Не будет преувеличением сказать, что сейчас российско-китайские отношения достигли одной из самых высоких точек в своей многовековой истории. Десять лет, прошедшие с момента провозглашения нашими странами курса на стратегическое партнерство, и пять лет после подписания Договора о добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве знаменуются устойчивым развитием российско-китайского сотрудничества [1]. Наши связи базируются на принципах подлинного равноправия и взаимной выгоды, общности интересов по самому широкому кругу проблем, они свободны от идеологических наслоений и динамично развиваются во всех областях: политической, экономической, энергетической, гуманитарной и др.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
It is no exaggeration to say that Russian-Chinese relations have reached one of the highest points in its long history. Ten years that have passed since our countries course on strategic partnership, and five years after the signing of the Treaty on good-neighbourliness, friendship and cooperation are marked by sustainable development of Russian-Chinese cooperation [1]. Our ties are based on the principles of genuine equality and mutual benefit, common interests on a wide range of issues, they are free from ideological layers and dynamic development in all fields: political, economic, energy and humanitarian, etc.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
It is no exaggeration to say that now the Russian-Chinese relations have reached one of the highest points in its long history. Ten years have passed since the proclamation of the two countries in the course of the strategic partnership and five years after the signing of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation are marked sustainable development of Russian-Chinese cooperation [1]. Our relations are based on the principles of genuine equality and mutual benefit, common interests on a wide range of issues, they are free from ideological layers and dynamically developing in all fields: political, economic, energy, humanitarian and other.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
it is no exaggeration to say that now the russian chinese relations have achieved one of the highest points in its history. ten yearssince the proclamation of the our countries of strategic partnership, and five years after the signing of the treaty on good neighbourliness,friendship and cooperation знаменуются sustainable development of russia china cooperation [1]. our relationship is based on the principles of equity and mutual benefit.common interests in the wide range of issues, they are free from ideological layers and dynamic in all fields: political, economic, humanitarian and energy, etc.
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