog and suzy sheep like adventure. in this episode, grandpa pig decided to go to his car, when suddenly the wheels fall off from the grandpa pig "s car. the укатываются in different directions: on the tree on the roof of the store, to the hospital. grandpa pig trying to find wheels, and Peppa pig and danny dog helps him. by collecting all the wheels grandpa pig"s leaving. but, he came to the school, Peppa pig sees that the wheels fell off from the grandpa pig"s car again!see other series of pregnant Mummy pig here.a new episode of an animated tv series of the Peppa pig! children love to watch the exciting adventures Peppa pig and her friends! in this series, grandpa pig rubs suzy sheep "s hand magic ointment. after that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! but the magic ointment falls and into the hands of grandpa pig and his hand turns into an octopus tentacle too! they come to the hospital, where it meets pokemon pikachu. and minions (the i) helping her hands grandpa and suzy sheep.they are:a magic ointment, which turns the arm in an octopus tentacle.george pig обольет water from buckets Peppa pig, suzy sheep and danny dog;the police will be eliminated from the car wheels.suzy sheep полетает for bubble gum.Peppa pig will catch and take pictures of pokemon (Pokémon go);Mummy pig make Peppa pig floorsand much moregeorge pig starts throwing them candyit"s nicole and she joins him.ice cream warin this episodein this episode, пеппа and george fight ice creamother interesting episodes about Peppa pig can be seen here:Peppa pigPeppa pig "s house.nicoleMinionsPeppa"sPeppa
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